Leng Xingyue walked outside the door and stretched out her hand. She wanted to open the door to see who was inside, but she was afraid to disturb others.

It's normal for men and women to love each other. I'm not sure which bodyguard or doctor it is?

Leng Xingyue withdrew her hand and was ready to leave. At this time, a familiar voice came from the room: "Zekai..."

Leng Xingyue was shocked, and the whole person was stunned.

The people in the room are

She shook her hands and wanted to open the door to see clearly, but her hand stretched out, but she was still stiff there. She couldn't open the door.

It seems that the fear of disturbing others, the people in the room restrained a lot..

Leng Xingyue put her hand on the door handle, held it again and again, held it again and again, repeated it several times, finally released her hand, turned and left


This is destined to be a sleepless night.

Leng Xingyue is too familiar with the woman's voice. Since this year, she has been reminded to take medicine three times a day. Her voice is sweet, greasy and charming. It is the type that men like.

She doesn't know when Gu Zekai went to bed with song Meihao and why he did it. Is it true that Gu Zekai fell in love with song Mei?

It doesn't matter whether it is or not.

The important thing is that someone deliberately let her hear this voice and know it!!!!

Leng Xingyue suddenly found that her brain was much better when she didn't take medicine


The next morning, Gu Zekai still had breakfast with Leng Xingyue. As usual, he said that he was with his father in the east courtyard last night. He went to the guest room here to squint at dawn.

Leng Xingyue smiled and said "hard work" and poured him a glass of milk.

They respect each other like guests and have a tacit understanding as usual.

Song Mei looked around and was very confused. Last night, she clearly felt someone close outside. It should be lengxingyue

Why now, cold stars and moons act as if they don't know anything?

Did she really not hear and discover her relationship with Gu Zekai?

"Well, I should go to the company." Gu Zekai got up and wanted to kiss lengxingyue's forehead. Lengxingyue suddenly bowed her head and coughed, cleverly avoiding him.

"What's the matter? Have you caught a cold?" Gu Zekai asked with concern.

"No, I drank the juice too quickly just now." Leng Xingyue smiled, "go and be busy. I'll go there to accompany my father."

"OK." Gu Zekai nodded. "I'll be busy these days. I'm going to France for a meeting on the 3rd. I can't accompany you in a short time. Take care of yourself and I'll call you."

"HMM." Leng Xingyue watched Gu Zekai leave with a shallow radian on his lips.

Song Mei watched her look. She couldn't see anything. She took medicine and warm water: "Miss Leng, it's time to take medicine!"

When Leng Xingyue picked it up, she accidentally slipped her hand. The water cup fell on the lawn without breaking, but the water spilled on her high heels.

"Why are you so careless." Song Meimei frowned and poured her water again.

Leng Xingyue took a drink from the water cup and said, "my shoes are wet. Go and get me a pair of shoes."

"Take the medicine first..." Song Mei didn't finish her words. She touched the unhappy eyes of the cold star and moon. At this moment, she saw a sharp edge.

Almost instinctively, song Mei lowered her head and hurriedly changed her mouth: "OK, I'll get you shoes now."

Then leave in a hurry

When song Mei looked back, Leng Xingyue was taking medicine and drank all the water. Song Mei didn't think much

Leng Xingyue hid the pill in her sleeve, lowered her eyes, and raised a solitary cold radian on her lips.

This woman has a problem!


From this day on, lengxingyue stopped taking medicine, hid the medicine secretly and rushed into the toilet when people didn't pay attention.

In addition, she did not take other actions. She ate, took medicine and slept every day, and sometimes went to accompany her father, so she wasted time day by day.

Three months later, Leng Zhiyuan still didn't get any better.

Gu Zekai has come less and less recently, but he calls Leng Xingyue every day and tells her that the company is very busy. He is under great pressure. Lengyuanshan always works against him. He has to keep an eye on him, so he can't accompany her.

But he didn't mention helping Leng Xingyue investigate the Aston Martin.

Leng Xingyue didn't ask.

She was considerate of Gu Zekai's hard work and gently told him to pay attention to his body and take good care of himself.


Three months is not enough to spend the hot summer, and the dream city is still hot.

That day, Gu Zekai personally brought a luxurious white dress and said he would take lengxingyue to the banquet in the evening.

"You know I don't like socializing." Leng Xingyue looked away from Sun Tzu's art of war and glanced at the dress. "You didn't mention such a request. What's the matter today?"

"Li Xiaohan, the richest man in New Asia, entered the domestic market and held a grand banquet in his manor today, inviting us to participate." Gu Zekai put a delicate jewelry box on the dresser. "Hurry up and dress up."

"The person you said knows me?" Leng Xingyue can't even remember that name. It's very tongue twister.

"He doesn't know you, but he is a big customer of our company. The e-invitation specifically says to bring family members to participate, and others bring their families. You can go with me. If you don't like it, I'll bring you back early." Gu Zekai coaxed lengxingyue.

The cold star moon lowered her eyes and didn't speak.

Gu Zekai thought she was being pointed out and added: "there were no media reporters at the party. The people who went were dignitaries. They won't talk nonsense."

"OK." Leng Xingyue finally agreed and got up and went to the bathroom.

"I'll wait for you in the study." Gu Zekai looked at his watch. "We have to hurry. The dinner starts at seven o'clock."


This white dress is simple and elegant, but fashionable and elegant. It is as smooth and soft as milk. It shows every inch of curve and tests the figure very much.

Although the cold star moon is closed and lazy, it is loved by God alone. Its figure is not out of shape at all. It has a beautiful curve. Its skin is as smooth and delicate as a pearl without any defects.

Coupled with a set of precious and rare pearl jewelry and long hair, the cold star and moon in front of us are like a sacred and inviolable goddess, which is suffocating!

Gu Zekai was stunned. A feeling spread from the bottom of his heart and formed a complex light at the bottom of his eyes.

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