"Ah --" Leng Feifan gritted his teeth and roared, trying to get up and kill Li Xiaohan. Unfortunately, he couldn't beat Li Xiaohan at all.

Li Xiaohan kicked him to the ground. Before he could get up, he was trampled under his feet again. Li Xiaohan stepped on his head and Ling ran warned: "if you want to avenge me, I'm welcome at any time, but you don't have the ability now!"

"Li Xiaohan, you'd better kill me now, or I will avenge my father." Leng Feifan gritted his teeth and roared.

"I'm waiting for that day." Li Xiaohan squatted down and said to him, "but now, you have more important things to do..."

"What do you want to do?" Leng Feifan felt something wrong. "Where's Xingyue? What did you do to her?"

"After Leng Zhiyuan died, she collapsed and wanted to die, but I can't let her die because..." Li Xiaohan approached Leng extraordinary and said word by word, "she's pregnant with my child!!!"

"What?" Leng Feifan opened his eyes in amazement. At this time, how can he

"The child is innocent. Don't involve the gratitude and resentment of adults in it. Do you agree?" Li Xiaohan asked.

Leng Feifan was silent for a few seconds and nodded heavily.

"Very good!" Li Xiaohan let him go and pulled him up.

"Bang!" Leng Feifan punched him while he wasn't paying attention.

Li Xiaohan was blindfolded and his nose was bleeding. His eyes were hurt and he waved to beat Leng extraordinary, but he stopped at the critical moment and said solemnly: "take Leng Xingyue and let her rest assured to raise her fetus and give birth to a child. When the child is born, I will go to her and give her an explanation!!"

"Explain? Explain what? Explain how you killed my father?" Leng Zhiyuan asked angrily.

"Do you know why you can't do great things?" Li Xiaohan frowned wearily. "Like a small beast, he kept roaring, but he couldn't find the key point, couldn't control his emotions, couldn't control the situation, and would only fight and make trouble."

"You..." Leng Feifan frowned and his eyes were complex. Leng Zhiyuan once said this to him.

"I said you wanted to avenge me. I'm always welcome, but you don't have the ability now. If you humiliate yourself, you'd better do the business first." Li Xiaohan said patiently, "if you don't want to do it, you can get out now."

"No..." Leng Feifan said immediately, "now only I can protect Xingyue. I'll take her away!"

"So, you understand what I said?" Li Xiaohan confirmed again.

"You're right. The gratitude and resentment between adults have nothing to do with the child..." although Leng Feifan doesn't want to accept it, she has to admit this, "I'll persuade Xingyue to keep the child and let her give birth to the child."

"That's right." Li Xiaohan was very pleased, "OK, now go up and see her."

Then Li Xiaohan turned and left

"Wait a minute." Leng Feifan called him, "Li Xiaohan, why on earth? Why did you kill my father?"

Li Xiaohan's footsteps paused for a moment, didn't speak, and left directly..

Leng Feifan had to follow him out. Now he can't find the answer or revenge. He can only keep lengxingyue first


Uncle Hua has been out of his mind since last night. Leng Zhiyuan died. Rong Ma and Leng Xingyue fell ill. He was alone and couldn't do anything. He had to stay in Rong Ma's room to take care of her. He didn't dare to eat when the servant came to deliver food. He was afraid of poison.

Until he heard the cold extraordinary voice, like seeing the life-saving straw, he rushed out: "extraordinary young master, it's really you!"

"Uncle Hua!" Leng Feifan's eyes turned red when he saw Uncle Hua.

"Extraordinary young master, it's good to see you." Uncle Hua took cold extraordinary's hand and trembled excitedly, "master, he, he's gone..."

As soon as the voice fell, uncle Hua's tears fell down and cried sadly, "the master died miserably. He was killed by Li Xiaohan..."

"I know. One day, I will avenge my father." Leng Feifan held back his tears and vowed, "Uncle Hua, where's mother Rong?"

"Ah Rong is ill and still sleepy." Uncle Hua wiped his tears, looked around in a panic and said to Leng Feifan, "young master Feifan, please take us away. It's not safe here. I'm afraid Li Xiaohan will have a big animal attack again and start on the young lady."

"I know. I just want to take her away." Leng Feifan patted uncle Hua on the shoulder. "I'm going to see Xingyue now. You watch Rong ma. Don't walk around. Wait for me to arrange."

"OK, OK." Uncle Hua nodded again and again. "Extraordinary young master, be careful and pay attention to safety."

"I see..."

Leng Feifan comforted uncle Hua and came to Leng Xingyue's room. Leng Yuanyuan looked at her and didn't come near. He was afraid to wake her up and disturb her. He could only love her silently

She was lying on the bed, sleeping heavily. There were two maids guarding her. The furnishings in the house were strange. Take a closer look, all the things with glass and mirrors were removed. Maybe she was afraid of any accident.

Leng Feifan is preparing to leave. Suddenly, he inadvertently finds that there is a pool of blood stains on the carpet beside the sofa. He is worried that Leng Xingyue is injured. He hurried forward to check, but found that she only has a little skin injury on her hand and no other injuries.

Red smoke softly explained: "the carpet is the master's blood. When Miss Leng is excited, she wants to hurt herself. The master blocks it with her body."

Leng Feifan was stunned. He remembered that Li Xiaohan's chest and palm were all wrapped in gauze. Later, when he fought with him, the wound in the palm cracked and blood flowed

"Miss Leng has just fallen asleep. She may wake up at night." Hongyan said softly. "However, there is a thunderstorm tonight. You'd better be careful to accompany her and don't scare her again."

"Thunderstorm..." Leng Feifan heard the news in the car when he came. It seems that he can't go tonight.

"The host will go to the United States tonight..." Hongyan said, "you can stay here for a few more days. It's not too late to go until Mr. Leng's affairs are done. At that time, Miss Leng's mood will probably stabilize."

"I'll talk to Li Xiaohan." Leng Feifan exits the room. Uncle Hua is still waiting for him at the door and asks anxiously, "when shall we leave, young master Feifan?"

"I'm making arrangements. Come as soon as possible. Uncle Hua doesn't have to be afraid. I'm here." Leng Feifan patted uncle Hua on the shoulder. "Take me to Dad's room first."


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