The weather is fine today. Mo Yiran is rarely interested. She takes out her mobile phone and is preparing to shoot, but she finds a problem.

Jingmo text is too high.

Mo Yiran is wearing square heels today, which is not particularly high. Mo Yiran's hands are not that long. If Mo Yiran's face appears in the lens, it can only be seen on Jing mowen's chest

"You're too tall. Squat down."

Mo Yiran frowned with dissatisfaction and didn't look back. He looked at the camera and said to Jing mowen.

When Jing mowen heard the speech, he glanced at the woman, stretched out his hand and picked her up.

Now, Mo Yiran can let Jing Mo Wen into the mirror, and Jing Mo Wen doesn't have to squat down.

"Are you ready?"

Jing mowen frowned when he saw that Mo Yiran moved his mobile phone forward and back, but he didn't shoot it.

"I'm looking for an angle. It's rare to take it once. I have to take it better."

Mo Yiran said.

Indeed, Mo Yiran hasn't sent a circle of friends for more than half a year.

The last time I sent a circle of friends, I was digging ginseng in Changbai Mountain with Bai Shengyan.

"Won't you take wedding photos when you return to city a this time? As long as you want."

Jing mowen held Mo Yiran, who was light and full, and looked down at the woman with a warm tone.

The breeze with the fragrance of flowers brushed the woman's plain white face. Her serious appearance was really moving.

Jing mowen looks at Mo Yiran and gently hooks the corners of his lips. The corners of his eyes and eyebrows are full of gentle spoil.

It was at this moment that the wind suddenly blew. It was a little big. A tree full of flowers flew down. Don't fret with dye's fingertips and freeze a picture.

The woman in the photo has a fair complexion and slightly leans her head against the man's chest. Some petals fell on her dark hair and became snow ornaments, and some flew in the air. The thin lips are slightly pursed, and the gentle distant eyebrows are slightly bent with a smile, which is unspeakable gentle and clear.

Like the long wind at this moment, it is long and quiet.

The man beside her didn't look at the camera, just slightly drooping his eyes. His soft feather eyelashes covered his dark eyes. Although his facial expression was cold, his eyes were full of warmth. Thin lips only slightly hook a corner, almost can't see a smile.

In one photo, a beautiful and innocent woman, a calm and mature man.

Whoever sees it, it's a natural couple.

And behind this seemingly gentle, how many intrigues and deceptions are hidden to build up?

At the same time, Jing Mozhen and Cui Liji, who turned back halfway, are now in the corridor, looking at the two people taking photos under the flower tree.

At the same time, he took out his mobile phone and took a picture of them.

That is, Mo Yiran is held in his arms by Jing mowen to take photos.

Moreover, they sent a circle of friends very quickly.

After adding a filter, a more beautiful picture is matched with a text.

Young girls are worthy of growing up together. The words sent out are tacit understanding, just like the same.

"Please hurry up to the wedding."

How can they be abused only by the two of them?

It's unfair. If you want to abuse, you have to be abused together. Aren't we friends in the list?

Hehe hehe.

Soon, the two people's mobile phones began to tinkle.

First of all, Cui Jie and Cui Ao were praised, and then commented on several rows of ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

After a while, Bai Shengyan and his wife also praised one after another.

"Wow! Lord Huo praised me! I'm afraid I'm not blind?"

Cui Liji was replying to some friends. After refreshing, she suddenly grabbed Jing Mo's shoulder and shook it violently.

Jing Mo really felt his lungs were shaking out.

"Shit, Lord Huo even brushes the circle of friends."

Jingmo really pushed the girl away and patted her on the shoulder to calm her down. Then he took Cui Liji's mobile phone and saw that the user with the word "green" written with a brush appeared in the information column.

"The world has really changed."

The boy shook his head.

"Don't look like you haven't seen the world, will you?"

Cui Liji took back her mobile phone and then said, "you don't see how fashionable people Huo usually wear. Although he manages everything every day, at his age, he basically starts to be idle, ready to provide for the elderly and brush a circle of friends. What's the matter? Discriminating against the elderly? You were still fighting with other sperm when people created the website."

Jing Mo really jerked from the corner of his eye: "Cui Liji, do you dare to be more bold?"

Cui Liji didn't speak any more and then answered the news.

After taking a few pictures, Mo Yiran and Jing mowen went back to their seats.

Mo Yiran looks at the picture in his hand and is selecting a filter. He doesn't have time to talk to Jing mowen.

"What are you doing?"

When Jing mowen saw Mo Yiran turning over the photos, he frowned and was happy. He ignored him, and looked at him with some curiosity at the same time.

Don't take dye's head up, just reply in a perfunctory tone: "P chart."

Jing mowen disdained after hearing the speech, sneered and took back his eyes. He leaned lazily on the back of his chair and was arrogant: "my face, even if it's not p, is also very good-looking."

Mo Yiran was a little unhappy when she heard the speech, but when she looked up, a trace of cunning crossed her eyebrows and said with a smile: "you don't know, this front camera is a magic barrier. It will enlarge your originally small face. If you don't P-P, you can't see it at all. Don't believe it? Look for yourself."

Then Yiran raises his cell phone and puts it in front of Jing mowen.

Jing Mo Wen glanced lazily with Yu Guang.

Sure enough, after only one look, the man's face turned black and said nothing.

"So I look like this..."

The man said to himself thoughtfully. Then he waved impatiently and said, "P! Hurry P, don't let me see!"

Mo Yiran looked at the man and desperately pinched his thigh so that he didn't laugh on the spot.

In fact, this is mo Yiran's mischief, deliberately making both people's faces P big.

"Look, what did I say?"

Mo Yiran pretends to have nothing to do, takes back his mobile phone, then holds back his smile, finds out the original picture and starts adding filters again.

Of course, the photo of the prank just now was also inadvertently left by Mo Yiran.

The woman calmed down again.

Jing mowen looked at the woman's focused appearance, and a smile overflowed from her cold thin lips.

This woman really thinks he's stupid?

Originally, I wanted to ask, "Mo Yiran, do you think I'm an idiot?"

But after thinking about it, he changed his words.

If he had asked back just now, Mo Yiran would not be so happy as he is now.

After a while, Jingmo really came back with Cui Liji.

After two people sat down, the waiter came up with the dishes.

After serving the dishes one after another.

Jing mowen looked at the dark dishes all over the table and frowned quietly, as if he saw something extremely disgusting.

However, Jing mowenhan kept it well. He thought it was ordered by his wife, and didn't say a word.

But Jing Mo is much more honest and cheerful. After all, he is still young and energetic. He doesn't know what danger is.

The boy frowned and could kill a fly. He retreated and said impatiently, "what are these black things like Xiang? Do you want to kill me?"

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