President Wife is Pretty and Cool

Chapter 509: Storm first appeared

"One more thing, you and Jinrong shouldn't do it too often. You are still young and now your career is the main thing. It is too early to have a child at the age of 20. You have to be careful."

Li Yueru did not shy away and said directly that she was a doctor, and even a mother. She didn't want to see her daughter. In her early 20s, she had a child who used it as an oil bottle.

"Mom, I have something to do, I'll hang up first."

Lan Anran looked a little shy.

"Wife, what are you talking about with your children?"

When Lan Tingyun saw her daughter hung up the phone shyly, she knew that her wife was wrong.

"I'm a doctor, and even a mother. What's wrong with what I told her? Our daughter is only 20 years old. Isn't it early to be a mother at this age?"

Li Yueru felt that she was right. Although her daughter was just married, she is still at a beautiful age. The reminder is still to be reminded.

"My daughter is well-measured, so don't worry about it. I haven't taken care of the hospital for more than a month. Pack up and go to the hospital."

Lan Tingyun's enthusiasm was relieved a lot.

"Parents, you don't have to worry about your sister, she knows better than you."

After Lan Yanran finished speaking, he turned upstairs. The variety show filming was originally planned, because he suddenly appeared in his home, and it was suspended for a long time. It is indeed time to go back to work.

Soon, he went downstairs with his luggage to bid farewell to Lan Tingyun and his wife, and took the car at the door to the crew.

At the same time, many people are worried about his mental state. After all, after so many hot searches, everyone knows the relationship between him and his sister. Lan Anran suddenly passed away. They didn't think that Lan Yanran could Adjust your mental state.

"Yan Ran, are you okay?"

When Wang Qing learned that he was going back to work, she sent a message of condolences.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

When Lan Yanran said these words, he was full of sorrow.

However, Wang Qing's next words shocked him a bit.

"The contract we signed before was one year. Now that the one-year period has not expired, the Mo family will be acquired, no matter who the buyer is? If you want to stay, you will become an artist under the new buyer's banner. If you don’t want to stay, it’s okay to go directly. In this case, you don’t need to pay the penalty.

Yanran, think about it. Many people in the company are starting to look for new opportunities. If you can stay, we promise to give you the maximum resources. Of course, the resources are definitely not as good as before. If you want to leave, we It won't stop you, you can consider it yourself. "

Lan Yanran was a little surprised when he heard these words. He made his debut in this company. He didn't expect that he would have such a choice before one year.

In fact, the company is still very good to him, especially Agent Wang. He thought about it for a while. There is no shortage of resources wherever he is with his current heat, but if he really leaves, then the company will really be ruined. .

"Sister Wang! As long as you don’t leave, I think I can definitely call the brokerage company with my enthusiasm. I was in this company when I debuted. It can be said that this company nurtured me and watched me grow. Now it’s difficult. , I can't leave him alone."

Lan Yanran's remarks moved Wang Qing a bit.

She was still vacillating. After all, many entertainment companies have come to talk to her, and the conditions are much better than the current company. In the factory, many agents have begun to look for new companies for her. I don't even want to stay here.

Listening to Lan Yanran's words now made her make up her mind.

"Don't worry, I won't leave. As long as you are still there, I will definitely help you receive the best resources. With your current popularity, it won't be too difficult."

In this way, Wang Qing and Lan Yanran reached a consensus.

"Thank you Sister Wang, I haven't taken up work during this time. Could you please lend me some new jobs."

Lan Yanran smiled.

Wang Qing seemed to have a relaxed tone when she heard him, she didn't look like her newly deceased sister at all, she asked cautiously.

"Does it really matter if you haven't taken up work for such a long time? And some people may be curious about your sister's affairs..."

"Sister Wang! This is my personal matter. I won't say a word to outsiders. The state you see now is my best state. I have tried my best to adjust for a month."

Lan Yanran's tone was a little cold, he would not mention to anyone that his sister was still alive until his sister appeared by herself.

Wang Qing explained with a smile.

"I have told your sister station about your itinerary. They should pick you up at Chengdu Airport today."

Sure enough, at the entrance of the car Rongcheng Airport, a large number of fans surrounded Lan Yanran's car, and the entire passageway was blocked by water.

There were also reporters who followed the fans. Many people rushed to the front with cameras and handed the microphone to Lan Yanran. There is no doubt that what they care most about now is his sister's affairs.

This is an explosive news hotspot full of gimmicks. Whoever gets it is the king of news today, so everyone is eager to ask questions.

"Mr. Lan Yanran! Can you tell me something about your sister?"

"Although it has been more than a month, we learned that your parents smashed your sister's ashes at your sister's chasing meeting, and are really sure that your sister is not dead. Did you find any evidence?"

"My friends are very concerned about your sister's affairs, including the specific circumstances of the accident. Is it convenient for you to disclose it?"

Several people asked questions enthusiastically, and the subject was Lan Anran.

Lan Yanran was very dissatisfied with this, he glanced at a few reporters and then asked unceremoniously.

"So are you here to interview me or do you want to interview my sister? This is my personal matter. I don't want to tell you, and please don't ask questions about my sister. This matter has nothing to do with you. It has nothing to do with the audience. If you are here to interview me, please ask some other questions. If not, please leave."

Several reporters still pursued the question.

"Mr. Lan Yanran! You don't want to mention your sister again. Did she have conflicts with you during her lifetime? It's been a month. Where is your sister's ashes buried?"

Lan Yanran couldn't stand it anymore, and shouted at them.

"My sister’s memorial service has passed for a long time. Don’t ask any more questions about my sister. I have already said it. Don’t you understand? If you want to ask yourself, go to my sister and ask, what are you doing? Is there any professional ethics?

Are you Yuji or the police? If you are so interested in my sister's affairs, why not ask the police. This is my personal matter. Please don't care about it anymore. Will you leave me some space? "

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