The more you think about it, the more uncomfortable you feel in your heart. How can you be comfortable with your future and your wife being coveted by others? Even if I knew Hot Spring Creek would choose him.

He has also dealt with many rival lovers, but none of them knows how to look at people's faces than Fu Ziyan. Shan Jiang is very unhappy.

It's still nine o'clock. It's not too late. Shan Jiang took out his mobile phone and called detective Zhang to ask how his progress was?

At this time, detective Zhang is still following Fu Ziyan. He hasn't come out since he joined the crew.

"Mr. Shan, what advice do you have?" detective Zhang answered the phone respectfully. He didn't make any breakthrough in Fu Ziyan, so it's inevitable that he would feel guilty.

"What's the result of your investigation? Why did Fu Ziyan suddenly return home? How was his life in the United States?" Shan Jiang didn't want to hear more about Fu Ziyan's daily life!

What he needs to know is that Fu Ziyan's purpose is that Fu Ziyan is close to the destination of Wenquan Creek. He can't wait to expel Fu Ziyan from the living area of Wenquan Creek.

They will be engaged soon. He doesn't want to have any accident before engagement. Fu Ziyan's existence is an accident. He is not afraid that he will rob the hot spring stream, but he will destroy it.

Whether engaged or married, he hopes to give her the most perfect and unique, and let her be the happiest woman in the world, so he can't tolerate any accidents.

"I'm not sure about the specific purpose of his return, but I guess he came back for the Fu group. He stayed at the Fu Group during his working hours."

Detective Zhang really doesn't know why he came back suddenly. He came back at home, in the Fu group and in the crew. He didn't see him doing some shady activities and transactions.

It is reasonable for him to want to revive the Fu Group, which closed down six years ago. Why does he have time to haunt the hot spring stream? Don't manage his company well.

"According to my investigation, he tried to put Fu group back into operation, but the businesses he contacted are in a state of loss at present, and the situation is not particularly optimistic."

In fact, detective Zhang can't figure out why he should occupy the name of a shell company? A waste of time, energy and manpower.

People know that your Fu Group is a closed company. Of course, when you talk about business, you should consider it again. If you have a good choice, you will not choose you. It's strange not to lose money.

"I want to find out the reasons for the collapse of the Fu Group, but it has been six years. The personnel of the company have been scattered. There is no way to know where to remove them, so it still takes some time to find them back."

In a word, even if he procrastinates first and then has any problems, he can't waste so much reward given by Shan Jiang. He will be very sorry in his own heart.

"What about the United States?" Shan Jiang wants to know whether he has suffered any abnormal treatment in the United States, resulting in such abnormal thoughts. This idea is a little extreme, but Shan Jiang can't be rational.

"He has his own company in the United States, and the business situation is good. Now a woman is taking care of it, called Lin Sisi. The company was founded and has a great connection with this woman."

Women? Fu Ziyan has women in the United States? Or just a simple partner? If a woman comes back in the United States and still wants to find a woman, it's really abnormal.

Shan Jiang despised Fu Ziyan very much. He came back to soak women and let other women take care of the company for him. It's not very kind, even if it's just a partner.

"Where did that woman come from?"

"..." detective Zhang just investigated Fu Ziyan. He didn't really study that woman. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

"Well, Mr. Shan, my ability is limited. Give me some time. I'll ask my American friends to investigate these things for me, and then give you feedback as soon as possible."

It may be that detective Zhang's investigation of Wenquan Creek was too simple, so he also looked at Fu Ziyan simply, looking at some superficial things without going deep to explore some doubts.

This is a trauma in his career. It is the first time that he has an unanswerable question in the face of his employer. Will he smash his signboard? Detective Zhang wants to cry without tears. Even if he smashes it, it has been smashed.

"We must do it as soon as possible." no doubt about the use of people. Shan Jiang did not blame detective Zhang for his poor work. Everyone has their own difficulties and everyone has their own shortcomings.

"Yes, I will as soon as possible." seeing Shan Jiang, I still believe him. Detective Zhang has the spirit of 12 points. He must prove himself that his detective title is not covered.

After hanging up, Shan Jiang felt that he had got nothing, and there was a trace of helplessness and boredom in his heart.

In fact, there is already a line in his mind. Fu Ziyan took over the business in the name of Fu Group, which proves that he is a very unyielding person. He wants Fu group to stand up again.

But to do this, it needs not only fame, but also money, all of which Wen family has. Since they grew up together, it proves that the relationship between the two families is also good.

So when he got close to the destination of Wenquan Creek, would he just want to marry her and let the Fu group stand up again?

But instead of trying to get the hot spring stream, why not directly ask the Wen family for help? He has a good relationship with Wen Zeyu. Wen Zeyu will help him with his old love.

On second thought, I must think it will make them look down on him, but if he approached Wenquan Creek for money, it would not be as simple as looking down on him if it was found.

Of course, all this is just conjecture. Shan Jiang is not sure, and there is nothing to support his determination.

He rubbed his eyebrows, temporarily put aside these troubles and walked to the bedside. Although he didn't have the consciousness of wanting to sleep, he wanted to hug the hot spring stream.

Intentionally or unintentionally, she helped her seduce so many men back, and she slept so sweet. Shan Jiang lamented why she found such a charming invitation.

Even if she has the ability and brain, she has nothing. She can't even feel that someone likes her. She warned him to hide again and again, but she can't refuse others.

"Baby, what should I do with you? I want to lock you at home and keep you from others. Is this the best?"

Certainly not the best. If Wenquan Creek knew what he was thinking now, he might deliberately stay away from him. I can't pay for it. My wife broke up again.


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