Mo Yiran gasped after she arrived in the kitchen.

She's going crazy about that repressive atmosphere.

In fact, Mo Yiran doesn't know what else he can do.

Early in the morning, it can't be too greasy.

Mo Yiran thought about it and went straight to wash rice and cook porridge.

"Sweet porridge or salty porridge?"

Mo Yiran asks Jing mowen outside.


Jing mowen finally opened his golden mouth and lightly threw a word out.


After Mo Yiran washed the rice and poured it into the pot, she began to find out what to put.

Red dates, corn kernels, medlar, lotus seeds, kidney beans, red beans, tremella.

Have some of everything.

Mo Yiran took out a little of everything, put it in a big glass bowl and soaked it in hot water.

What a feast.

Mo Yiran looked at the big bowl of ingredients and thought that when his mother cooked porridge for him, she didn't let so many things in.

Her mother doesn't like these fancy things.

Her mother likes plain porridge.

Boil the white porridge very thick, and then dye Mo Yi with a boiled egg with a peeled shell.

Mo Yiran stood in the kitchen, standing in front of the pot and quietly watching the pot.

She doesn't want to go out and face Jing mowen. To be more accurate, she is a little afraid.

If Jing mowen scolds her directly as soon as she comes back, Mo Yiran will feel better. In other words, Mo Yiran can scold Jing mowen directly.

Although it is impossible to be as tough as Baisheng cigarette and start fighting directly after smashing the beer, it must be directly after the quarrel, and then go back to each house.

Instead of being as quiet as it is now, it's like the calm before the storm.

Mo Yiran can't guess what Jing mowen wants to do.

In other words, Mo Yiran doesn't know when Jing mowen will burst out suddenly.

It's too quiet.

Like a pool of stagnant water, it's frightening.

"How long will you stand here?"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind, like a cold wind blowing from a bitter and cold place, penetrating the bone marrow.

Mo Yiran was surprised and looked back and found that Jing mowen didn't know when he came behind him. The tall figure shrouded Mo Yiran's petite body, and his eyes were slightly drooping.

"Why are you here? Go out for breakfast. I'm not hungry."

Mo Yiran said.

"Come out and eat together."

Jing mowen's tone was indifferent, with an unassailable dignity.

After he finished, he turned and went out, so Mo Yiran couldn't refuse.

Mo Yiran sighed and followed him out.

What can she do?

What's more, those who should come always come. They can hide for a while and can't hide for a lifetime. Unless Mo Yiran breaks off contact with Jing mowen and doesn't communicate with him, you are yours and I am mine. It doesn't matter to each other anymore.

Otherwise, Mo Yiran has an obligation to explain and clarify something with Jing mowen.

Come and coax this proud man.

Mo Yiran sat at the table, picked up the hot milk, took a little drink, and then said to Jing mowen, "mowen, I think it's our two people's business to be together, which has nothing to do with anyone. Including our parents and relatives, I don't think our feelings should be affected by these unimportant things."

Jing mowen is very clever.

Mo Yiran just makes such a side talk, and doesn't even mention who it is. He has guessed that Mo Yiran may be because something happened to her relatives, but Mo Yiran doesn't want Jing mowen to interfere.

Jing mowen had finished the sandwich before Mo Yiran spoke. At this moment, he was sipping black coffee and said faintly, "Ranran, I thought so before, but now, my idea has changed a little."

Mo Yiran pursed her lips and didn't speak.

Jing mowen put down his coffee cup and looked at the woman sitting opposite him. He opened his mouth with a low and magnetic voice.

"The two of us live together. We are a legal couple who have obtained a license. When we are together, we share our blessings and difficulties. Your business is my business. No matter what difficulties you have, you can tell me that we can face and solve them together. As your husband, if I don't even have the ability to protect you from the wind and rain, what's the significance of my existence?"

Mo Yiran listens, his heart trembles and some holes come out.

She lowered her eyes and thought for a moment.

"However, the husband and wife are birds in the same forest. When a great disaster comes, they fly separately."

The woman said faintly.

However, the man opposite suddenly sneered and said, "this sentence is written for those men and women who don't have the ability. Ranran, you don't believe your husband?"

"It's not that I don't believe you. I just don't want to cause you trouble."

This is the second time Mo Yiran has said such words today.

Don't want to cause trouble to others.

This is her habit from childhood to adulthood.

Not giving others trouble means that she has good reasons to refuse to help others and doesn't need to do things she doesn't like because of a little favor.

"Don't give me trouble? You've given me more trouble. Do you still have one or two less?"

Jing mowen's rhetorical question made Mo Yiran speechless.

"Why do I think this is so familiar..."

Mo Yiran muttered to himself.

Jing mowen frowned fiercely when he heard the speech, "who else has said such similar words to you?"

The man narrowed his eyes dangerously.

How dare that dog man covet his wife?

Turn around and get him out of city A.

Mo Yi Ran frowned and thought, and didn't notice the sinister coldness in the eyes of the man opposite.

After a while, Mo Yiran clapped his hands fiercely and said, "remember, it's ah Yan. When my company was just established a few months ago, she told me the same words as you! At that time, I was so moved that I wanted to marry her, and I was willing to accept it!"

Jing mowen: "

The woman Bai Shengyan is really a threat.

Jing mowen narrowed his eyes.

Never let her guard down just because she is a woman.

Often, what is despised and ignored is the most fatal.

Mo Yiran finally didn't say the 20 million thing. She just said that Mo Changguo's condition suddenly deteriorated. Mo Yiran came back in a hurry.

Jing mowen believed and didn't ask much.

After eating, Mo Yiran went into the kitchen to see his porridge.

"Mo Wen, this time I'm too determined to go my own way. There won't be another time. So do you. No matter what happens in the future, tell me not to carry it alone, do you hear me?"

Women wearing slippers need to look up at Jing Mo Wen.

She looked at him stubbornly, like a rebellious little lion.

Jing mowen sighed helplessly, put his arms around her and whispered in a slightly heavy voice, "OK."

It was bright outside, and the warm morning light came in from the clean window and fell on them as if it had sprinkled a layer of broken gold.

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