The girl has worked hard over the years and no one hurts. It's estimated that she doesn't know what moving is! It's really painful to save money by calculating money, rice, oil and salt every day.

"Mimi, don't worry, I'll try my best to make money and let me hurt you later." Jin Ruixuan said silently in his heart. He felt that for a moment he seemed to find his motivation for survival. Even if he couldn't find his previous memory, he still had a girl.

At this time, Jin Ruixuan didn't know what the girl thought. If he knew what the girl thought, his heart would be broken!

"Then you didn't buy the bracelet? Is the money in your mobile phone?" Sumi knew that the money was in the man's mobile phone, her eyes stared round, and she looked at the man covetously, hoping to fall on him in the next second.

"Yes! What are you going to do with me?" Jin Ruixuan tightened his clothes carefully. It was really that the girl's eyes were too aggressive, which made him have a bad hunch.

As soon as the man's words were finished, Sumi stood up and put her hands on her hips. "Come on, give me the money. I really want to talk about you. Why don't you want to pay the bill? You can't teach me!" Sumi looked sad. In fact, she pretended it. She was very happy now. It's a lot of money! Her little vault is bulging again.

In the face of the sudden change of painting style, Jin Ruixuan was a little uncomfortable. Where was he moved? How did you become a charterer? This change is too fast! He's a little uncomfortable.

"What are you stunned? Hand over the money quickly." Sumi patted the man on the shoulder and put his hand in front of the man.

I'm reluctant to give away the money I've earned. Although it costs money to buy a bracelet for a woman, it's not a concept to spend money and hand over the money!

"Can I hand them in?" Jin Ruixuan asked tentatively.

"Do you still want to save a small treasury? No way, hand it all in." Sumi didn't let go at all. She was about to get the fat meat in her mouth. How could she let go, "if you hand it in now, there would be a reward!"

As soon as he heard the reward, Jin Ruixuan became excited and immediately handed in all the money. He didn't keep a cent and got the money. Su Mi checked it. My God, men really didn't earn less these days! So many, but she didn't forget to ask, "is there any more?"

"Cut." Jin Ruixuan wanted to give the girl a big white eye. She thought everyone was like her, stingy girl and money lover. "No, my reward?"

When she got the money, Sumi suddenly turned her face. "What reward? Look at this table full of such good dishes. It's not a reward!"

The corners of his mouth raised a bitter smile. Jin Ruixuan guessed that the girl would cheat. Hum, since you cheat, don't blame me for being rude. He stood up at once and kissed his long-awaited lips while the girl wasn't paying attention.

"This is my reward." after getting what he wanted, the man smiled contentedly. He didn't go too far, but touched it slightly.

After being stolen, Sumi wanted to get angry, but when she thought of all kinds of things today, she chose to put up with it, but she didn't give a good face to the man, but she finally gave the man 100 yuan, which was regarded as her kindness.

"Give you a hundred, don't say I didn't keep it for you." then Sumi returned to her room. She wanted to clean up. Now that she had money, she planned to buy a toy for Doudou. "Clean up and let's buy a toy for Doudou while there's nothing to do now."

Looking at the 100 yuan in his hand, Jin Ruixuan giggled. The girl was still very good. Even without the 100 yuan, he wouldn't say anything.

The two simply cleaned up, and then set off to the toy store to pick out toys for Doudou. "This is the toy Doudou has always liked." when they came to the toy store, the girl pointed to a gun for the man. Doudou always wanted it. Unfortunately, they didn't have money and didn't buy it.

"Very good. Look at this toy car! Boys usually like to play with cars, and this." Jin Ruixuan picked it up and gave Doudou a lot.

"Buy so much?" Sumi hesitated. She couldn't spend so much money now, but she was taught a lesson by a man immediately.

"It doesn't have much money. When the money is gone, we are making money! Doudou's happiness is the most important." Jin Ruixuan gave full play to the character image of his good brother-in-law and finally bought Doudou a lot of toys. The girl can't take them when she takes them.

Gao Zhiqing bought a new car a few days ago. She likes it very much. She's driving it today. She's going to play Xianpei with her friends. She looks at her car and likes it.

Although dozens of good cars have been put in her garage, this one is her favorite. She begged her family for a long time to buy it for her, so others can't touch the car. They're killing her!

Moreover, the car needs to be serviced once a week. The living standard is better than people.

After shopping, the two were happy to go to the hospital. Sumi was also very happy. She always felt that she owed Doudou. This time she bought him a favorite toy. When she thought of him being happy, she was also happy.

"Look at you, you fool. You can make you happy for such a long time." Jin Ruixuan touched the girl's hair. He was also infected by the girl's smile, and the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously.

Suddenly, a car came in front. The speed was very fast and was about to hit the girl. Jin Ruixuan pushed the girl away regardless of his injury, but it was still late. The girl had been knocked down by the car.

"Mimi, are you all right!" the first thing Jin Ruixuan did when he got up was not to check himself, but to come to the girl and check the girl from head to toe. "Fortunately, you're all right. How does this man drive!"

After finding that the girl was ok, Jin Ruixuan thought of the driver. Doesn't this person look at the road when driving? They can be hit when they walk on the sidewalk.

"Hey! Can you drive? Do you know if you hit someone." Gao Zhiqing, who just got out of the car, was asked by a man. She didn't expect to hit it. She came out to the party happily and such a thing happened. She was in a bad mood all of a sudden.

Without paying attention to the man, Gao Zhiqing hurriedly checked her car. She didn't know. On this day, her heart would be broken.

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