Amy and Gu Zekai thought they could hide the truth. They casually recorded a confession and planned to leave, but the police detained them and officially announced: "just ten minutes ago, our police received evidence and suspected you of deliberately murdering Leng Xingyue!"

"What?" Amy looked at Gu Zekai in a hurry.

Gu Zekai was calm and immediately questioned, "I want to contact my lawyer."

"Yes, but even if the lawyer comes, he can't be released on bail now. We'll detain you for 48 hours to assist in the investigation."

"Do you know who I am? How dare you detain me?" Amy shouted angrily.

"I know, President AI of unparalleled group is a famous strong woman." the police officer sneered, "but the son of heaven breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people. No matter who you are, we have to deal with it fairly."


"Take it away!!!"


At dawn, long Qinyu woke up and found himself in the hospital. There was severe pain in his head. He narrowed his eyes and recalled what happened last night, but he couldn't remember..

"Mr. long, you're awake!" Eric came over and asked, "how do you feel? Is there anything else uncomfortable?"

"Headache..." long Qinyu covered his forehead and touched the medical gauze. "What's the matter? How can I get hurt?"

"Don't you remember what happened last night?" Eric helped him sit up, cushioned him with a pillow, and then told him about last night. "Lengxingyue somehow ran to your room and broke your head. Zhuang, they sent you to the hospital all night..."

"Leng Xingyue?" long Qinyu was shocked. "She attacked me??? How did she enter my room? I don't remember it at all?"

"I asked azhuang to tell you..." Eric called the bodyguard last night. The bodyguard told long Qinyu what they knew in detail. Finally, he added, "Mr. Gu and Mr. AI speculated that she wanted to lure you deliberately. You resolutely refused. Under the dispute, she did it to you..."

"Fart!" long Qinyu shouted angrily, "there's nothing wrong."

"Er... That..." some bodyguards were stunned.

"What's the truth?" Eric asked curiously. "Do you remember?"

"I don't remember..." long Qinyu covered his head with pain on his face. "I only remember that I was drunk, Gu Zekai helped me to the room, I fell asleep, and then I felt a woman around me..."

Speaking of this, long Qinyu was stunned, and his face changed suddenly, "isn't that woman a cold star and moon?"

"Yes, it's her," Eric nodded.

"How could it be? I want to know it's her. I'm sure I won't touch her. After all, she's my brother's woman..." long Qinyu thought of some details when he spoke. "Yes, I shouldn't have touched her yet. She fought hard when I was ready to touch her. Later, she pulled and pulled and hit me with something... Yes, that's it."

"Strange, since she didn't want to, why did she bother to sneak into your room?" Eric felt very strange. "Did you want to talk to you about cooperation? You drank too much, didn't recognize who she was, and moved her hand, so she..."

"It's impossible. At that time, she was drunk like that and talked about cooperation?" long Qinyu was very sure. "She was more drunk than me and vomited all over me..."

"What's going on?" Eric wondered.

"Something's wrong..." long Qinyu thought carefully and asked, "Zhuang, what was the state of the cold star moon when you rushed into the room?"

"She, she looks very flustered, her clothes are untidy, her hair is messy, she runs out in a panic and is caught by me..." the bodyguard a Zhuang replied.

"What was she wearing at that time?" long Qinyu asked.

"White shirt and black pants are the clothes you wear when talking about things at night," said the bodyguard.

"Obviously, she didn't mean to seduce me." long Qinyu was very sure. "A woman who deliberately seduces customers will dress up a little. She is drunk and still wears her dirty clothes. How can it be that kind of attempt?"

"That's right..." Eric, they all think it makes sense. "What's going on?"

"No matter, I have a headache now. Let me sleep for a while and talk later..." long Qinyu was about to lie down with his forehead covered.

"I'm afraid Mr. long can't sleep now." a cold and arrogant voice came. Long Qinyu was stunned and looked up. It was Li Xiaohan. He was stunned for a moment and quickly said, "Mr. Li, why are you here?"

"I heard that you were injured. Let's see you." Li Xiaohan took several attendants and walked everywhere with great momentum.

Eric hurriedly brought a chair, cleared away the idle people, asked Li Xiaohan to sit down and bring him water.

"Don't be busy." Li Xiaohan made a gesture.

Li Hai handed a tablet computer to long Qinyu: "President long, we have found relevant evidence about your injury last night. Let's have a look."

The tablet computer has opened the player interface. Long Qinyu clicked the play button and immediately began to play a video. He was puzzled at first, and then his face changed. It turned out that all this was deliberately deployed

After watching two videos in half an hour with a multiple of 1.5, long Qinyu fully understood and Eric was shocked: "Who is the woman who sent Miss Leng to long Zong's bed in the first video? And Amy, why did she murder Miss Leng? She's too vicious? Even if she was a competitor, even if she wanted to vent her hatred and slap her. She's completely going to murder."

"They repeatedly told me to leave Miss Leng to them for this purpose." several bodyguards were also terrified. "Although Miss Leng hurt our president long, we didn't do anything to her. We just detained her and locked her in the bathroom. We, we didn't expect them to do so."

"Well, who planned this?" Eric had some speculation in his mind, "is it..."

"You still don't understand?" long Qinyu shouted angrily with a gloomy face. "Do you have a brain?"

"Er..." Eric was a little flustered. "Could it be that Gu Zekai and Amy made a ghost?"

"No?" the bodyguard blurted out.

"Mr. Li, I'm sorry. Miss Leng has been wronged by my bad work."

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