"Then wait for the extraordinary young master to come back. When he buys fish, I'll cook boiled fish for you." Rong Ma coaxed Leng Xingyue.

"HMM." Leng Xingyue looked outside and whispered, "I don't know how the things I told him to do are going. Is it because it's difficult to do, so he made it so late?"

"It shouldn't be difficult," said Mrs. Rong sadly. "The master has been lying in the ice cellar for more than three months, and it's time to settle down. These policemen and those servants are Li Xiaohan's people. I'm afraid they won't bury the master well. Therefore, it's right for us to invite someone to settle down ourselves. When the master's affairs are settled, we'll leave here."

"Yes." Leng Xingyue sighed, "I've always been restless recently. I always think something will happen. I'd better leave early, leave this place of right and wrong early and change my life..."

"It will go well, don't worry." Rong Ma patted the back of her hand.

"Miss." at this time, uncle Hua hurried over and said uneasily, "master extraordinary can't get through."

"How could this happen?" Leng Xingyue was shocked. "Give me a try."

Uncle Hua handed Leng Xingyue his mobile phone. Leng Xingyue dialed lengfeifan's phone again. She really couldn't get through. She dialed with her mobile phone, or couldn't get through. She was surprised and immediately asked, "where's the driver ah song's phone? Have you called?"

"Yes, turn it off directly." Uncle Hua was terrified. "They shouldn't have had an accident?"

"No?" the cold star and moon stood up and walked out quickly.

"Miss, where are you going?" Rong Ma and uncle Hua hurriedly followed her.

"Go to the police and ask them to find extraordinary."

Leng Xingyue walks very fast. She has lost her father, but she can't lose her relatives anymore. Leng is especially her only dependence. If something happens to him, she really doesn't know how to live.

"Young lady, please slow down and don't fall." Rong's mother ran up and held her step by step and asked in a low voice, "is it possible that Li Xiaohan caught the extraordinary young master because he knew we were leaving here?"

"It's possible." Uncle Hua's face changed greatly when he thought of the great devil Li Xiaohan. "Who else would harm us like this except him? We have no other enemies."

"But extraordinary told me that Li Xiaohan agreed to let him take me to Russia." Leng Xingyue analyzed rationally.

"At this time, how can you still believe him?" Mrs. Rong was a little angry. "That villain killed the master and hurt you like this. You can't trust him any more."

Leng Xingyue didn't speak. She went out and called the police stationed outside. She said in English: "I went out to buy something. I haven't come back yet. The phone can't get through. I'm worried about his accident. Please help me find him."

"What are you talking about? I don't understand." the policeman only understood French.

"You..." Leng Xingyue said while gesturing, "don't you have a few policemen who understand English? You call them over."

Those policemen didn't understand lengxingyue's meaning, but they knew they couldn't communicate with lengxingyue, so they called their colleagues and asked the two colleagues who knew English to come over.

Leng Xingyue didn't know whether they understood or not. She was so anxious that she stamped her feet. She thought for a moment, downloaded the translation software on her mobile phone and learned to communicate sentence by sentence. The policeman finally understood her words and immediately sent someone to find Leng extraordinary.

Leng Xingyue finally took a breath and returned to the hall to wait for news.

At this time, the servants and doctors who were secretly monitoring all told the situation to the blue and green shade on duty today. They immediately sent someone to find Leng Feifan and reported the situation to Mr. Meng at the same time.


Leng Xingyue waited left and right. When it was dark and more than ten o'clock, Leng Feifan still didn't come back. The police didn't have any news. She was more and more upset. She was ready to drive out to find it by herself, but she was stopped by Rong Ma and uncle Hua. They advised her well and badly and refused to let her take risks.

Leng Xingyue tried to call Leng Feifan again, but she still couldn't get through. She felt more and more uneasy. She felt that Leng Feifan must have had an accident. She couldn't sit still. She had to save him

At this time, the sound of cars came from outside. Lengxingyue rushed out immediately, and Rong Ma and uncle Hua followed.

A police car drove back. It was the police stationed here, followed by an ambulance.

Leng Xingyue was shocked, hurried to meet him and asked in English, "what's going on? Extraordinary?"

"Leng Fanfan had a car accident." the chief policeman got out of the car and explained in English, "he and the driver went out to buy. On the way back, the car hit the bank and they were unconscious on the spot. Fortunately, you reminded us that our people found them for a long time and immediately informed the emergency center for first aid. Neither of them is in danger now, so they dare to bring them back."

Leng Xingyue was stunned when she heard this. Her mother shouted: "God, God, extraordinary young master..."

Leng Xingyue hurried over to check. Leng Feifan and a song, the driver, were carried down from the ambulance. Their whole bodies were covered with blood. A song was more serious. Their legs were cast. Leng Feifan's head was wrapped in gauze and there were many scars on his body. It was shocking

Dr. Mi handed over with the doctor, asked the medical staff to carry Leng Feifan and the driver into the house, and then went to be busy checking and treating them.

Leng Xingyue asked Uncle Hua to take care of him. He asked the police to know whether the accident was caused by man and whether the surveillance video was called out. However, the police said it was not man-made. It was just an ordinary traffic accident. Leng Fanfan's car fell off the bank in order to avoid a truck. They were seriously injured, and the truck driver hit and ran away.

This is the whole process. They also opened the surveillance video to Leng Xingyue. Indeed, there is no clue from it.

Leng Xingyue has nothing to say, so she has to take care of Leng extraordinary first.

A lot of things happened on this day. The calm Castle became uneasy because of the cold and extraordinary injury.

Leng Xingyue, Rong's mother and uncle Hua watched him until one o'clock in the morning. He didn't wake up. Leng Xingyue's mood was at the bottom of the valley. She didn't understand why all the people around her suffered bad luck, first her mother, then her father, and now even Leng extraordinary

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