The Su family.

Sumi's estimation is right. Aunt and cousin have already arrived.

One night when she was eighteen, she insisted on moving out of her aunt's house and living alone with her brother.

On the ground downstairs of the community, all her personal belongings, clothes, shoes, quilts, boxes and so on... Are everywhere.

"Little white eyed wolf, white raised her for so many years!" Su Zhidan scolded and threw things down the window.

Nearby residents either looked sideways from the balcony or stared curiously at Sumi who had just returned and talked one after another.

In the corridor, an aunt with a good relationship came forward, her eyes dodged and asked, "Sumi, what's the matter? Want to sell the house? Just now, your family came and went back several groups of people, some looking at the house and others moving!"

Upon hearing this, Sumi knew that her aunt had found a buyer, but fortunately she rushed back in time.

She could only reply to her aunt with a low eyebrow, "if you don't sell it, I won't give the house to anyone."

At this time, the door opened. Cousin LV Jue had seen her come back long ago, but she greeted Sumi with an surprised expression, smiling and bored.

"Sister, come back so soon?"

Su Mi went over Lu Jue and asked directly, "aunt, what are you doing? Didn't I say I would pay you back!"

Su Zhidan pretended not to see her and continued to shout to the workers: "don't want it all, move out!"

"Stop it, stop it!" Sumi could not hold back her anger. She scolded coldly, pointing to the people who moved in and out to move furniture, and a sense of sadness welled up in her heart.

Su Zhidan pulled Sumi's hand. His expression was charitable and cunning. He patted her on the shoulder and whispered, "Mimi, my aunt is also for you. She sold the house and your brother's medical expenses can be solved."

"Mom! What are you talking to her about? It's natural to sell the house and pay back the money!" Lv Jue fiercely pierced Sumi's eardrum with a delicate voice line, looked at her with disdain and watched a good play.

The mother and daughter have calculated that one will sing black face and the other will sing white face.

"I..." Sumi was hard to say, and didn't want to turn over with her aunt's family.

At the moment of embarrassment, Su Zhidan spoke again. This time, she no longer wore the mask of hypocrisy, but complained and attacked frankly.

"Mimi, your uncle has complained about me all these years because of your brother. My aunt really can't help it. I hope you can understand me more or less."

"Aunt, I know you work hard, but the house is the only legacy left by my mother!" Sumi was sad and looked at Su Zhidan with black and white eyes.

The clear and transparent eyes without any impurities hit the people's hearts. Su Zhidan saw the appearance of his sister on the wall when she was young, as if she overlapped with Su MI.

She shook off Sumi's hand and stopped pretending to be with Yan, "don't talk nonsense. You and Su Dou are two burdens. Our family has made a lot of compensation over the years. I have to get it back today."

"Aunt! Please... Don't sell my mother's house!" Sumi begged.

"Get out of the way! I've found a buyer. It's no use saying anything." my aunt said disgustingly.

"Sister, as I say, you just listen to my mother," said LV Jue with a cheerful face. "If you marry boss Tian, he is so excellent. Why do you need one house and five sets, don't you?"

Sumi knew that her cousin was unkind. Even if she didn't respond, people would still incite the flames.

"I won't marry boss Tian if I die. You look good. I want to marry you!" Su Mi replied angrily.

Su Zhidan immediately got angry when he saw that his daughter was humiliated. "It's against it. It's kind to treat it as a donkey's liver and lung. Throw it all to me!"

Trying to hold back her tears, Sumi said, "aunt, you sold the house. Where do I live? You don't want me to live in your house!"

Living back to his aunt's house, he has to spend more money. Let alone whether his uncle agrees or not, Su Zhidan will never allow it. She loves her money more than the house.

What a coincidence, uncle LV Wei came out of the inner room and saw this scene with an obscene smile. "Ouch! What's going on, Mimi? Why are you crying?" he said, taking the initiative to help Sumi, and the salty pig's hands immediately agitated.

LV Jue wondered, "Dad, why are you so polite to this woman? She owes us money. Mom kindly introduced her to a man who was willing to take her in, and she offended people, hum!"

LV Wei didn't stand by his wife and daughter and spoke for Sumi for the first time. "Mimi, the house is sold. You don't have to be sad when you go home."

Sumi felt disgusted for a while and pushed away the old man's disgusting dirty hands. She really had enough, "uncle, don't be disrespectful for old people. You know what you have done."

She frowned and put away the look of weakness and begging. Since they don't want face, why should they care?

Su Zhidan was stunned and asked, "what do you mean?"

"Aunt, do you know? Why did I just move out of your house that year? I endured it for more than ten years. Why should I care for a few months? I think you don't know what your husband did!"

"Sumi, you're talking nonsense, my husband..." Su Zhidan was guilty. After all, she knew her own man's virtue.

"Aunt, when you worked late at night, he actually came into my room in the dark. Fortunately, I beat him away with violence. Otherwise, you would be a grassland on your head!"

This remark shocked everyone.

The spectators, movers and house watchers stopped and looked this way.

"Old and immortal, you actually......" Su Zhidan was ashamed and angry.

When the scandal was exposed in public, LV Wei became angry. "Fart, there's nothing wrong. Wife, don't listen to her sow discord."

"Mom, dad must have been wronged." Lv Jue's face was green and white.

Su Zhidan then reacted. She can't expose her family's ugliness. Now she can only spread all her anger on Su MI and scold, "little bitch, you don't seduce people by making a coquettish appearance. Who can want you? Just like your mother!"

"Don't insult my mother!"

Su Zhidan was so angry that he strode to the wall. As soon as he took off the photo, he was about to hit the ground.

"Don't!" Su Mi hurriedly stretched out her hand to stop it. Unexpectedly, Su Zhidan threw the photo at her!

Instead of holding out her hand, she stumbled and was pushed to the ground. Seeing that the photo and fist were about to fall on her body.

Just then, a man appeared in the air, grabbed Su Zhidan's hand and shouted coldly, "stop!"

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