"To dye."

Just after Mo Yiran and Baisheng have settled their accounts and are about to leave, a voice suddenly calls Mo Yiran.

Mo Yiran and Bai Shengyan stopped at the same time. Bai Shengyan saw the person coming and waved to the driver who had got off the car not far away to open the door for Bai Shengyan and Mo Yiran, indicating him to wait.

"What's up?"

The visitor is Wang Changyi.

Mo Yiran didn't see Wang Changyi's face at the classmate party for so long. She even thought Wang Changyi didn't come.

At this time, he suddenly appeared. Mo Yiran was inexplicably cool behind him in the warm sunshine.


Wang Changyi looked haggard, lowered his head and frowned, as if he were struggling with something.

"Yiran, I want to tell you something..."

Before Wang Changyi finished, Mo Yiran's mobile phone suddenly rang. Mo Yiran looked at the caller ID and smiled at Wang Changyi. Then, regardless of Wang Changyi's request, she walked to an ancient tree next to her to pick up the phone.

Mo Yiran didn't know at this time that Wang Changyi, who was ignored by her at this moment, could have let her resolve a disaster from the sky.

However, Mo Yiran chose to answer the phone between Jing mowen's phone and Wang Changyi, who wanted to stop talking.

"I heard you went to the classmate party. How was it?"

The man's voice was slightly heavy, with a little fatigue, and asked in a soft voice as far as possible.

"It's OK. The classmate party is just like that. It's just a disguised form of networking and flattery." Yi Ran replied with a light smile.

Her heart was warm, like a damp Wutong leaf caught in the rain all night, and suddenly a warm light came in.

This feeling of being concerned and concerned at this moment is actually very good.

At this moment, Mo Yiran suddenly found that the lonely Leng Mo Yiran, who didn't want to trouble others for anything, had gradually become used to being taken care of by others.

"It's you. Aren't you busy at work? Why do you have time to care about me? Are you worried that I will be hurt by dishonest people?"

Mo Yiran recalls that when he first saw Jing mowen, it was Jing mowen who saved himself.

Originally thought that Jing mowen would give a gentle "um" sound, but he heard the man sneering contemptuously on the other end of the phone: "who is so powerful that can hurt you? He was shot by countless poisoned hidden arrows before he came near you."

"Jing Mo Wen!"

Mo Yiran's angry temples cramped. He couldn't resist his anger and roared.

"Well, well, how can you get angry with a little teasing? Have dinner together at night. I'll pick you up. Don't be angry, baby."

Jing mowen was probably very tired. His love words were inadvertently and slowly told out, and the gentle "baby" quickly resolved Mo Yiran's anger.

"Don't you know I won't have dinner? But I didn't have enough at noon, so I reluctantly agreed."

Mo Yiran said hard, but there were gentle ripples on his lips.

While Mo Yiran and Jing mowen were flirting here, two eyes were staring at her closely.

Jing Yu looked at Mo Yiran, who was flushed, and pinched the finger of the wine cup to turn white, his face was cold.

The skinny man sitting opposite Jing Yu looked down the man's line of sight, saw the woman standing under the ancient tree talking on the phone, said something gently, and smiled from time to time.

This kind of smile can't be exposed to people like him.

It's not a world at all.

"Jing Yu, forget it. If you like this kind of woman, there can be no result. I'd rather believe that a gorilla reacts to you than that this vain woman will look at us."

The skinny man said sarcastically. Then, he was stunned. He seemed to think of something. He smiled at the indifferent man across the street and shrugged: "sorry, forget that you are not a common people now."

Jing Yu glanced at the thin man and rubbed the smooth wine glass with his rough fingers. He looked calm and didn't reply.

I don't know whether I was distracted and didn't hear it or didn't bother to answer.

Wang Changyi, who had just been interrupted, looked at Mo Yiran's back with some sadness. At this moment, he looked at the white smoke hanging his lips in front of him and shook.

"What do you want to tell Ranran? Report to me first, eh? Xiao Changyi."

The woman's voice was sweet, but her eyes were like a slippery poisonous snake, breaking Wang Changyi's fragile heart bit by bit.

This strange confrontation suddenly stopped when Wang Changyi was scared to make a loud wine hiccup.

Bai Shengyan's footsteps, which had been slightly close to Wang Changyi, suddenly stiffened in place, and her smile suddenly disintegrated. Bai Shengyan, who has always been powerful, was so devastated by a wine hiccup.

"Ranran, I'll wait for you on the bus!"

Bai Shengyan shouted at Mo Yiran, who was calling wholeheartedly, and then ran back into her new car.

Leaving Wang Changyi blushing and embarrassed to stand in place.

When leaving the yard at the foot of the mountain, several medium-sized men in black jackets and caps passed by Baisheng smoke.

Bai Shengyan glanced at them. The tip of his white and pretty nose moved slightly and smelled a familiar smell.

When she frowned and looked back, the men had entered the yard.

I don't know when a long wind came up in the mountains and forests, and the frost like clouds in the sky were blown in all directions.

The pale sunlight penetrated through the lush branches and leaves layer by layer, and became a shade. The beautiful woman frowned deeply, but she didn't think much. She took back her eyes and sat in the car.

Mo Yiran finally hung up and went back to Wang Changyi.

"Yiran, I......"

Wang Changyi was determined to tell Mo Yiran about it, but the woman before the meeting looked around nervously and asked, "where's ah Yan?"

Just now she forgot her friend and called intently. She didn't pay attention to Bai Shengyan who greeted her.

Wang Changyi felt weightless loss.

"She said she would wait for you on the bus."

He replied with some sad loneliness.

Mo Yiran nodded. He didn't think of anything until then. He said carelessly, "by the way, what did you want to tell me just now?"

"... nothing."

What kind of attitude is often fatal to the outcome of something.

Mo Yiran said "Oh".

With Mo Yiran's faint echo, a gunshot "bang" burst out at the foot of the mountain restaurant where celebrities often come.

"Don't move! Hold your head and squat down!"

Except Mo Yiran, who was standing with a cold face, and Jing Yu, who was sitting and drinking calmly, everyone squatted down with their heads in fear.

In a world where you think public security is very good, in fact, in sparsely populated areas, there are huge conspiracies and hazards breaking out. You don't even know how to die.

Sitting in the car, Bai Shengyan heard the gunshot and turned pale.

She thought of those people in black jackets just now.

There was a slight smell of gunpowder floating in the ai

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