President Wife is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 496: Empty shell

"Are you kidding me? Where is the money in this account? Did you secretly transfer the property?"

Jiang Jin denied.

"Mr. Mo, this has wronged me. Every payment made by the company is strictly recorded and reviewed. I can't do anything for a large sum of money. Miss Lan asked me to do it. She said, As long as you become the president, let me give you this account. As for why there is no money in it, I don’t know."

Mo Shengli panicked.

There is no money in the company's accounts, and the entire company collapses, then he is tantamount to taking over a mess.

Just now, after so much trouble to obtain shares, he took over a mess and went out to keep his colleagues from laughing out of their front teeth.

Lan Anran!

He clenched his fists, his teeth creaked.

"President Mo, there is a project that urgently needs investment funds. Since you are the president, you can sign as soon as possible, but the money on the account is not enough. You hurry up and find a way. The project partner is waiting to receive the payment. "

Jiang Jin smiled.

Mo Shengli glanced at the contract and immediately overturned it.

"The company has no money on the books, are you blind? What contract are you still signing?"

He returned to Mo Jinrong's office angrily, knocking over everything on the table.

He is now taking over a shell company. He can't use his own money to make up for it. Before, he asked Lan Anran to transfer the company's money. He thought she didn't do it at all, but who knew she actually did it.

Now that all the money is missing, Lan Anran and Mo Jinrong can't even find the body, they are really afraid that he will be killed suddenly one day.


As soon as Liu Fang heard that his son's position had been robbed, he immediately went to the old lady to reason.

"Didn't you say that my son should be the president? Why did it suddenly come up for him to be the president?"

"Liu Fang, this world is unpredictable. You can't talk to the old lady like this. Your tone is very wrong. He is an elder and you are a junior. How can you talk to her in this tone?"

When Wu Ma heard Liu Fang's tone, she was very unfriendly.

"Who I'm talking to, does it need you to control? I tell you, you are a scary person. It is not your turn to talk to me. I said before, let my son be the president. Now the old lady, you will get paid. , Mini secretly, removed the position of my son's president. You really have a set."

Liu Fang refused to give up, and Mrs. Mo didn't take him seriously.

"Liu Fang, I made your son the president at the beginning to cover people’s eyeliner. This situation is purely accidental. You think your son can sign contracts, negotiate with others, win big orders, and give The company makes more than a billion dollars?

Do you think he is Jinrong? Since I let your son enter the Mo family’s door, you should be grateful. At least he will not worry about food and clothing in the future. Don’t think about him in the future. Now that Mo Shengli has become the new president of the company, I am also slapped. I only agreed with it on my neck. If I were to be your son, I wouldn't be so lucky. "

Liu Fang was said to have nothing to say.

"Miss Liu, I shouldn't say something, you should really be satisfied. Before the old lady was unwilling to accept you and the young master, now she is willing to spread it out in the public's field of vision, which is considered a big concession. At least he will live under the name of Young Master Mo in the future, and others will respect him a little bit more. As for the president, it will not be too late if there is a chance in the future."

Liu Fang squinted and smiled.

"Old lady, don't be angry. I just said casually. I am a straight-hearted person and abruptly occupying my son's position. Everyone wants to ask, you say yes. If this is the case, I won't say it. What's the matter, I sent my son to make up class."

Liu Fang thinks about it, too. The old lady didn't admit it before. The son is now willing to spread his son in the public's field of vision. It is much better than before. She really shouldn't ask for anything.

She walked through the back door, Wu Ma and muttered with the old lady.

"The old lady was too scary just now. Mo Shengli was going to kill someone. It seems that the fox's tail is finally revealed."

When Mrs. Mo thought about it now, she was still shocked and her back felt cold.

"He just said that you ruined his good deeds back then, what is going on?"

Mother Wu thought for a while and recalled the scene at sea that night.

"I just came out to find the young master, but didn't see him. I heard him say that today. Could it be that he wanted to kill the young master that night and was accidentally rescued by me?"

"This brute, I took him not to be thin, and treated him as my own biological son. On the other hand, he wanted to kill me. This is all the sin of the dead old man."

Old Mrs. Mo felt resentful when she thought of the old man in the sky. She was also a victim. She didn't want to accept him at the beginning, but she still convinced herself. Treating him as his own son, but in exchange for such unfair treatment.

"I don't know how Miss An Ran and Master Jinrong are now? Where did Mo Shengli find the two corpses? Didn't it really kill two people?"

Wu Ma remembered another burst of fear.

Old Mrs. Mo turned around and took a look. The jar filled with Mo Jinrong's ashes was filled with fear in her heart.

"Victory turned out to be the boss of a foreign black hand organization. It shows how violent his temperament is. He must hurry to find Jinrong."

"But the young master is missing now. There is no monitoring on that road. Where can I find the young master? If they have fled into the mountains for so long, they should have come out."

Mother Wu really couldn't figure it out.

"Now it is definitely not possible to report to the police. Jinrong's death has been confirmed over there. If you send someone to find more, there will definitely be news."

At this time, the little nanny outside came in and reported.

"Old lady, Mo San is here."

"Please come in quickly!"

Mrs. Mo now uses Mo San as her eyeliner, so these days she asks Mo San to search for news by herself, and she doesn't know if there will be any results.

Mo San came in and said quickly.

"Old lady, Master Jinrong has no news for the time being, but I have found unexpected news."

Old Mrs. Mo suddenly came to her spirits and asked attentively.

"What's the news?"

"The young grandma asked the Finance Department to transfer a certain amount of funds, which should be the lifeblood of the entire company's funds, but this was transferred secretly, even the young master didn't know it. Now Mo Shengli has taken over. It is an empty shell company. It's a mess."

Mo San smiled.

Mrs. Mo was in a good mood, she never expected Lan Anran to be so smart.

"An Ran did it? That's great! Did she already know that there is today?"

"I don't know the purpose of the young grandma, but if this continues, the company will definitely suffer a lot of energy. It will lag behind others by a lot because it can't receive the project, and the market will definitely be divided by most. If you can't find the young master, The company will really go bankrupt."

Mo San reminded.

"It doesn't matter, the market is gone, and you can grab it back. If Mo Shengli is like this, he wants the company, then he will definitely take action to solve this matter, and we will wait and see what happens."

Mrs. Mo smiled.

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