Mo Yiran opened his lips slightly, his pupils narrowed, looked at Jingzhen and Jingmo Wen in suits and shoes, and the corners of his mouth couldn't stop twitching.

"Teacher Xiao ran, you are very lucky. This is the first time my brother has come to my school to see the teacher as a relative in his life. You should go to the temple to burn incense."

The young man's hand was behind his waist, and his careless handsome face had a smile of schadenfreude.

Yiran knows that Jing mowen has a brother named Jing Mozhen.

Jingzhen, it seems, is just a pseudonym deliberately used to avoid exposing the background.

Yiran had never thought that the profession of teacher would annoy her to death before. At most, she would annoy herself by aging ahead of time.

Now it seems that the world is very big, and the circle is so big that driving the crane to the west is just around the corner.

"Mr. Jing, your eldest brother is like a father. No matter how busy your work is, you have to take care of your children. Your brother's hair, clothes, fighting, being late and other things that are not conducive to school students, Mr. Jing can take more care of them."

He was used to being bullied by Jing mowen. At this time, he suddenly stood in front of himself and waited for training, which made Yiran a little uncomfortable.

However, it is rare to have an opportunity to suppress Jing Mo Wen. Naturally, Yiran won't let go. He talked a lot about Balabala. After that, he was so happy that he flew up.

When Jing mowen listened to Yi Ran's complaints, he smiled kindly all the time.

"Finished?" seeing Yiran stop drinking water, Jing mowen said.

Yiran nodded.

Jing Mo Wen said "um" and turned his head. His eyes were suddenly cold when he touched Jing Mo Zhen.

Yiran looks at Jing mowen and shakes. He is really a gloomy and uncertain man.

Jing Mo, who has been holding a smile from beginning to end, can no longer laugh at the moment when Jing Mo Wen looks at him coldly.

"Brother, brother, I, I'm wrong."

Jingmo really changed his arrogance and arrogance in ordinary days, swallowed his saliva and drooped his head in Jingmo's cold stare.

"What's wrong?" Jing mowen continued to say to Jing Mozhen in a non pestilent and non fire tone.

Jing Mo really tightened his fist and said, "I shouldn't fight, I shouldn't be late, I shouldn't dye my hair, and I shouldn't make the teacher angry."

"Apologize to your teacher."

Jing Mo Wen's back is straight, and his cold sight pierces Jing Mo's real back like a steel needle. The tone is gentle, without any discussion, like a boss giving orders to his subordinates, cold and irresistible.

Jingmo really turned around and bowed 90 degrees to Yiran. The young man's clear voice sounded in the quiet office.

"I'm sorry, miss Xiaoran. I'm young and ignorant. I've done a lot of things that make you cold. Don't take it to heart. I'll have class obediently in the future."

Jing Mo is really not a obedient child. He can even ignore Jing Mo Wen. But Jing mowen's warning before school seems to be on the ear - if you receive a complaint from the school, you don't have to go back to Jing's house.

He is not afraid that Jing mowen is angry. He is just afraid that Jing mowen ignores him.

Jing mowen doesn't like to see that he is used to it, but at least Jing mowen will be angry with him because of his mischief.

As long as Jing mowen is willing to talk to him, he can lower his head appropriately.

Yiran looks at Jing Mo Zhen, who is obedient. She almost suspects that she is blind.

After asking Jing Mo Zhen to return to the classroom, she looked at Jing Mo Wen meaningfully. What's the man's ability? Can really treat Jing Mo so obediently.

"Teacher Xiaoran, Jingmo really dares to make you angry again. Call me directly and definitely pack it up and send it to you like a person."

Jing mowen smiled quietly. For some reason, Yiran thought that there was something sinister in this smile.

After work, Yiran drove to Ting Chan.

At noon, Bai Shengyan called her and seemed to be in a good mood.

A few days ago, Bai Shengyan flew abroad to talk about business. He hasn't had time to find dye.

Now that the cooperation has come back, the first thing I think of is Yiran.

Bai Shengyan just called when he got it.

"Next week? I have something to do next week. I'm not free." Bai Shengyan's face when answering the phone is a little ugly, like a disgusting expression of smelling tuna that has died for many days.

