Just at this time, a car accidentally rear ended their car, and the other party's car stopped in front of them, forcing them to stop.

Li Xiaohan looked up. The other driver should be a working class, driving an ordinary car of more than 100000. He wanted to overtake and jam because he was in a hurry. He didn't expect to hit their car.

At the moment the car stopped, the night battle frowned, his eyes were very cold, and his hand in black short finger gloves clenched into a fist.

"War King..." the entourage looked at the night war from the rearview mirror.

The night battle made a gesture, the attendant understood it, and directly drove and hit it hard

With a loud bang, people and cars in front were knocked down.

Li Xiaohan was shocked and opened his eyes in amazement. He watched the man being caught between the two cars and was hit with blood and flesh

The night fighting car sped away without leaving any room.

Li Xiaohan saw from the rearview mirror that some people had gathered around and some people called the police, and the rear-end driver had died and was unable to return to the sky..

His heart beats very fast, he can't understand, but it's just a small rear end. Even if he is arrogant, the big deal is to let his entourage get off and scold a few words. He's really in a bad mood. It's a big deal to knock the car away, but it won't hurt people!!!

But the night war, but such a small thing, he actually killed others!!!!

In his heart, human life is as humble as mole ants, which is not worth mentioning?

He will kill when he frowns, and he will see blood when his eyes twist. It's really cruel

"Don't be afraid, I'll never hurt you." the night battle seemed to feel li Xiaohan's fear.

"What about the others?" Li Xiaohan looked at the night battle with a monster watching person. "The man just had a little scratch with your car, and you'll kill him? If other people make you unhappy, aren't you..."

"Well, I won't be kind to anyone except you!"

The tone of the night battle was very indifferent, as if it was a trivial matter not worth mentioning.

"So... If I didn't follow your instructions, would you really kill Leng Xingyue and her father?"

Li Xiaohan frowns and looks at the night battle. He is also holding a fluke mentality. He expects that these problems can be rejected by the night battle. He expects that the night battle can love his house and Ukraine, and don't hurt lengxingyue and them

"That's right!" night battle opened his eyes and looked at Li Xiaohan. The killing intention in his eyes was very clear. "For me, their life is no different from that of an ant. There's no need to hesitate!! the reason why I'm willing to give way and leave that woman's life is just to satisfy you. Just think she's your plaything, a cheap life, not worth mentioning."

"You..." Li Xiao was so cold that he gnashed his teeth. He would never tolerate a person like this. In the past, no matter who offended him, he would not be polite. But now, he really didn't dare to provoke the night battle. He was not afraid of death, but afraid that the night battle would transfer his anger to the cold star moon.

"Don't have illusions. I won't change my mind." the night battle directly broke Li Xiaohan's mind. "If you disobey me, I will kill the people around you one by one. When there is no left, you will naturally obey..."

Li Xiaohan closed his eyes and couldn't say a word. His heart was choking like a stone.

The feeling that his fate was completely controlled by others was terrible, and he was unable to struggle

"It's almost here." the night battle looked out the window. In the misty rain, the distant hills loomed. Chu Yunfei was buried there. Through the misty rain, he seemed to see her beautiful face and think about the scene before leaving. His eyes unconsciously became sad and murmured to himself——

"If at that time, my leg had not been abandoned by the king, I would not let her leave..."

Li Xiaohan was slightly stunned and asked in amazement, "your leg was abandoned by the king of the dark night? Why?"

"You don't need to know too much..." the night battle took back his thoughts and stopped talking.

"Does your organization still belong to the dark night flag?" Li Xiaohan asked curiously.

"No." the night battle avoided the important and said lightly, "just when you ask, I can tell you that I came out of the dark night last year. The king allowed me to take my old confidants, so I established my own base in San Francisco.

In order not to have anything to do with the dark night, I began to turn to the right way, so you don't have to worry about managing my industry well. In the future, I will only do business instead of going the way I used to. You will inherit my property, that is, help me manage my business. "

"What are your businesses? They are all robbed." Li Xiaohan was angry when he thought of what he had done. "You are shameless robbers in the dark night and only take other people's assets as your own..."

"Don't insult the dark night!!!" night battle Ling ran shouted angrily.

Li Xiaohan was stunned. Hasn't he left the dark night? How can you maintain the reputation of the dark night like this? It is said that the dark night respected the king's authority and holy heaven. If so, even if his legs were destroyed by him, he didn't dare to slander him.

"How can you turn to the right way by killing innocent people like this?" Li Xiaohan said coldly. "Just now you directly killed people. Haicheng police must find you."

"Well, the king also gave me such a warning." when the night battle mentioned the king, he still respected the president very much. "When I set up the lizhan group and you officially inherit my position, I won't kill again!"

Li Xiaohan turned his eyes. He felt that letting the night fight not kill was like letting the lion not eat meat. It was nonsense

The night battle ignored him and continued to look outside, staring at the cemetery not far away.

"There's one more thing I don't quite understand." Li Xiaohan looked down his eyes. "After my mother left you, didn't you find other women? Those women didn't have a son for you?"

"No, I don't have any other women after her." the night battle replied very simply, "I won't let anyone have children for me except her!"

This surprised Li Xiaohan. He thought that a domineering and arrogant man like night war would not defend himself for a woman. Unexpectedly, after his mother, he didn't touch other women

In this way, at least he has his own principle and bottom line in terms of emotion.

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