"You know I won't kill you." Li Xiaodong frowned. "What do you want to do now? Get rid of our relationship?"

"Didn't the relationship get rid of long ago?" Li Xiaohan said to Li Xiaodong for the first time. "You want to separate your family, you want to deal with me, and I owe you ten times the money and opportunities!!!"

"Very good." Li Xiaodong raised his lips. "Now his wings are hard, his confidence is enough, and his words are different."

"Since you don't kill me, you don't have to pay me back." Li Xiaohan continued, "cold snow hurt cold Xingyue. Although I'm not qualified to forgive cold Xingyue, I still owe cold snow, so I can't find cold snow for revenge. Let's settle this matter. We won't owe each other and go our own way in the future."

"OK!" Li Xiaodong nodded, "I agreed. Say sorry to Leng Xingyue for me!"

"Thank you!" Li Xiaohan replied, "I want to make it clear that no one owes anyone. If someone hurts Leng Xingyue in the future, I will never be soft hearted, no matter who he is!"

"Similarly, if someone hurts Xueer again, no matter what way, I will kill her." Li Xiaodong narrowed his eyes coldly.

"This topic is over..." Li Xiaohan changed the topic. "I have a few more questions to ask you."

"You said." Li Xiaodong looked at him.

"Why did you save me?" Li Xiaohan suddenly asked.

"What do you mean?" Li Xiaodong didn't seem to understand.

"Do you know who I was before you saved me?" Li Xiaohan asked again.

"What do you want to say?" Li Xiaodong was still expressionless. "Otherwise, be direct. Why beat around the Bush?"

Li Xiaohan stared at him for a long time and finally looked away: "forget it, just think I didn't ask..."

Then he got up and left

Li Xiaodong didn't leave him. He just looked at his back and his eyes filled with complex thoughts


When getting on the bus, Li Xiaohan looked back and found that night frost was looking at himself in front of the French window on the third floor. Seeing him looking, she waved goodbye to him. He nodded politely, and then got on the bus and left.

"Master, I'm sorry..."

Li Hai is very guilty. If it weren't for his carelessness, Li Hanxue wouldn't have an accident and his spirit wouldn't have a problem, and the relationship between Li Xiaohan and Li Xiaodong wouldn't be like this.

Although the master blamed him, he took responsibility every time, and all the consequences were borne by him alone.

"Man, don't talk so much nonsense." Li Xiaohan drank low.

Li Hai lowered his head and dared not speak, but his guilt was hard to speak.

"Master, I don't know if I should say something." ah Chao couldn't help saying.

"If you know you shouldn't say it, don't say it." Li Xiaohan closed his eyes. He knew that these subordinates were worried about him, but it was useless to worry. When something happened, he had to find a way to solve it

"In fact, you and brother Dong have separated for a long time, but they still hang Li's name because they are thinking about their old relationship." ah Chao still couldn't help it. "Even if you don't want to change your name, you can make it clear with the night fight."

"Do you think it's a family? Make it clear." Li Hai drank angrily. "Night battles are all over the world and strategize. He doesn't know the situation between the master and Dongge? He just wants to find an excuse to annex the master's property."

"Er... So it is." ah Chao suddenly realized.

"The soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. Don't worry about it." Li Xiaohan said faintly.

"That night's war was so reckless that no one could control him?" Li Hai was indignant.

"Yes!" Li Xiaohan said suddenly.

"Who?" Li Hai asked excitedly.

"Dark night respects the king... Night ink pupil!"

When Li Xiaohan said a name, the atmosphere changed instantly. Everyone held their breath and was nervous. The legendary character existed like a God. Even hearing the name was a kind of blasphemy.

"All the dark forces are afraid of him. It is said that the night war came out in the dark..." Li Xiaohan lowered his eyes and muttered, "as long as the night ink pupil said a word, the night war would not dare to mess."

"That night..." Li Hai swallowed it in the middle of his words and changed his way, "will the king take care of it?"

"I don't know..." Li Xiaohan has no confidence. "The old man is haunted. He doesn't play cards according to common sense. There are no rules to speak of. If he is in a good mood, he will take care of it. If he is in a bad mood, everything will fall apart..."

"What about that?" ah Chao even felt awe when he listened to the man's name.

"Don't think about it." Li Xiaohan had given up the idea, "think about how to deal with the night war."

"Night battles are all illegal means. Can we seek official help?" Li Hai asked.

"If it involves the official, it will become more complicated..." Li Xiaohan fiddled with the gold button on his sleeve, "don't look for anyone. I'll wait here and wait for the night war to come to me."


Leng Xingyue woke up and found that there was no figure of Li Xiaohan around her. She was flustered. She immediately turned over and got up and looked for him everywhere: "Li Xiaohan, Li Xiaohan..."

"Miss Leng..." Mr. Meng quickly came forward and told him, "the master has gone out to do business and will be back in a minute."

"Where has he gone?" Leng Xingyue felt insecure. She had a nightmare just now and dreamed that something had happened to Li Xiaohan.

"He..." Mr. Meng was trying to find an excuse to deceive him. The sound of a car came from outside. His eyes brightened. "It must be the master back."

Leng Xingyue rushed downstairs immediately

As soon as Li Xiaohan got out of the car, Leng Xingyue rushed into his arms and held his waist tightly.

"What's the matter?" Li Xiaohan felt her shaking and immediately hugged her. "Don't be afraid, I'm back."

"Where have you been?" Leng Xingyue choked, "I thought you didn't want me."

"Fool, how could..." Li Xiaohan took her face and looked at her gently. "I just went out to do something. Isn't it back?"

"I just had a dream that someone was going to kill you." Leng Xingyue said in a panic, "don't go out. It's very dangerous outside."

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