When not working, time always seems to pass very fast.

The warm and cold April passed quietly. Mo Yiran opened the window in the morning. It was bright outside. Birds chirped in the shade and sang like the sound of nature.

The community is clean and tidy. A rain last night washed this green community spotlessly, and the new leaves of the forest seem particularly green.

There was a breeze with the fragrance of Sophora japonica, warm and intoxicating.

Since I found out about Mo Qing and Yu Na that day, the half sisters and brothers have never met again.

But Mo Yiran can see the word "Mo LUSHEN" on the hot search from time to time.

New shows are always eye-catching.

Listening to Cui Liji, Mo Qing seems to have adapted to the idol life. Because of her work, she can hardly see him in school.

Mo Qing came to Mo Yiran to explain something, and Mo Yiran didn't contact him again.

Mo Yiran feels that this rigid relationship will not last a lifetime, but will last for a long time.

As for who will break this barrier first, it is a question worth pondering.

The wedding is scheduled for the middle of June. Jing mowen's company still has some things to deal with.

Jing mowen said that he worked overtime these days to finish the important things first, and then went to take wedding photos with Mo Yiran.

The advantage of being rich is that some things that do not necessarily need to be done by themselves can be done by people with employment relations.

Mo Yiran doesn't feel busy at all about getting married.

It seems that in addition to being proposed, Mo Yiran felt that his life had not changed.

She took time to see Mo Changguo. He was still the same, lying in the hospital bed, still immersed in the sadness of Mo's bankruptcy, and refused to recognize the facts.

And Wang Shuyu, although she has calmed down a lot when she sees Mo Yiran, she doesn't hate so much at first.

After all, all her living expenses now need to rely on Mo Yiran. She doesn't know what her son is doing. Now she is very haggard and doesn't care about anything.

Her situation began after her daughter Mo Yutong died.

Mo Yiran saw Wang Shuyu in such pain. Several times she couldn't help but want to tell her that her daughter was not dead.

But Mo Yiran finally didn't say.

Because she only met Mo Yutong in the United States a few months ago, and then she disappeared. Mo Yiran doesn't know whether she is dead or alive now.

Mo Yiran told Mo Changguo and Wang Shuyu that they were going to marry Jing mowen.

Mo Changguo almost went crazy with joy.

Originally sick, but as soon as I heard the news, my happy face lit up.

However, happiness begets sorrow. Mo Changguo was overjoyed and almost went into shock.

Although there was no shock, he still fell into a coma. It is estimated that it will take some time to wake up.

Mo Yiran truthfully tells Mrs. Jing that Mo Changguo is still in a coma in the hospital and will arrange a meeting when he wakes up.

Mrs. Jing didn't have any comments. She said hello and said that she was going to visit. Mo Yiran casually made an excuse and declined.

Mo Yiran took a few deep breaths of the fresh morning air, and then turned back to the living room.

Mo Yiran's cotton slippers had been put into the shoe cabinet by her. She stepped on the black flip flops and slowly stepped on the wooden floor.

A snow-white fluffy carpet was paved in front of the sofa. Mo Yiran took off his shoes and stepped on it barefoot.

Soft, so Mo Yiran feels very comfortable.

She went to the tea table and sat cross legged on the haze blue Futon on the carpet.

On the tea table stood a pile of red envelopes sealed with golden enamel.

This is the wedding invitation from the woman. HuaQuan just sent it yesterday morning.

When it was delivered, some were sealed and some were not. HuaQuan brought Jing mowen's words and said that the rest was left to Mo Yiran to seal himself in order to reflect his mind and give it to those who Mo Yiran felt important.

Mo Yiran was still warm at that time. As a result, the next sentence of HuaQuan made Mo Yiran angry.

"Mr. Jing is a little euphemistic. The deep meaning is that Miss Mo will certainly find the sealing paint fun. Let's seal it for you."

Mo Yiran rolled at the flower spring, and then slammed the door.

That's cheap, this guy!

However, Mo Yiran does feel that the sealing paint is very interesting in his heart.

Mo Yiran sent some wedding invitations yesterday, and some of them were from the same city. It happened that there was a junior high school reunion these two days, so she sent them out by the way.

Mo Yiran was popular in junior high school, but later he went abroad with Bai Shengyan and had less contact with domestic friends.

Those students had several classmate gatherings before. Mo Yiran refused because he couldn't find time.

This time, it's killing two birds with one stone.

Mo Yiran looks at the unsealed invitation on the edge of the tea table and purses her lips slightly. She doesn't know whether to send it or not.

Don't take the invitation with a slender white finger.

The invitation letter is made of leather, which is very textured. The font reflected on it is thin gold, which is very beautiful.

Mo Yiran held the leather invitation in his hand for a long time, and his thin lips closed tightly.

Finally, after thinking for a long time, Yiran picked up her pen and wrote three words in the invitee column of the invitation.

——Dongfang Yu.

Mo Yiran's words are very beautiful. They are not any kind of font. They have her own unique taste.

She stuffed the invitation into the envelope, then melted the fire paint, carefully sealed and sealed it.

Mo Yiran sighed long after sealing his mouth and leaned back on the sofa with some relief.

The woman tilted her head slightly and looked at the ceiling, trying to keep her tears from falling.

Think about it carefully. I have been with Jing mowen for more than half a year.

And I've been in love with Qin Yu for about ten years.

Qin Yu died because of herself. Her heart was broken and hurt. It was a pain in her heart.

Now knowing that the man was not dead, Mo Yiran was very confused.

This confusion is about the same as that of Jing mowen when Li jiangshen woke up.

But now, she has got the certificate with Jing mowen.

what is done cannot be undone.

Qin Yu, after all, became a passer-by in her life.

Mo Yiran hasn't contacted Jing mowen these days, and Jing mowen hasn't contacted Mo Yiran either.

In order to get married, Jing mowen is busy in the company. Mo Yiran doesn't want to disturb him.

More than ten minutes later, Mo Yiran stood up, went to have breakfast and changed his clothes.

Then he went out with the last invitation he sealed himself.

Bright sunshine, warm breeze.

Everything is a beautiful look of prosperity.

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