Li Xiao's cold and hot breath sprayed into the ears of the cold star moon, stirring up bursts of numbness, just like an electric shock, making her suddenly lost

When she came back, Li Xiaohan had retreated and left abruptly..

Leng Xingyue looked at his back and felt a little annoyed. She clearly had separated, clearly hated his cold-blooded and ruthless, regardless of right and wrong. Why would she have such a strange reaction when he deliberately approached her?

It really shouldn't be

"Leng Zong!!!" Wang Tao's voice interrupted Leng Xingyue's thoughts. She subconsciously replied, "HMM."

"The appointment order has come out. Now everyone in the company knows that you have restored your position as vice president. Those old employees are happy for you and want to visit you." Wang Tao said excitedly.

"There's no need to visit. Tell them that I'll entertain them in person when I make achievements." Leng Xingyue said with a smile, "now you arrange it. I'm going to blue city."

"Ah?" Wang Tao was stunned. "Now?"

"HMM." Leng Xingyue looked at the time on her watch. It was already 11:30 a.m. "it's only more than 500 kilometers away from blue city. I want to investigate the blue city project. If it goes well, I can go tonight and come back tomorrow."

"OK, I'll go with you." Wang Tao was very happy.

"It's OK to start at four o'clock in the afternoon." Leng Xingyue is turning her mobile phone. "I want to meet Dong Ma at noon."

"OK, I see. I'll arrange the lunch place?" Wang Tao asked.

"Well, you can arrange a quiet place suitable for conversation. I'll talk to Mr. Ma while having dinner."

"OK." Wang Tao will do it right away.

As soon as Wang Tao went out, lawyer Jin knocked on the door and came in. He still looked sad: "Mr. Leng..."

"What are you doing?" Leng Xingyue frowned, "close the door."

Lawyer Jin quickly closed the door of the office, came forward and whispered, "you'd better go back and discuss this with the chairman and let him write a real power of Attorney..."

"I said, are you finished?" Leng Xingyue was angry. "Everything has been done. Li Xiaohan didn't find it. Why should you scare yourself?"

"God, you are so naive." lawyer Jin was about to cry without tears. "Do you think President Li didn't find it? He found it at the first sight..."

"No." Leng Xingyue was surprised, "then why didn't he expose me?"

"Maybe it's about the old relationship." lawyer Jin said anxiously, "I don't know the specific reason, but he really found it. Just now..."

"Nonsense, what old love can he have for me?" Leng Xingyue shouted angrily. "He didn't expose me for only one reason, that is, he didn't find a problem. Don't scare yourself, will you?"

"I thought so at the beginning, but when lawyer Lei left just now, he said in a strange way, 'lawyer Jin, you have a big list. You should be legally responsible for counterfeiting'..." speaking of this, lawyer Jin's face was even paler, "Mr. Leng, isn't it obvious enough????"

Leng Xingyue was stunned. If lawyer Lei found it, Li Xiaohan couldn't have found it. Just, did he find it in the conference room or did lawyer Lei tell him? Then I don't know.

"In fact, in the conference room at that time, President Li looked at the letter of authorization and then looked at you strangely. Lawyers Li Hai and Lei behind him also had strange faces. They definitely found the problem on the spot and only left you face, so they didn't expose it."

Lawyer Jin said solemnly——

"There are three possibilities for him not to expose you. First, he really cares about the old relationship. If he exposes you on the spot, you will not only lose face, but also bear legal responsibility, so he did not contact you;

2、 Yunfeng group is really a chicken rib to him. It's tasteless to eat, but it's a pity to abandon it. His business expands rapidly and needs people everywhere. No idle people are sent to take care of Yunfeng, and he can't find a more suitable person, so he will make mistakes and let you be the vice president;

3、 He's taking a step back, first let you sit in this position, and then push you off the cliff in a more sinister and vicious way... You know, Yunfeng group is now in a mess. If he borrows this company to launder money or do other illegal acts, you can be caught in the black pot at that time. "

Speaking of this, lawyer Jin was frightened by his own speculation, "Mr. Leng, if this is true, it will be over..."

"You reminded me..." Leng Xingyue narrowed her eyes. Yes, if it was the first two items, it would be a good thing. No matter what Li Xiaohan's original intention was, even if he asked her to clean up the mess, she would admit it. However, if he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to murder her, she would be completely finished.

"So, you'd better quit." lawyer Jin carefully advised, "you're really not president Li's opponent, a girl. What can't you do? Why bother to squeeze into this treacherous mall?"

"It's impossible to quit. I finally sat in this position again..." Leng Xingyue was very determined. "This is my father's hard work. I can't let him destroy it."

"Alas, why bother..." Mr. Jin sighed.

"Lawyer Jin, don't worry, I won't embarrass you." Leng Xingyue now understands lawyer Jin's uneasiness and comforts him, "I'll meet Dong Ma later. I'll ask him to persuade my father to supplement the power of attorney. When the power of attorney is really obtained, you don't have to be afraid."

"That's good." lawyer Jin nodded and suggested, "Mr. Leng, I have a suggestion..."

"You say." what lengxingyue needs most now is good advice.

"In fact, Mr. Ma and the chairman of the board are good at business. If they are willing to accompany you and teach you, I believe you can still run the company well, but..." lawyer Jin paused and summoned up the courage to say, "you must not follow Li. You will always be the enemy, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable."

"I understand, thank you." Leng Xingyue smiled, "well, you go and be busy. I promise you that I will hand over the real power of attorney to you within three days."

"That's great. Thank you for your understanding." lawyer Jin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I know you're risking to help me for my father's sake. How can I get you into injustice?"

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