"Lan Tingyi don't lie to me anymore. Where do you have money now? You just want to lie to me and imprison you. I tell you there is no way."

Wang Laowu is also very shrewd, since he was called by Lan Anran last time, he seemed to have gotten through Ren Tong's two channels.

"Don't you know that my daughter is with a rich second generation? I tell you, what I have now is money."

Lan Tingyi took out a bank card and placed it on the table.

This is because Tan Shilin first gave him a bank card in order to fool him. He didn't know how much money was in it.

"This bank card has 500,000 in it. If you do this for me, the 500,000 will be yours. Don’t worry, it’s not a life-threatening event. I just want you to teach that woman a lesson. !"

Lan Tingyi said a number casually, trying to fool Wang Lao Wu.

The bank card Wang Laowu looked at made his heart move, and he couldn't make half a million in his entire life.

He looked up at Lan Tingyi.

"What do you say?"

He has placed his hand on the bank card and wants to accept the card.

Lan Ting intended to take a step ahead of him and put the card into his bag.

"This money can only be given to you until you complete the task. I will ask her out tomorrow, and you will beat her to me. This is sulfuric acid and splashed on that woman's face. I think she has any arrogant capital. ."

Lan Ting intended to put a small bottle of sulfuric acid on the table.

Wang Laowu looked at the bottle of sulfuric acid and had some questions in his mind.

"Brother, what did the woman do to you, it looks like you and her have a lot of resentment."

"My grandson was killed by her, do you think she deserves to die? Actually, I'm being merciful, otherwise she would have gone to see Huang Quan and accompany my grandson now."

Wang Laowu was a little bit puzzled when he heard the remarks. Isn't he just a daughter? When did you have a grandson?

Could it be...

He was even more puzzled and asked.

"When did you have a grandson, why don't I know?"

Lan Ting thought of the last time Lan Anran was in the ward and looked at Wang Laowu, and he asked directly.

"I haven't asked you yet? Are you okay with my daughter? She was pregnant recently and belongs to her rich second-generation boyfriend."

Wang Laowu was shocked at once.

Lan Yaxin is pregnant!

He forgot to count the days, thinking that the child might be his own, and his heart suddenly became angry.

He is almost 60 years old and does not yet have a son. Now he finally has one, but he was killed. He can't just let it go.

Wang Laowu arrived at the wine next to him, poured a full glass, and drank it all in one go.

"What can I have to do with your daughter? You can rest assured that this matter is covered by me."

His eyes became fierce, and he accepted the bottle of sulfuric acid.

Lan Anran!

go to hell!

As Wang Laowu said, he packed the rest of the dishes and wandered out of the restaurant.

The thin man saw that the two had separated and left by himself.


Mrs. Mo has been living in the hospital for some days, because he saw that his grandson was still alive, so he recovered more than half of his illness.

"Old lady, the doctor said, you can be discharged from the hospital in a few days, and we will be able to go home soon."

Mother Wu came over and brought some soup and rice.

"Mother Wu, is there any news of victory recently?

Wu Ma shook her head.

Since the last time he disappeared from the airport, it was as if the world had evaporated, and there was no news from him again.

"Mo Shengli seems to have disappeared. I haven't heard anything from him recently. Don't worry about the old lady. It's good or bad, it's his own blessing. He should be punished for what he did."

Mrs. Mo sighed.

"Hey! I couldn't think of why he treated Yinger like that. I remember that he was the best to Yinger when I was a child. Maybe Yinger didn't think that she would end up in the hands of his elder brother. If she could live to this day, I'm afraid she should be the same as Jinrong, marrying a wife and having children, she just has a bad life, just like me."

Old Mrs. Mo looked at the rain outside the window, feeling deeply in her heart.

"Old lady, don't say that. The past events have passed for so many years. The eldest lady should have been reincarnated long ago. I hope she can find a good family."

Wu Ma smiled.

However, all of this was heard by Mo Jinrong.

He walked in from the door and looked at the old lady in astonishment.

"Grandma! Are you true? Yinger killed him? How could it be possible? Didn't she die of a heart attack?"

Mo Jinrong was a little unacceptable.

For so many years, he has always attributed Mo Ying's death to his own body, and because of this, his heart disease has changed for more than ten years, but in the end it was a misunderstanding.

"Jinrong, are you here? Sit down quickly. I will tell you slowly. This is what Mo Shengli told me. He has already admitted that Ying'er's death has something to do with him. At the beginning, he deliberately took the medicine in the bottle. It was replaced, so even if you are there, there is no chance to save Yinger.

For so many years, you have suffered from a heart disease because of this incident. It shouldn't be right. At the beginning I thought Yinger died of a heart attack, so I didn't feel too entangled. Now thinking about Mo Shengli, there was not a single tear at that time. "

After Mrs. Mo finished speaking, Mo Jinrong was stunned.

"Grandma! How could this be? Why did he kill Yinger? Why on earth?"

He couldn't figure out that his sister was so innocent and cute. She should have been a child at that time. How could he be able to do it?

"Listen to him, he wanted to kill you at the time, but Yinger broke his plan. He might be afraid that the plan would be exposed, so he killed her."

Mrs. Mo described the situation lightly.

Mo Jinrong suddenly felt heartache. For so many years, he had imposed this error on himself. He always thought it was his fault, but he didn't expect another murderer.

"I want to find him, I want to avenge Yinger."

Mo Jinrong was agitated.

Mrs. Mo hurriedly stopped him, fearing that he might have any accidents.

"Jin Rong, don't be impulsive. This incident has passed so many years before. We want to follow him. Now he is a wanted criminal. Grandma's last son is gone. Only you are the only one. You can't have any more accidents."

Mrs. Mo started crying as she spoke.

She is real and feels she has failed.

Obviously, children and grandchildren can go around the knees, but at the moment only Mo Jinrong is a grandson.

"Grandma! Don't worry, I will catch him."

Mo Jinrong clutched her hand tightly, vowing to promise.

This time it was for his sister, for the self who had been carrying him a scapegoat for so many years.

"Jinrong, you must be careful, he has become extremely vicious now, and grandma is your grandson. You are the only seed and hope of the Mo family."

Old Mrs. Mo asked again.

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