Mo Yiran is so insinuating that he praises his high IQ. What does he do for others?

What's more, Tim blocked for a while and went home to the crematorium.

Jingmo really believes that all the obstacles he added to Mo Yiran at the dinner table can be solved easily and effortlessly.

However, after returning home, Jing mowen didn't know how to revenge himself.

Although in the past, when he annoyed Jing mowen, he always thought of various ways to escape.

However, today is different from the past.

Jingmo really knows that he had a chance to escape before, but it's because Jingmo's anger is not so big that he doesn't bother to care about himself.

But now, Jing mowen takes Mo Yiran as a treasure. He holds it in his palm for fear of falling, and holds it in his mouth for fear of melting.

It's OK to make a little fuss on weekdays. On such an important occasion today, if you let Mo Yi dye down, Jing Mo really doesn't doubt it. When you look back, Jing Mo Wen will make you unable to get out of bed.

Don't get me wrong. If you can't get out of bed, you can't get out of bed.

For example, when Jing Mo really goes downstairs, Jing Mo Wen appears behind him. As soon as he stretches his foot, he falls down and breaks his leg and hands. Jing Mo Wen will casually say, "sorry, my feet are slippery."

So, for his personal safety, Jing Mo really decided to watch the change and eat quietly.

The two families met this time, and the whole was harmonious.

After all, Mo Yiran is here. She is a beautiful goddess. From the aspect of appearance, she is very compatible with Jing mowen. There is nothing to find out.

He has a clean family background. Although he went bankrupt recently, the Jing family has deep roots and numerous branches. He doesn't care whether the woman's family is rich or poor.

Mrs. Jing thought that although the Mo family was bankrupt, Mo Yiran was more valuable.

A talent, outstanding temperament, social aspects, although not very wide, but very fine.

It's the kind that can pick people to play with.

If you are not a particularly excellent person, Mo Yiran will not contact you.

When Qi Baiyu secretly told herself that Mo Yiran and Bai Shengyan had been good friends for more than ten years, she thought the granddaughter-in-law was good.

Bai Shengyan is arrogant and has high vision, but she is capable and no one dares to say anything.

Mo Yiran's best friend is Bai Shengyan, and Bai Shengyan's man is Yan binwei. Yan binwei seems to have contacts with Cui biejun, and Cui biejun's sister has frequent contacts with Mo Yiran

Too many people are involved.

Every family is a famous family in city A.

Mrs. Jing took a sip of tea and then put it down slowly.

Many years ago, Jing family was not the leader of many industries in city A. at that time, Cui family was more powerful than Jing family.

In short, it is a coincidence that the offspring of several families were born at a very close time.

The age difference is not much, so I tried my best to send my grandson to the same school with those children, and kept creating opportunities for several children to play together, and support each other to grow up.

Everything was expected, and the children got along well, both young and brothers.

But there was an accident.

That's Cui biejun.

Cui biejun's sudden accident at home made the little child bear the pressure he shouldn't bear at that age too early.

So one of the five quit.

Now, Cui biejun is still not familiar with several people.

Therefore, Jing and Cui have less cooperation.

If there is a lack of trust between the two families and there are intrigues in the business field, how can there be harmony?

But the timing is wrong. Cui biejun is a monster protecting his sister.

Cui Liji seems to like Mo Yiran very much.

Mo Yiran and Cui Liji are a junction point.

The young lady of the Jing family has contacts with the little princess of the Cui family. Are you afraid that the two men won't play and have an intersection?

Old lady Jing had a calculating smile on her lips.

She is very satisfied with her granddaughter-in-law.

A person's value lies not in how much money she has, but in the network behind her.

No matter how much money you have, you will run out one day, but the connection between people can't easily die of old age.

"Ranran, come on, have some turtle soup to make up for it. You look thin."

Mrs. Jing personally filled a bowl of soup and kindly handed it to Mo Yiran with a smile.

Mo Yiran thanked and took it with a smile.

In the Jing family, the real head of the family is Mrs. Jing.

Mr. Jing is old, not very in charge, and is a wife slave.

My son used to work mainly for the government, and his business mind is really not as good as Sun Tzu Jing mowen.

As for the other uncles and uncles of Jing mowen, they all depend on the family.

The old lady is satisfied. How dare they have any opinion?

As for the two old men of the Mo family.

The two are relatively ordinary old husbands and wives. They don't have as many calculations and comparisons as Mrs. Jing. They feel that the Jingmo writers are powerful and talented. The key is to their granddaughter. They look comfortable and have no opinion.

Mo Changguo and Wang Shuyu

They were so happy that they couldn't wait to put Mo Yiran in a sack and send him to Jing mowen's bed.

For the two of them, Mo Yiran is their chess piece for Mo's comeback.

Although Wang Shuyu is still in a panic about Mo Yiran, now her daughter's whereabouts are unknown, and although the stepdaughter is indifferent, she will not sit idly by. Therefore, Mo Yiran's marriage to Jing's house is good for her, why not?

If there are complaints, it is not without them.

Throughout the audience, shaozhuangyi kept eating. His face has never been better. He hasn't shown a smiling face since Mo Yiran entered the door.

However, due to the presence of Mrs. Jing, she was not easy to attack, so she had to eat hard to make herself less angry.

However, she will not give up easily!

She doesn't understand. What's good about moyiran?

Isn't it just beautiful? Isn't vivi beautiful?

A bankrupt woman and a woman who has just inherited the family business are normal people. They all know how to choose.

But why can't Jing mowen understand it?

Jing mowen is young and confused by her beauty. Even if she can't see through, the old lady can't understand!

Shaozhuang art became more and more angry.

"In laws, it's hard this time. You come to city A. next time we're free, we'll visit Jiangnan."

After dinner, on the occasion of parting, grandma Jing said goodbye to grandma mo.

Then they said goodbye with a smile and left.

In the next two days, Mo Yiran and Jing mowen took the two elders of Mo's family to play in city a for two days, and then Mo Yiran sent them back to Jiangnan.

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