"You guessed right. I can't let go of those hatred. I can't forget my mother's death." Li Xiaohan hardened his heart and continued, "I don't have time to spend with you. I'll give you a minute and do it right away..."

Then he took out a gun and handed it to lengxingyue

"Pa!" Leng Xingyue slapped him in the face and trembled excitedly. "Li Xiaohan, you underestimated me too much. Do you think I can sacrifice my father in order to be with you? If I really do this? What's the difference between me and animals? Your calculation is wrong. I won't marry this marriage. I won't let you hurt my father, absolutely not!!!"

Li Xiaohan tilted his head, said nothing, and couldn't see any expression on his face.

Hongyan and a Chao understand that there must be a reason why Li Xiaohan did this. He must deliberately stimulate lengxingyue and want to send her away. It seems that the master is not really out of crisis. Are the people who fight at night lurking nearby?

"No, it's not like this..." only Leng Zhiyuan remained calm. He hurriedly dissuaded Li Xiaohan, "Li Xiaohan, you shouldn't say these words. I didn't tell you. I'll solve it..."

"Leng Zhiyuan!!!" Li Xiaohan interrupted Leng Zhiyuan coldly, "I still remember how my mother was forced to die by you. The reason why I pretended to be friendly to you during this period is to force her to make a choice at this critical moment!!!!!"

"You bastard -" Leng Xingyue was so angry that he rushed to him and tried his best, but Leng Zhiyuan grabbed her, "Xingyue, stop it!!!"


"OK, you wait for me outside. I'll talk to Xiao Han."

Leng Zhiyuan knows that Li Xiaohan must have a hard heart. Maybe Rong Ma and Leng Xingyue found something. He can't let them know about the night battle, so he can only blame all the problems on himself, so he makes mistakes.

"Dad, what are you talking about at this time?" Leng Xingyue worried that Li Xiaohan would be bad for her father. "Let's go!"

"Where are you going in the middle of the night?" Leng Zhiyuan drank sternly. "Everything here is Li Xiaohan. We have no car and no one. Where can you go?"

"I..." Leng Xingyue thought for a while and suddenly thought of an idea, "I want to call the police. I'll let the police take us away."

"Don't fool around..." Leng Zhiyuan frowned and said seriously, "you should believe Xiao Han and your husband..."


Afraid of Leng Zhiyuan's impatience, Li Xiaohan told Leng Xingyue the truth, so he changed the topic: "don't you want to talk to me? I'll give you ten minutes."

Then he turned and walked to the study

"Push me over." Leng Zhiyuan ordered.

Uncle Hua had to push Leng Zhiyuan to Li Xiaohan's study. He didn't trust Leng Zhiyuan alone, so he stood behind him, but Leng Zhiyuan ordered: "you go out first."


"Get out."

"All right."


When the door of the study closed, Leng Zhiyuan hurriedly asked, "what's going on? Why did you make things like this?"

"Don't talk nonsense." Li Xiaohan said bluntly, "Mr. Meng and Li Hai will be back soon. They take the French police. I'll ask them to escort you away. First find a secret place to avoid the limelight and wait until things are over here."

"You mean..." Leng Zhiyuan's face changed greatly when he heard Li Xiaohan say so. "Li Xiaohan, you're confused. Do you think you can hide from the world under the eyes of night war? You're setting yourself on fire. You'll not only cause trouble for yourself, but also affect the stars and the moon."

"Then what else?" Li Xiaohan was also angry. "Don't you see? You just suffered a little injury on your hand, and lengxingyue was nervous. If you suddenly died, could she live?"

"I've always been in poor health. It's normal for me to suddenly get sick and die. She was sad for a while..." Leng Zhiyuan was anxious. "Just do it according to the original plan. It's almost twelve o'clock. When you finish the wedding, I'll..."

"If things haven't been revealed, maybe it's OK, but now Leng Xingyue already knows. Do you think you can still act according to the original plan?" Li Xiaohan frowned. "If you die in front of me, no matter what the reason, Leng Xingyue will think I killed you. She will hate me and herself all her life..."


"All right." Li Xiaohan sighed deeply, "to tell you the truth, if I wanted to be on guard, mother Rong couldn't find the problem, but I didn't do anything because I was very contradictory. When I hated you in the past, I wanted you to die early, but now, I can't do it..."

Speaking of the last sentence, Li Xiaohan was very helpless, "my reason told me that it is the best choice to let you end yourself without being aware of the ghost. This is your own choice. Even if the east window incident happens, it has nothing to do with me. However, when I look at the way Leng Xingyue is so nervous and cares about you, I feel soft again.

It's not because I have any affection for you. It's mainly because I don't want to sacrifice anyone's life for any reason. If it's for others today, I can't save myself if Li Hai or Meng Shushan or even Hong Yan apologize for their death... "

Hearing these words, Leng Zhiyuan didn't speak, but looked at Li Xiaohan deeply, with unprecedented appreciation in his eyes.

He used to think that Leng Xingyue's feelings for Li Xiaohan were due to his love when he was young. Now he knows that Li Xiaohan has many shining spots, but he didn't find them before

"Just do as I say." Li Xiaohan whispered, "take advantage of Leng Xingyue's misunderstanding of me, and make the play more realistic. Later, you'll ask her to call the police. Then, the police arranged by Meng Shushan will come and take you away. With the protection of the police, it's difficult to start at night.

Meng Shushan will let the police find a safe place to protect you, and I will try my best to negotiate with the night war and let him promise to let you go.

It's just that this matter is a protracted war, which may not be solved in a while. You should appease the cold star moon and ask her not to think nonsense and recover from her injury. When I handle the things here, I'll pick her up. "

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