When Mo Yiran came home, he received a letter from his lawyer.

Mo Yiran glanced roughly. The more she saw later, the deeper her eyebrows frowned.

Until I saw the name, Mo Yiran's eyebrows spread out and smiled coldly. There was a trace of loneliness in his clear eyes.

And, I had expected, but when I really faced the facts, I still couldn't stop being sad.

At the beginning, when Mo Qing saw her closest eldest sister pinching his mother's throat, was she in the same mood now?

Angry, sad, puzzled, unbelievable

However, Mo Yiran is glad that Mo Qing did not have a petition to directly take her to court, but sent a lawyer's letter, that is, there is still a chance for privacy.

"No wonder you're in a hurry to make money. You're in a hurry to sue me."

Mo Yiran shook her head and threw the lawyer's letter on the table.

Mo Qing wanted to spit out all the property she had taken from Mo's house, and even wanted her to spit out more.

It means that Mo Yiran wants to return everything he has taken with interest.

Mo Yiran thought about it carefully.

The first time I found something wrong with Mo Qing was on New Year's Eve.

That night in the ancient town of Jiangnan, the boy said with his always gentle eyebrows that he didn't hate Mo Yiran.

But how can I not hate?

One side is his own mother and the other is his half sister.

The elder sister robbed the family property and looked ferocious. She hurt his own sister and pinched his mother's neck

One by one is sin.

If Mo Yiran is mo Qing, she will not give up easily.

It's like Mo Yiran's revenge for his own mother and waiting for more than ten years.

Hatred is a seed, which will not dissipate with the passage of time, but will gradually grow into towering giant trees nourished and watered by each other's guilt.

The more gentle the attitude, the more violent the outbreak.

If she had been forbearing before, the reason why Mo Qing was in such a hurry was that Mo Yiran ran ran into her about her relationship with Yu Na.

When he became angry, he shot.

After all, I'm too young to breathe.

Mo Yiran changed his clothes and went to the company.

After going out for half a month, things in the company have already piled up.

Although most of the things are watched by the people at hand, there are still some things that Mo Yiran needs to confirm in person.

And recently Mo Yiran is going to set up another branch in the neighboring city.

After experiencing Wang Shuyu's 20 million yuan incident half a month ago, Mo Yiran suddenly felt that she was still quite poor. Going to 20 million yuan scared her out of her mind.

It turns out that Qin Yu needs to help solve this matter in the end.

What a shame.

If you had enough money and ability, you wouldn't have the cheek to ask Qin Yu to help.

Now think about it, Bai Shengyan's admonition to himself was actually very reasonable.

Life in the world, comfort is one thing, like romantic, can, but this is a tonic.

Life is a dish, and a dish can't only be composed of seasonings. There must be main ingredients.

And the main ingredient of life is adversity.

The adversity that makes you work hard.

Only adversity can grow.

It's not difficult to tell whether your life is uphill or downhill.

If you feel difficult and laborious, you are going uphill. If you feel relaxed, you are going downhill.

If not, someone else is helping you bear the wind and rain pressure.

Mo Yiran has been too relaxed recently.

I'm busy.

So she began to feel that she was at a standstill and could guess what would happen tomorrow every day.

day in and day out.

Repeat the steps of yesterday.

Week after week.

Mo Yiran went to the company, dealt with the matter roughly, picked out the urgent and necessary things to solve, and left the rest aside.

After staying in Rio for an hour or two, Mo Yiran took the documents out of the company to meet the customers in the afternoon. It was already dark.

The sun set.

Dusk is getting late, and the flowers on the branches seem to be closed. In short, they are not as bright as in the day.

Mo Yiran got into the car. It was the evening peak and the road was blocked badly.

Mo Yiran looked at the time, looked at a large car queue in front of him, frowned, then looked at the subway 100 meters ahead, took out his mobile phone and called his assistant.

"Lin Wu, now come to Xinjiekou. I'm stuck on the road. Next to China Merchants Bank, call me."

Mo Yiran's Qingyu is just a small company. It can't compare with the large consortium composed of several families like Jing mowen. Naturally, it can't recruit an assistant graduated from a famous foreign university like Qingqing.

However, the assistant called Lin Wu recruited by Mo Yiran is also pretty good.

On call, no complaints, very self-motivated.

He graduated from a famous university in China and is excellent in all aspects.

As for why a student who graduated from a famous university would choose to interview a small assistant in a small company like Mo Yiran, according to Lin Wu, it was because he was arrogant and picky about his work when he first graduated from a famous university.

The one who dislikes hardship and the one who dislikes low salary.

Later, I started my own business, but the business failed

Two years after graduation, I didn't even have a serious job. But his former classmates had a stable working income, and some even entered the palace of marriage. He was worried.

He was kicked out by his parents and said he wouldn't go home if he didn't find a job.

However, for older people like Lin Wu who have graduated for two years and have no work experience, they forget almost what they have learned in the school. No company will take in a waste when they graduate from a famous school.

Lin Wu didn't want to work as a waiter. He couldn't learn anything. Then he just saw Mo Yiran's recruitment.

I thought the salary was very high and the treatment was good, so I came first.

"You look good. Although you're not tall, it's good to be a plane model at a height of one meter seven or eight."

Mo Yiran asked at that time.

Then he was deeply despised by the forest fog.

"I'm a brain eater! How can I eat by appearance? Boss, you're insulting me!"

Well, people with good brains have weird thoughts.

Commonly known as freak.

Lin Wu is very efficient. Even under normal circumstances, it takes 15 minutes to drive from the company, but Lin Wu arrived in 10 minutes.

"How did you get here? Very fast."

Mo Yiran was surprised when he saw the forest fog.

As he got out of the car, he handed him the car key.

"Little yellow car."

Lin Wu put down the shirt sleeve rolled to his elbow, buttoned it, wiped the sweat on his forehead, and said calmly.

Mo Yiran: "

Mo Yiran patted Lin Wu's sleeve with a serious face and said, "young man, there is a future."

"Is the boss going to give me a raise?"

Lin Wu's eyes suddenly lit up.

Mo Yiran blinked and said, "well... You know, the company is in a recession recently... Next month, it will rise when the boss gets married."

Lin Wu nodded solemnly.

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