After returning to the company, Mo Yiran looked at the two little dragons in the cage and said to Lin Wu, "take care of these two dragons for a few days first. They are too thin. Try to fatten them up these days and look more pleasant."

Mo Yiran teases two little guys with a grass branch.


The forest fog is coming.

Mo Yiran played with little chinchilla for a while, threw away the grass branches and went upstairs to deal with the less urgent but still important work after she had seen it.

It was already nine o'clock when he returned to the company just now. Mo Yiran felt a headache looking at a pile of documents and bills piled on the desk.

Really, it's fun to travel and come back to the crematorium.

But what should be played has also been played. She can't degenerate all the time. She has to work.

I don't know how long it took, the employees left after work.

Basically, they said hello to Mo Yiran outside and left.

Only ah Qing and Lin Wu came together and knocked on the door of Mo Yiran's office.


Mo Yiran didn't lift his head and replied.

The door opened and a slight wind came in.

"Sister ran, why does your husband work so hard with so much money? Don't stay up late and go back quickly. If I were you, I would have gone back to eat, drink and have fun, play mahjong and go shopping."

Ah Qing's voice.

Mo Yiran looks up.

Not seen for half a month, the boy seemed to grow taller again, changed his hair style, and the edges and corners of his face became clearer.

A pair of clear eyes looked at Mo Yiran and said.

"If I play mahjong and go shopping at home, you won't have this job." Mo Yiran smiled lightly.

Lin Wu was probably tired after working all day. He leaned lazily against the door and said, "ah Qing didn't really let sister Ranran go back to be a rich wife. He just wanted you not to be so tired. It's OK to keep these jobs until tomorrow."

Probably because these two people in the company have the highest appearance value among boys, Mo Yiran found that these two people play very close.

Smiling at them, he said, "there are other jobs tomorrow. Work will only drag more and more. All right, you two go back quickly."

"Then let's go first. Sister ran, hurry up."

Ah Qing shrugged, turned and left.

Mo Yiran nodded. He was just about to continue his work, but he saw Lin Wu come in.

"Why don't I stay and help you? You're alone with such a heavy workload..."

"What shall I do if you stay? I'm afraid to walk alone at night!"

Before Lin Wu finished, ah Qing went back again, frowned and came back, staring at Lin Wu angrily.

Hearing the speech, Mo Yiran's eyes lingered between them.

Lin Wu guessed something from Mo Yiran's eyes. He blushed and waved his hand hurriedly, saying: "don't misunderstand, don't misunderstand, we rent together, but the rented house is a little biased. The street lamp has broken recently..."

The more you paint, the darker it gets.

Mo Yiran knocked the table with the end of his pen, and then said, "let's go. I don't have overtime pay. I'm a little tired today. I can choose to sleep a little more tomorrow, but you can't. If you're late, you won't be on duty. Go back to bed."

"Yes, he is the boss. The boss has just returned from his trip. Our employees are suffering. Let her eat and bear hardships. Let's go. I'm starving."

Ah Qing has always been straightforward and heartless.

As he spoke, he even dragged the forest fog away.

After the two men left, the air was silent. Mo Ran's smile dispersed and began to concentrate on his work.

I don't know how long it took Mo Yiran until she felt that her back, neck and eyes were sour. She didn't leave her sight from the account book in her hand.

She looked up, rubbed her eyes, and then twisted her neck.

"Lin Wu, pour me a cup of coffee..."

Mo Yiran said habitually. After that, he remembered that Lin Wu had been released from the quilt.

I couldn't help sighing.

Mo Yiran raised his wrist and looked at the time. It was already 1:30 in the morning.

I looked at the remaining work, calculated the progress, and just come early tomorrow.

The woman yawned and stretched, then put on her high heels and left.

This job doesn't earn much money, and it has gradually stabilized. There's no need to come day by day. Just give it to the people under your hand.

Mo Yiran thought in his mind while checking the employees' day work.

At first, the dessert company was opened purely because of personal hobbies, but Mo Yiran was still very realistic.

She chose the latter between loving and eating.

Only when you have money can you support your hobbies.

Making money is nothing more than real estate, education, energy, it digital products and so on.

The business with fast capital turnover makes the most money, or in the same industry, if your capital turnover is faster than others, you will make the most money.

But these things are not easy to do.

Forget it. Ask Baisheng another day.

And it doesn't mean you can do it again. Wait until you get married.

Mo Yiran is so tired that he yawns.

After confirming that there was nothing forgotten, Mo Yiran went downstairs.

As a result, just out of the elevator, I saw a man sitting on the sofa not far away.

Mo Yiran was slightly stunned, walked up to the man and took out the newspaper from the man's hand.

"Why are you here? Huh?"

Jing mowen raised his eyes and looked at the woman's slightly tired face, which was distressed.

But he didn't show it. Instead, he stretched out his hand and pulled the woman to his legs and sat down.

The man reached out and pinched the woman's soft face and said, "of course, he's waiting for my wife."

Mo Yiran chuckled, buried his head in the man's arms and asked, "how do you know I'll be downstairs? If I go directly to the parking lot, you can't wait. Don't you want to wait here all night?"

"You stay up so late. You must be out of spirits driving. You have to go out and buy something to eat?"

Jing mowen answered with a smile.

"What if I'm really too tired to eat and drive away?"

Mo Yiran doesn't give up and continues to ask.

"You are not such an irrational person."

Jing mowen smiled firmly.

Mo Yiran hooked his lips and smiled.

The night was beautiful and there were no pedestrians in the streets.

There are more luxury cars, motorcycles and some beauties with heavy makeup.

The young face is still intoxicated.

Some are going into the nightclub, while others are shaking their heads and coming out.

Some took a taxi and didn't know where to go in the night. Others took a luxury car and disappeared into the night.

Since Jing mowen came to pick him up, Mo Yiran didn't drive again.

Mo Yiran sat quietly, looked at the angular face of the man beside her and smiled.

"What are you laughing at?"

Asked Jing mowen.

Mo Yiran hooked his lips and lifted his hair: "my man is so beautiful."

Then he turned his head to look at the night outside the window.

As for Jing mowen, he didn't reply. He just frowned and smiled silently.

The eyes are full of joy.

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