Mr. Meng waited in New York for three days without waiting for Li Xiaohan, but the fire brought news that Li Xiaodong and night condensate had boarded the special plane to return home, and they left safely.

Mr. Meng hurriedly asked, "what about the master? Is he with them?"

"No." Huo shook his head, "I can see clearly that Li was not with them. The people in the night battle tied Li Xiaodong and night ningshuang to the airport, took off their eye masks and explained a few words, and then they hurried home by plane..."

"That's unreasonable." Mr. Meng said angrily. "The couple always do this. When they need help, they use their master and kick away. They vowed to ensure the master's safety. Now? They ran away by themselves. Our master's whereabouts are unknown."

"Let's see if there is anything wrong with President Li's group?" the fire reminded, "if President Li is killed, the night war must invade his property at the first time. Now it's the third day. With the power of night war, if you really start, the company has a big problem."

"I pay close attention to the company every day. It's no problem now. Except for the factory in San Francisco, other branches of the group have no problems." Mr. Meng said while turning on the computer, "I'll stick to it again."

"Yes, look again." the fire urged.

Mr. Meng turned on the computer to check the situation of the group. There was still no movement. He frowned: "the group is really no problem. It is still in normal operation. It is strange that the factory in San Francisco has opened?"

Mr. Meng immediately called the person in charge of the San Francisco factory to understand the situation. The reply from there was that the factory was indeed opened. Three days ago, the troublemakers evacuated, sent back the machines they had taken away, and repaired the cut-off circuits and waterways

In short, they have dealt with all the problems. The factory resumed operation two days ago. Strangely, there are no gangsters to make trouble, and they are doing things very smoothly.

Hearing these words, Mr. Meng wondered what was going on?

"Did President Li reach any agreement with the night battle?" the fire asked suspiciously.

"It should not be..." Mr. Meng thought more and more uneasy. "The master has fallen into the hands of the night battle. The night battle can kill him and directly occupy his property. There is no need to talk about any agreement."

"That makes sense." the fire nodded.

"No, is the master dead?" Mr. Meng panicked at once. "The night battle killed the master, and all the master's property fell into his hands and became his property, so he would let go of the chemical plant..."

"Er..." the fire thought it was reasonable, and his face sank. "It's really possible for you to say so."

"No, I have to save my master." Mr. Meng quickly picked up his mobile phone and prepared to call.

"Who are you calling now?" the burning fire frowned. "No one can fight the night war. Even if Li Hai and them come, I'm afraid the whole army has been destroyed without even finding the base of the night war."

"I know. I'm not going to find Li Hai. I want to ask the official for help." Mr. Meng is very rational, "now only ZF can save the master..."

"Well, try it." the fire was also very worried.

Mr. Meng was about to dial out when a phone call came in. It was Li Hai. He had to answer the phone first: "Hello!"

"Mr. Meng, are you still in San Francisco?" Li Hai asked nervously. "How's the master? It's been five days, and there's no news at all. Miss Leng was restless all day. She asked me about the master, and I didn't know how to answer."

"Drag on, I'm trying to find a way." Mr. Meng sighed. Li Hai called him every day to ask about the situation. He could only drag on. Before the last step, no one could expect the result. At this juncture, he didn't know how to explain to lengxingyue

"What's the situation now?" Li Hai was worried. "I can't get through to my master all the time. You're evasive with me. Is something wrong with the master?"

"You protect me, Miss Leng. Leave the rest to me." Mr. Meng didn't want to say, "I'll hang up first. There's something else."

"Wait a minute." Li Hai was worried, "Mr. Meng, you and I are the right-hand men of the master. You have been protecting the master for so many years. You should know my character. You don't want miss Leng to worry, so avoid the important and take the light. I can understand, but why do you even hide me? Brothers, you are worried about the master every day. Do you know? Just tell me the truth and let me be mentally prepared, I won't let Miss Leng know. "

"Alas..." Mr. Meng sighed again, remained silent for a moment and said solemnly, "I separated from my master three days ago. I can't contact him."

"What?" Li Hai asked in amazement, "why? Haven't you been with your master all the time? Why did you separate?"

"The master was taken to the night battle base and asked me to leave before leaving..." Mr. Meng told Li Hai the specific situation. "Li Hai, I know that you may despise me in your heart. I regret it now. I should have vowed to follow the master to the death. No matter what happens, we advance and retreat together, which is better than now..."

"No, you should listen to the master." Li Hai was very calm this time. "The master naturally has his arrangement. He has more discretion than any of us..."

"Alas, this is the end of the matter. It's useless to say more." Mr. Meng doesn't want to say more, "I'm going to try to contact ZF of country m now. I hope they will contact the night battle and ask him to release people. Take care of Miss Leng on your side. Wait for me."

"OK, I see."

Hung up and Mr. Meng was on the phone

Li Hai, with his mobile phone, fell down on the sofa and looked very dignified.

"How's it going?" ah Chao, Arden and others asked eagerly.

Li Hai took his mobile phone and said anxiously, "the master was taken to the night battle base, and then lost contact with Mr. Meng. I'm worried about whether something has happened to him now..."

"How could this happen?" ah Chao and their faces changed greatly. "What about Mr. Meng?"

"Mr. Meng is still trying to find a way in New York." Li Hai looked heavy. "He wants to save his master through official channels, but I don't think it will work."

"What about that?" Arden asked hurriedly. "Are we going to wait here?"

"I want to go to San Francisco..." Li Hai has made a decision, "I'm going to save my master."

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