This voice, this figure, is clearly

"Is it you?" Leng Xingyue looked at the shadow in amazement, his eyes full of fear.

"Yes, it's me..." the shadow sneered like a strange ghost, "cold star moon, you are always so vulnerable. You make me have no fun, you know?"

With that, she made a gesture, and the attendant immediately came and dragged lengxingyue out

"Don't, don't hurt our Miss..." Rong's mother held lengxingyue's hand and refused to let go.

The entourage had to drag her out together. Uncle Hua immediately followed her out: "let them go."

The temperature outside is very high, and the fire in the castle is still spreading, but the castle is too big to spread to the basement here.

At this time, Leng Xingyue found Dr. Mi lying unconscious under the stairs with blood on her face. She asked excitedly, "Li Hanxue, what have you done to her?"

"Don't worry, she's not dead yet." Li Hanxue sneered, "and you're so cold. Those maids and nurses are all lying in the castle hall. I won't let you die so lonely. I'll let them bury with you."

"You..." Leng Xingyue opened her eyes in amazement. "You set the fire, and you locked the door. You caused an accident, and that day, I had an accident that day, and you..."

"Your brain finally turned around..." Li Hanxue smiled, "I really took great pains to kill you."

"Li Hanxue, you madman, madman -" Leng Xingyue roared excitedly, "what's the matter with me? Why do you have to pester me?"

"Up to now, you dare to say it has nothing to do with you?" Li Hanxue's eyes became colder. "Now, I'll double the damage you've brought to me."

Then she made a gesture, and the five men slowly approached the cold star moon

"You, what are you doing?" Rong's mother wanted to rush over to protect lengxingyue.

"Shut up." a tall and powerful black entourage kicked her, and Rong Ma immediately fell to the ground with blood flowing from her nose and mouth.

"Rong ma..." Leng Xingyue exclaimed, "Li Hanxue, stop. You want to retaliate against me. Don't hurt them."

"Of course I came for you." Li Hanxue cocked her legs, sat on the gray leather chair in the basement and looked down at lengxingyue. "Look at you, how like a dog? It easily falls into my palm every time. I will torture you as much as I want."

Then she picked up Leng Xingyue's chin with the tip of her high-heeled shoes and said with a sneer, "tut tut Tut, this face is finally ruined. It's so ugly. I don't know how Li Xiaohan likes you. He actually made you pregnant. He really has to do it..."

As she spoke, she slid her toes down slowly and stepped on the belly of the cold star moon. The corners of her lips caught up a cold arc, "guess what would happen to you if I stepped on it like this?"

"If you dare to move the child, Li Xiaohan will kill you!!!" Leng Xingyue stared at her gnashing her teeth.

Hearing this sentence, Li Hanxue's face became more fierce and his eyes narrowed dangerously: "yes, if you don't remind me, I almost forgot that he wanted to kill me long ago. It's all because of you, because of you..."

With that, Li Hanxue's feet on lengxingyue's belly are slowly exerting force

"I fought with you -" Uncle Hua rushed up madly and knocked away the fierce cold snow with his body.

Li Hanxue almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, she didn't fall because an attendant supported her.

Two attendants punched and kicked uncle Hua. Rong's mother cried No. Leng Xingyue wanted to get up and protect them, but he was grabbed by an attendant and couldn't struggle at all.

Li Hanxue gnashed his teeth and roared: "what are you waiting for? Turn the bitch right away, then break her stomach and take the evil seed out as a gift to Li Xiaohan!!!!"

"You..." Leng Xingyue was scared pale.

The six tall and powerful attendants immediately pushed lengxingyue to the ground

"Don't, don't..." Leng Xingyue struggled wildly.

"Let her go, let her go..." Rong Ma and uncle Hua rushed to save Leng Xingyue. The two blacks were annoyed by them. They kicked uncle Hua away and shot him in the chest.

Uncle Hua fell to the ground, his eyes wide open and kept spitting blood.

"Ah -" Mrs. Rong screamed like crazy, "ah Hua, ah Hua -"

"Uncle Hua -" Leng Xingyue wants to go and see Uncle Hua, but those blacks catch her and tear her clothes. She can't push them away

"Ah Hua -" Rong Ma cried desperately holding uncle Hua, "Oh... God, why are you so cruel, why do you treat us like this, why..."

Leng Xingyue's hands and legs were held down by people. She was unable to struggle. She was about to be ruined by those people

Li Hanxue looked at all this and his eyes were glowing with excitement. A female attendant around her was still shooting videos on her mobile phone. Li Hanxue planned to send it to Li Xiaohan after it was done, so that he could know the consequences of failing her

Leng Xingyue's skirt was torn open. She closed her eyes in despair. At this time, "bang", there was a gunshot outside. The blacks were startled, all stopped and looked back at Li Hanxue: "someone broke in."

"Let two people have a look, and the rest continue."

Li Hanxue is crazy. She is about to take revenge. She must not be destroyed at this time.

"Yes!" while these people were calming down, Leng Xingyue suddenly pulled out a gun from a black man's waist, closed her eyes and opened at them

"Be careful, miss three!" the female attendant protected Li Hanxue and hid behind the box.

Leng Xingyue swept around like crazy. He shot all the bullets in the gun. When he opened his eyes, he found that he had killed two black attendants, and the remaining four were shot.

Because they were too close to lengxingyue, they were unprepared. There was a mess just now, and they couldn't escape. But now the bullets in lengxingyue's gun had been shot, they immediately fought back and were ready to shoot lengxingyue. At this critical moment, two figures attacked and "bang bang" two guns killed the two people.

Cold Xingyue looked back and saw red smoke and green shade

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