After solving the problem, Wenquan Creek threw away the phone and stretched himself. He accidentally gave Shan Jiang a fist, which hit his evil face. If the expression is gloomy.

In short, it's a bad expression. Wenquan Creek blinks. Where did she offend the Buddha? I don't think so.

"The phone call is over? He's in a good mood. What if I'm in a bad mood?" Shan Jiang has been listening to her talking to Fu Ziyan.

It was OK at first, and then the more I heard it, the more wrong it was. I couldn't say it. Fu Ziyan was too attached to the hot spring stream.

He was so angry with Su Mengmeng that he didn't go to the crew to visit. He was unhappy immediately. He accepted his temper and apologized. There was no conspiracy.

Having said that he has no feelings for Su Mengmeng, only the hot spring stream will make him have such a great emotional change. He is still coveting his baby.

"Sir, why are you in a bad mood? Is it the little woman who didn't serve you well?" the hands that gave him a fist didn't have time to take back, so he took the opportunity to pick up his chin.

He used to flirt with her so much that he didn't like it for a long time. This time, she took advantage of him. This guy's skin seems to be more delicate than her. Why?

"When you serve me, you think of other men. Do you think I should give you some punishment?" Shan Jiang took her hand LAN into his arms.

"I have something, something..." the clothes of Wenquan Creek had been taken off by the beast long ago and pasted on his hot chest. She knew that something bad was going on.

Flirting what flirting? In the end, he will flirt with her. It is always her who suffers. For example, she has taken off her clothes and he is still wrapped in a bathrobe, although it is almost scattered.

"Baby, are you so relieved that Fu Ziyan contacts Su Mengmeng?" he is full today. Shan Jiang is in a good mood and wants to discredit Fu Ziyan, which is also his idea.

"Why do you say that?" isn't it good for them to be together? She thinks they are a good match. What's the problem?

"Since he doesn't have any feelings for Su Mengmeng, why does he give her hope when his feelings haven't grown? It will hurt Su Mengmeng even more when he leaves."

"What if they are together? Mengmeng will be very happy in the future." Su Mengmeng has always been an idealist, thinking of the good in everything.

But she has this qualification. Aside from everything, there is a great gap between their family backgrounds. Fu Ziyan is rich and can't live a poor life in the end. He is also working hard for this.

She grew up with ordinary people and would not have such an idea. Fu Ziyan may have been abroad without the concept of inequality. Adults will inevitably mind.

Aside from everything, Shan Jiang just doesn't like Fu Ziyan, so that he won't harm other girls. Fortunately, he has no development with Bai yaruo. Later, Bai yaruo is not happy, and he still has some responsibilities.

"What if they weren't together?" Shan Jiang asked Wenquan Xi, forcing her to think bad.

Wenquan Creek suddenly realized that if they were not together, Fu Ziyan would not have any loss because he had no feeling. It was su Mengmeng who was poor.

The more you think about it, the more you panic. I'm afraid that Su Mengmeng feels she can be with him, but Fu Ziyan pushes her away, and her love dream will be completely broken.

What can we do? Break them up before they try? It left a pity for them, and it didn't seem very good.

Wenquan Creek bumped her head against Shan Jiang's chest. Why did she have such a problem? Although he admitted that what he said was reasonable, Wenquan Creek still felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry.

"You have to give me a way to point out what's wrong, hero?" looking at Shan Jiang with his eyes closed and his face secretly happy, why is he so unhappy?

"I've been assimilated by you and have no brain cells." Shan Jiang comforted and hugged the restless little head of Wenquan Creek. She was getting angry. He wanted to let her go.

"Are you saying I have no brain?" she is often told by her mother and brother that her IQ is not enough and has been consistent, but Shan Jiang dislikes her. She is just unhappy.

The unhappiness in capital is written on his face, and Shan Jiang can't see it. Wenquan Creek bit Shan Jiang's neck without much strength, which is enough to make Shan Jiang unable to breathe.

"Baby, you're murdering your husband." feeling Shan Jiang's breath, Wenquan Creek loosened her dog's teeth.

"Do you dare to dislike my stupidity?" Wenquan Xi pouted at Shan Jiang. She was not stupid, but she didn't want to think about many things. She would rather believe that there was only beauty in the world.

"If I dislike you, will I still think of marrying you home every day? I am willing to slowly become dull with you and feel the simplest beauty in the world."

It doesn't matter if you're stupid. How tired are too smart people? People can't live too clearly. He just likes to tease his baby when he comes home from work.

"Then you think of a way for me." he blushed and Wenquan Creek was very shy. Even if he said so many affectionate words, he would still be moved.

"It's said that I'm slowly becoming dull with you. I'm as stupid as you." he can't control other people's feelings and doesn't want to control them. As long as he keeps her, she'll be perfect.

"You coax me, liar, just coax me with these nice words." Wenquan Creek struggled to leave Shan Jiang's arms, saying that she was stupid.

IQ is a natural thing, and she is helpless. She is so stupid. He still likes her. IQ is not necessarily high. Why should he dislike her.

She was really angry when she turned her back and ignored Shan Jiang. She really didn't know what to do with them. What she did was wrong and unnecessary.

"I'm a liar. I'm going to cheat you with love words all my life, so are you willing to listen?" Shan Jiang said affectionately. Wenquan Creek has been wandering outside the sky and didn't hear anything. It may also have deliberately blocked his words.

Seeing that Wenquan River ignored him, he was really angry. Shan Jiang thought of his aching neck. He had one last move, pretending to be poor.

"Baby, my neck hurts and I'm bleeding." Shan Jiang said exaggeratedly and fluttered on the bed.

Directly woke up the wandering hot spring stream. Thought his neck was really bleeding. Her lower mouth was too heavy? "Where? Let me see."

"Fart, where is the bleeding?" by the light, there was nothing but deep bite marks. Where did the blood come from? She was not a vampire.

"Oh, it's your saliva, but it really hurts..."

"What's the matter with biting you? Do you still leave few kiss marks on me?"


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