Mo Yiran wanted to sleep back, but as soon as she lay down for five minutes, her mobile phone rang.

Bai Shengyan asked her to wash quickly, pack up, go downstairs and play a ball before leaving.

"I want to sleep. I'm so sleepy. Don't you have breakfast and eat more."

Mo Yiran said vaguely, and then hung up the phone.

Then ten minutes later, the door rang.

Jing mowen, who was processing some documents in the living room, opened the door and saw Bai Shengyan. He looked at her warily, "what do you want to do?"

"Tell Ranran to get up."

As Bai Shengyan spoke, he wanted to go inside. As a result, Jing mowen stretched out his hand and supported it on the door. He looked at Bai Shengyan from a commanding position and said coldly, "she's asleep. Go to eat your breakfast."

"Don't get in the way."

Bai Shengyan wanted to push him away like Jing mowen pushed himself away last night, but it is obvious that Jing mowen is not a weak girl and can make Bai Shengyan push away easily.

The man stood still like a mountain.

Bai Shengyan glared at Jing mowen, then bent soft, and went down from his arm under Jing mowen's incredible eyes.

And she quickly left Jing mowen, rushed to Mo Yiran's bed at a divine speed, and "Shua" lifted the quilt covered on her body.

Because the quilt was suddenly lifted off, the woman on the bed habitually curled up and shouted, "Baisheng smoke, are you the devil!"

Bai Shengyan looked at Mo Yiran, who was almost half naked on the bed, and smoked from the corner of his eye: "how do I know you like to sleep naked now?"

Later, Bai Shengyan saw the blue and purple marks on Mo Yi's white skin and couldn't help laughing and making a sound.

"Can you behave yourself?"

Mo Yiran grabs back the quilt, covers his head and continues to sleep. He doesn't want to talk to Bai Shengyan.

If it was someone other than Bai Shengyan who lifted the quilt, she would have been angry.

"Ranran, it's a good time. Can you stop sleeping? It's hard to come out and play. Go. There's snooker on the first floor and play. After playing, pack up, and we can set off for Japan. You'll sleep well on the plane."

"Don't listen, son of a bitch chanting scriptures!"

Bai Shengyan: "

Finally, Mo Yiran got up to play with her under the entanglement of Bai Shengyan.

"Movin, are you going?"

Mo Yiran asked.

Jing mowen is using his mobile phone to pay attention to some domestic economic developments, as well as the stylist he spent a lot of money to invite from Britain.

After hearing Mo Yiran's question, he nodded.


Jing mowen said.

He can't guarantee that any little rabbit will come to hook up with his wife in such a short time.

Just like Jason this morning.

With a face of disaster to the country and the people, he pretended to be innocent at an old age to attract his wife's attention.

What did Bai say before he smoked?

Shameless little hoof!

The three went downstairs together.

It's still early at this time. Even if you get up, you basically have breakfast in the restaurant. There are no players.

Passing by the gym, there was only a middle-aged man jogging.

Three people entered the room.

The room is very big and empty. There are only two ball tables.

Yan binwei arrived before several people. At this time, he was wiping the club head with clever powder at the ball table.

Hearing the sound, he raised his head, selectively ignored the Jingmo couple and smiled at his baby wife: "coming? Come here."

Bai Shengyan nodded and walked over.

A female staff member with slightly shrunk shoulders is swinging the ball.

I don't know whether it's because she sees more handsome men and beautiful women or because of her professional quality. She never sees more people.

Just after the ball was played, the door was pushed open again. A middle-aged foreign man said something in English to her.

Two blonde children, five or six years old, suddenly appeared next to the middle-aged man's legs. They were very cute.

They dragged their father's trousers and smiled happily.

The staff answered, then smiled politely at Mo Yiran, said the ball was set, and then left.

"Ah Yan, those two children are so cute."

Yan binwei looked at the white smoke in his eyes.

Bai Shengyan looked back and smiled, "so?"

"So let's have two in the future. I think girls are very good. Boys are too bear."

Bai Shengyan sneered: "I think you look like a bear child!"

"No, Xiaoyan? Do you agree?"

Yan binwei hugged Bai Shengyan.

"Go away, I'm in such a good shape that I can return it after birth."

Bai Shengyan took the lead in kickoff: "go to the edge! I'll play with Ranran."

Yan binwei didn't let go and still held Bai Shengyan's waist tightly to play a rogue.

Bai Shengyan was not polite. He hit the man's abdomen heavily with the bottom of the club.

Yan binwei snorted stiffly, but still didn't let go.

"All right, you husband and wife fight. It's really greasy."

Jing mowen frowned and his eyes were full of disgust. Then he took Mo Yiran with a strange look and walked to the ball table on the side.

"Ran Ran? Ran Ran Ran?"

Jing mowen's voice came into his ears. Mo Yiran, who had been in a trance, raised his eyes fiercely and smiled at Jing mowen.

"Hmm? What's the matter?"

Jing Mo Wen looked unchanged and said, "it's you."

Mo Yiran looked at the eyeball table, looked at the scattered ball, "Hmm", and then found a ball. After aiming at the angle, he narrowed his eyes slightly and exerted himself fiercely.

The sound of the ball hitting is loud enough to see its power.

However, the ball did not enter the hole as expected.

It hit the table.


Mo Yiran opened his lips slightly, some of whom couldn't believe it.

This was an excellent goal. For Mo Yiran, an old hand who began to play with a club at the age of five, if she didn't score, she should eat Xiang.

However, she still pursed her lips and didn't say much. Her eyes motioned Jing mowen to continue.

Jing mowen looked thoughtfully at Mo Yiran and said nothing.

Bend over, aim, one shot into the hole, accurate.

Don't dye your smile.

However, the smile gradually solidified when he missed several times.

Jing mowen is very good at playing. Mo Yiran can't beat him.

So, every time Jing mowen scored a goal, he was given a fierce stare by Mo Yiran.

Jing mowen turned a blind eye to the beating.

"Why don't you let me? Look at Yan binwei next door!"

Don't point at the table next door angrily.

At this moment, Bai Shengyan has just scored a goal. Yan binwei is laughing: "good ball!"

When it was Yan binwei's turn, the man leaned down and aimed.

Sharp eyes looked at the ball along the club and made a fierce effort.

Hit an empty ball.

"Ah, my hand slipped."

The man said quietly, without any embarrassment on his face.

Then he played several times again, finally he finally aimed at the ball and flew the ball directly to Mo Yiran's table.

A bang.

Mo Yiran twitched the corners of his mouth.

Jing mowen frowned and looked serious: "Ranran, you've gone too far! How can I learn from the mentally retarded?"

Yan binwei, who came to pick up the ball, looked sideways and stared fiercely at Mo Yiran.

"Why are you staring at me? You stare at Jing Mo Wen!"

Don't be angry.

Jing mowen: "

Bai Shengyan: "

Yan binwei turned his head and glared at Jing ink.

Jing mowen twitched at the corners of his mouth and turned black.

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