Embarrassed, Sumi turned back with a smile that she thought was natural. Sure enough, it was king Ruan who just said, "didn't you go back to the house? How did it come out again? I've been tired all day. Why didn't I sleep for a while and have a good rest. "

As she spoke, Sumi put the rice on the table without trace and turned her hand back. She said in her heart: I don't see it at all, I don't see it at all!

Perhaps the girl's heart was too pious. The man really didn't laugh at her for stealing out to eat, but was attracted by other problems.

"Mimi, are you concerned about me?" Jin Ruixuan's eyes flashed a touch of emotion. It's rare that the girl treated him so well today. She not only made so much food for him, but also cared about him so much.

She opened her mouth to say no, but Sumi endured it. If she said no now, the man would hold on to her stealing. She could only admit it, "well, of course I care about you. Do you want me to care about others?"

"How dare you?" The man with a pleasant face just now turned black and his tone became severe, as if the man would kill the girl as long as she said she wanted to care about others.

The sudden shout frightened Sumi. She wanted to change the topic. Unexpectedly, she annoyed the man. Why is she so unlucky today! She's talking about who she cares about and what relationship she has with King Ruan. Does he care too much.

Looking at the food in front of her, she couldn't eat it. Sumi was so sad that she couldn't help cursing the man: it's good for you to stop and go back to the house when you're full. What's wrong with walking around? I haven't eaten yet! I'm starving.

As she became more and more hungry, the girl's eyes became more and more sad. She often looked at the man and signaled that he could go back, but the man still stood in the kitchen as if he didn't understand it. She was so angry that the girl had to kick out people. "King Ruan, you go back to bed after dinner. Don't walk around here at night. It's scary."

"Mimi, you... Alas" sighed. The man deliberately said half of what he said and didn't go on, which worried Sumi. She was still hungry! What do men want to say!

"What are you going to say? Say quickly, is it a man's hesitation or not a man? " Sumi was so worried that she began to bite the bullet.

"I came out to have a look because I was worried about you and didn't eat." Touching Sumi's head, the man said with a spoiled face.

Su MI was stunned. What did king Ruan fan say just now? He said he was worried about her? The girl who responded was secretly happy. She looked at the man's handsome face and covered her face shyly.

"Bang bang" the girl's heartbeat began to accelerate again. Who did Ruan fan learn this from? It's annoying to say something misunderstood with such a sweet mouth recently.

Perhaps Sumi didn't notice that she is not so exclusive of men now, and has gradually adapted to living with men, and the most terrible thing is that she is like a young girl with a spring heart.

"Go to dinner! The dishes will be cold for a while. Would you like me to eat with you? " Jin Ruixuan looked at the stunned girl and felt sweet.

"OK" nodded, and Sumi agreed foolishly. After a while, she reacted. No, she asked Ruan fan Wang to have dinner with her.

Is her head broken? "Go ahead! I can eat it myself. " With that, he bowed his head and began to eat. He never dared to look at the man's face again.

"Silly girl" Jin Ruixuan whispered. Now Sumi has had dinner. He should have taken a bath. After tossing all day, he smelled of sweat. He couldn't stand it. If he hadn't worried about the girl, he would have taken a bath.

When he picked up his clothes, the man went to take a bath. At this time, Sumi was still struggling with the food! The eyes look at the nose and the nose at the heart. I don't dare to see anything except vegetables.

When Sumi finished her meal and began to clean up the dishes and chopsticks, she looked back and suddenly found that King Ruan fan was gone. She wondered, "where is this?"

Suddenly a figure covered Sumi. As soon as she looked back, she saw a man wearing nothing on her upper body and a bath towel around her lower body.

Just after taking a bath, Jin Ruixuan's head was still dripping with water. Sumi looked down at the water flowing down from the man's chest.

At ordinary times, even if a girl has a great prejudice against men, at this moment, she has to admit that the man's figure is really great. The man in clothes looks very thin. Only when you take off your clothes will you find that in fact, the man is not thin, but every piece of meat on his body is just good, and gives people the feeling of strength.

Unconsciously swallowed saliva. Sumi imagined in her head that it would be nice to touch a man's body!

For a moment, the girl's eyes widened, as if frightened by the idea in her head.

The girl who was struggling with herself did not find that a hand was reaching out to her. When the man's hand touched the girl's face, the girl's body stiffened and an electric current flowed through her.

She subconsciously wanted to get away. She didn't know what the man's sudden move was going to do. She didn't dare to guess. She could only look up like a man's eyes and hope to get the answer.

But the man's eyes are deep and boundless. He can't see the edge at a glance. He just wants to go deep and find its end.

Looking at the rice grains in his hand, the man smiled.

It turned out that the man suddenly stretched out his hand just now because he found a rice on the girl's face. He consciously stretched out his hand and took it down, but he didn't expect to scare the girl like this.

He laughed at himself: am I so scary? The little girl who can show her teeth and claws at ordinary times is scared and slow in response. She is still slow now!

Although Sumi is such a smart person, she just assembles herself in front of outsiders. In life, she is also a child. Other people's children are spoiled in the palm of her hand at Sumi's age, but Sumi has to take the responsibility of taking care of her family and worry about Doudou.

Thinking so, the man suddenly wanted to hold the girl in his arms, but he was afraid of really scaring the girl. He still pressed down the impulse at the bottom of his heart. The future is long, and the two people have a long time together!

The more time we spend together, Jin Ruixuan finds that Sumi is more like a child, a little girl who needs to be protected and taken care of by others. Has she ever longed for such warmth! But everything was smoothed by reality. Unconsciously, the man also fell into meditation.

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