Yiran put down her bag and sat down. She vaguely heard the helpless voice of the man on Bai Shengyan's phone: "what's more important than health?"

Bai Shengyan said calmly, "liposuction."

Then he hung up with a bang.

"This fitness coach is more annoying than Tang Seng. You can find it again after pulling the blacklist."

Bai Shengyan buckled his mobile phone heavily on the table, and his tone was impatient.

Yiran smiled: "didn't you say you want to lose weight recently? You paid the money in high spirits, but now you shrink back?"

"Losing weight is definitely necessary, but who says you can only go to the gym when doing exercise? I can find Yan binwei."

Yiran: "

As soon as we met, we were abused by Baisheng cigarette, and ran said he was very sad, so he spent thousands of yuan on Baisheng cigarette for a meal.

Bai Shengyan committed a crime and almost cried when he paid. Finally, ran patted her on the shoulder to comfort her: "ah Yan, can our friendship be measured by money? It's only a few thousand yuan. Let Yan always reimburse him later."

"Why don't you go to heaven? Don't say you just came down from heaven!" Bai Shengyan complained.

He sank his eyes, reached out and touched the belly of Bai Shengyan's Micro drum, with a slightly serious opening: "why don't you weigh it?"

Bai Shengyan died at the age of 25.

"Ranran, I feel so tired."

Two people are sitting on the sofa in the hotel. The killer is not too cold on TV.

"Is life always so painful? Or is it only as a child?"


After Lyon finished, Bai Shengyan fell into Yi Ran's arms like a child.

"Living is very tired, but only living can we meet."

He put his dyeing hand on Bai Shengyan's shoulder, replied lazily, and stared at the TV motionless.

"If only there were such a job that money fell from the sky." Bai Shengyan continued to fantasize.

Yi Ran glanced at her with a faint glance. The corners of her lips were slightly pulled. It was funny: "do you want to be the bastard in the wishing pool?"

"What are you talking about!"

Baisheng got up fiercely and patted Yiran's arm. Then he calmed down and said: "Ranran, seriously, you haven't handled the affairs of the three Mohan and Yuan families well this time. There are too many involved. The lotus roots are broken and cut continuously. It's still chaotic. Although on the surface, both Han Dao and Yuan Nuo seem to have put down, Ranran, you should know in your heart that they won't be so light and easy."

Yiran nodded to make it clear.

Then she pulled out a lady's cigarette from the cigarette box and lit it. The smoke was swirling around the room, and her red lips gently opened: "but now I care more about another person than the two of them."

Bai Shengyan also smoked a cigarette, put his head in front of Yiran, and burned the cigarette directly through Yiran's cigarette tail.

After swallowing the clouds, the whole person seemed more calm.

"Do you mean to say, Mo Yutong?"

He flicked the ash and nodded.

"Although Mo Yutong was shot and killed under my nose, I can't rest until her body is found. I have a hunch that it's not over."

Mo Yiran's thin body, the cat languidly fell into the soft sofa, Baisheng smoke also leaned over, and his tone was lazy: "according to what you said, she was so badly injured, even if she didn't die, she must be half paralyzed. I don't understand what you're worried about."

Yiran glanced at Bai Shengyan and smiled: "in order to make Mo Yutong disappear completely, I paid a great price. My son is too miserable..."

Bai Shengyan sympathetically took her hand and said softly, "next time someone can make you swear, you can say loudly that I was the one who almost gave birth to my son."

Bai Sheng's delicate eyebrows frowned as one cigarette fell and another burned.

"By the way, Ranran, Wang Songchuan in your school is a beast with human face and beast heart. In a word, he is not a good thing. Stay away from him."

"Have you started to investigate the people around me again?" Yi Ran raised her eyebrows.

Bai Shengyan suddenly smiles when he sees Yiran and sees the displeasure between her eyebrows and eyes. He immediately softens his attitude, holds the woman's arm and coquettishly says, "Ranran, don't be angry with me. Aren't I worried that you will be cheated? Men are dogs, especially those little white faces who look gentle. Be careful of them!"

Yiran snuffed out the smoke and smiled without saying a word.

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