"What are you talking about? How could I betray and betray your grandfather? I didn't even want to sign the shares. Today he called me out under the guise of eating. I don't even know what happened. ."

Mo Jinrong nodded, and continued to look at the others and said solemnly.

"What about you? You don't know about it either?"

The others shook their heads together.

Mo Jinrong nodded and smiled.

"It seems that only President Bao wants to withdraw from the group. Then I will fulfill you. Starting from today, you will not be a shareholder of the Mo Group. I will take back all your shares. You will be a traitor in the industry. I want to see which company would dare to hire you as a shareholder?"

"President Mo, how can I say that I have been with you for a long time. You can't do this to me. I just want to seek a better life. I have held such a small share in these years. I can't make ends meet by eating dividends. You don't even give me a salary increase, what can I do to support the family?"

Bao Chunlai is not tall, and his appearance is also ugly, so he begged for forgiveness even more, and the appearance of a man is gone.

"Don’t think I don’t know what good things you are doing outside. If you don’t raise so many foreign affairs for them and buy so many luxury goods, you will not be enough. There are so many illegitimate children outside. It’s only blame for your money. You can only blame yourself. From now on, get out of my sight."

Mo Jinrong said angrily.

Mo San pulled Bao Chunlai out, and Mo Jinrong looked up at everyone on the table.

"Everyone, if anyone is moved with this kind of thought in the future, he doesn't need to hide it and tell me directly that I can meet all your requirements. Have I mentioned you before? If anyone dares to make such a mistake in the future, All are expelled from the Mo Group."

Zhao Jun was a little panicked and said hurriedly.

"I don't have a visa agreement. What should I say, I am also the person who came with your grandfather. You can't do this to me."

"I know I'm scared, what did I do earlier? I didn't say to fire you, as long as each of you is obedient and the dividends will be enough for you to eat for a lifetime, but if someone is still dishonest, don't blame me for turning my face and ruthless."

Mo Jinrong stood up, received all the share agreement transfer documents, looked at Mo Shengli and smiled.

"Uncle, I think I should take you not thin before? I gave you the position of Uncle Chang Wen. If you are not satisfied, there is no need to buy other people's shares when I am away. From now on, Uncle will never be allowed Intervene in any company's affairs.

The stock industry is still quite suitable for you, so you don't have to worry about company matters anymore. "

Mo Shengli raised his head and looked at him with disgust.

"Jinrong, don't go too far. The company also has a share of mine. I am also grandfather's biological child. This company is not yours alone. Your family is the only one. This is not good."

"The legal representative of the company is me. If you have any questions, you are welcome to consult with the Legal Department. Based on what happened today, I can kick you out of the company and sue you, but only because you are my uncle. I let you go, I hope you can do it for yourself."

Mo Jinrong took a word, turned around and left with Mo San.

The shareholders on the table watched Mo Jinrong leave and followed suit.

"Damn it! A bunch of ungrateful things."

Mo Shengli cursed.

Today is about to succeed, but Mo Jinrong appeared untimely at this time.

"Master! We can definitely catch him in to avoid future troubles. If something happens to him in a day's time, it won't be easy to deal with."

Mo San felt that Mo Shengli was not a forgiving person.

"Grandma doesn't know about this. I'm afraid he can't bear it. Uncle really committed something serious. If you catch him in, grandma won't say anything."

Mo Jinrong still cared about Mrs. Mo's mood, after all, she was the only child.

"The young master! Lan Yanran's affairs are now going viral on the Internet, and Mr. Mo has paid him a wave of naval forces to discredit him, do you want to help?"

Mo Jinrong thought about it and said.

"You can tell Qian Mu that the people who spread the rumors on the Internet should sue and compensate for compensation. It is best to lead the matter to other people, saying that it is a slander on the family."

Lan Anran has been waiting at the laboratory.

This kind of thing needs the power of authority to resolve, so she must wait for the result in the formal laboratory.

Tan Shilin also attacked Lan Yanran online, saying that this matter will definitely be investigated to the end.

Many people sympathized with him and felt that he had suffered a great grievance, so many people supported him in defending his rights.

Lan Yanran looked at the news and didn't feel much touch, anyway, as long as the results came out, everything would come to light.

After an hour, the test results finally came out.

The test result was pig blood, not human blood, so Liu Xixi was said to be a fake pregnancy.

She reported the news to Wang Qing.

Wang Qingguang quickly issued a verification report, blocking the mouths of those sprayers.

When they saw this test report, they didn't say anything, and many others expressed disappointment.

"Liu Xixi actually deceived our feelings."

"I'm off powder, why is my goddess such a person?"

"Frame others, and the thief calls to catch the thief."

Just now, Liu Xixi was happy about Lan Yanran's news on the Internet. Seeing many people scolding him on the Internet, she felt that she didn't have to do it by herself. However, in the next second, she was sluggish, and the wind direction suddenly went to her own. On the side, many people were scolding her.

"What's the matter? Why are there so many people scolding me?"

"Xixi, is this all fake?"

The assistant just asked, Liu Xixi picked up the cup next to him and smashed it!


She stared at the assistant next to her with anger, her eyes seeming to be cannibalistic.

The assistant's foot was scratched by the shards of glass she smashed, and she limped out.

Liu Xixi then picked up the phone and posted a clarification of his own remarks on the Internet.

"Lan Yanran is a scumbag. He bit the dog and framed me. He was first to belittle me, but I fought hard. Don't believe him, he is a liar, fake, all these are fake."

Many netizens underneath saw the online test report and couldn't control their emotions at all. For a while, many endorsements and billboards issued statements one after another to withdraw their cooperation with Liu Xixi.

Tan Shilin had just been fiercely cursing with netizens on the Internet. Seeing this scene, he suddenly became angry.

The woman lied to him again.

At this moment, Jiang Mei called and said in a soft and cute voice.

"Mr. Tan, I just said that the woman was a vixen. She lied to you. I went to that place and collected the blood remaining on the floor. It was really pig blood. I took all the test reports."

Before Jiang Mei could finish speaking, Tan Shilin hung up the phone angrily.

He felt like a fool, being deceived around.

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