Hearing this, Leng Xingyue was stunned. She knew about the blue city incident. Li Xiaohan did a lot for her, but she didn't know that he sent someone to protect her secretly

If it is said that he acted for her because others offended his rights and interests, what is the purpose of sending someone to secretly protect her?

Cold Xingyue's heart is a little confused

"Fortunately, Miss Leng didn't get hurt this time, and it's not in vain. We work two shifts every day for 24 hours to protect you." Lanlan sighed, "if something happens to you, we really can't tell our master."

"Red smoke accident, I feel more guilty." cold Xingyue choked, "your life is also life. Why should you suffer instead of me?"

"Miss Leng, don't say that..." several people were very moved.

"What does Li Hanxue want to do?" Leng Xingyue thought of Li Hanxue and felt terrible. "She called me in a car accident last time, and now she poured sulfuric acid on me. Is she crazy?"

"She's out of her mind now. She's not a normal person anymore." Lvyin sighed, "Miss Leng, you must pay attention to safety when you go in and out. I think it's too dangerous for you to go out without a bodyguard these days."


"Star moon!"

Leng Xingyue was about to speak when an excited voice came. The next second, Tu Hu rushed in and hugged Leng Xingyue tightly in his arms, "are you okay? Let me see, where are you hurt?"

"I'm fine..." Leng Xingyue gently pushed Tu Hu away, but found Li Xiaohan standing at the door, staring at her coldly. She subconsciously moved aside.

"Why did I hear Wang Tao say something happened to you? Someone poured sulfuric acid on you?" Tu Hu looked up and down with lengxingyue. "Was there any injury?"

"Really not, red smoke rushed over at the critical moment and pushed me away." Leng Xingyue hung her eyes and dared not look at Li Xiaohan.

"Show your love and go out to show it." Li Xiaohan suddenly shouted angrily.

Tu Hu looked back and saw him with a provocative sneer: "we'll show our love. Why? You don't accept it?"

"Go away!!" Li Xiaohan's eyes were sharp.

"Li Xiaohan..."

"OK, OK, stop making trouble." Leng Xingyue hurriedly pushed Tu Hu, "you go out first and hurry up."


"Go home and wait for me first. I'll be out in a minute." Leng Xingyue can only say so in order to coax Tu Hu, "red smoke was injured to save me. I can't just walk away."

"Then I'll wait outside for you to go home." Tu Hu obediently went out.

Leng Xingyue was relieved, closed the door and came forward to explain: "Li Xiaohan, this happened suddenly today. Red smoke rushed out to save me at the critical moment. I'm sorry..."

"Finished?" Li Xiaohan interrupted her and said sour, "you can go away. Tu Hu is still waiting for you to go home."

Leng Xingyue looked into his eyes and felt very bad, but he didn't know what to say. He could only bow to the red smoke and turn around and leave

"Transfer out the monitoring of the shopping mall." Li Xiaohan gave a swift and resolute order, "Lvyin, tell me what happened at that time."

"Yes, master, this is the case..."

Leng Xingyue didn't hear the later words. She was just very guilty. Although Hongyan was an attendant, she was also a young girl. Now she was injured because of protecting her. I'm afraid she will leave traces in the future. She didn't know how to make up for it

"Don't be sad. I'll find the best cosmetic surgeon for the female attendant and give her a lot of money." Tu Hu comforted Leng Xingyue. "Look what else she wants. I can satisfy her."

Leng Xingyue didn't respond. She just sighed deeply, looked up and said to Wang Tao, "Wang Tao, I can't eat tonight. Please tell Ma Dong, I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. Everyone can understand." Wang Tao said immediately, "President Leng, we can rest assured that President TU will escort you back. Don't think too much. Go back and have a good sleep."

"I see, thank you." Leng Xingyue answered and left with Tu Hu..

When she got on the bus, she was still worried and frowned. Tu Hu comforted her for a long time. She still didn't speak. He told jokes to make her happy, but she said wearily, "can you be quiet?"

Tu Hu was stunned and shut up immediately.

"Sorry, I shouldn't lose my temper with you, but my heart is very confused now..." Leng Xingyue covered her hands.

"I know. You need to be quiet. I don't speak." Tu Hu said angrily. "You have a good rest. I'll call you when you get home."


When they got home, Leng Zhiyuan, Rong Ma and uncle Hua were waiting in the living room. The family was relieved to see Tu Hu waiting for Leng Xingyue safely. Rong Ma looked up and down with Leng Xingyue: "Miss, let me see. Are you okay? Is there any injury?"

"I'm fine..." Leng Xingyue sat on the sofa and sighed, "Dad, you must have known the situation from Wang Tao?"

"Well." Leng Zhiyuan nodded, "what's going on?"

Leng Xingyue told the story. Everyone felt creepy when he heard it. Leng Zhiyuan frowned: "I knew Li Hanxue had such a thing earlier and felt pity. It's a pity to think of a young girl and encounter such a nightmare. I didn't expect that she was twisted like this and came to you for revenge. She should take revenge on the men who hurt her. What does that have to do with you?"

"Yes." Rong Ma was indignant.

"The men who hurt her were killed by Li Xiaodong. She had nowhere to vent, so she came to Xingyue." Tu Hu said solemnly, "Li Xiaodong and Li Xiaohan are looking for her everywhere. They haven't found her for so long. You say that woman is really crazy, I don't think so."

"What do you mean?" Leng Xingyue asked in amazement.

"I think she's half crazy and half stupid. She takes revenge under the pretext of being crazy." Tu Hu looks at her. "She has a grudge against you for a long time. Didn't she stab you with a knife before that? She was brought up by her sister-in-law. All the people in the night family are murderous and have no fear of life..."

"Bang..." suddenly, the cup in Leng Zhiyuan's hand fell to the ground. Everyone subconsciously looked at him. Tu Hu found that his hand was shaking and his face was not good-looking.

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