Hearing Jiang Zimo's words, Gu Tang put down the teacup in his hand, his answering voice could not hear the joy or the sadness.



The name Gu Tang is not special. It is not surprising that there are people with the same name and surname, but both Jiang Zimo and Gu Tang know what Jiang Zimo wants to ask about this question, and what does Gu Tang's answer mean.

So after Gu Tang didn't conceal anything, and after directly confessing, Jiang Zimo was really silent this time.

From his mother’s mouth, Jiang Zimo knew that Gu Tang’s kidnapping was not an ordinary incident, and that monks were involved.

Because the martial artist also belongs to the cultivation world, Jiang Mu knows more news than Xing Aofeng.

Jiang Zimo was of course happy to see that Gu Tang had all his tails. Although the four major families exist for balance, there is competition among the four families, but at the same time they also help each other.

Gu Tang can be said to be the most outstanding leader of this generation. Jiang Zimo is not someone who is easy to be jealous. Of course, he is more willing to make Yanhuang country better than now under Gu Tang's leadership.

Jiang Zimo quickly made a decision, took a deep breath, raised his head to meet Gu Tang's gaze, and firmly assured: "Gu Tang, don't worry, I will definitely not spread the news that you are here. Yes, but I swear in the name of the Jiang family."

"No need." Seeing Jiang Zimo's nervous look, Gu Tang's eyes drooped slightly to stop him from speaking.


No need? Why not?

Gu Tang has been hiding in this small village. Isn't there any important plan? He suddenly came home. If the murderers were to discover Gu Tang's whereabouts, let alone Gu Tang's safety, even Ming Wuxiang who had a relationship with Gu Tang would be implicated.

Therefore, when Jiang Zimo promised Gu Tang, he still wondered whether he would find someone to protect Ming Wuxiang, a child who fits his eyes in the dark. As for him, if there were no more important things, Jiang Zimo would actually be more willing to protect himself There is no phase.

Fortunately, Gu Tang didn't know Jiang Zimo's thoughts, or he could only say that he was worthy of martial arts, and his brain was a bit...cough.

But Jiang Zimo was also kind, but he didn't know how cruel existence he thought was a weak and invisible person who needed protection.

"Thank you Jiang Shixiong for your concern, but Jiang Shixiong don't care too much about my affairs. Everything is fine."

Seeing Jiang Zimo's bewildered look, Gu Tang kindly explained. When Gu Tang said that everything was business as usual, Jiang Zimo also reacted. Yes, business as usual is the most suitable.

If he looks nervous, anyone who is not blind can see that there is a problem.

"Gu Tang, don't worry, I know how to do it." Although Jiang Zimo was dumb, it didn't mean he was stupid.

Regarding this question, Gu Tang did not continue, but changed the subject and asked another thing, "I don't know what happened to Jiang Shixiong's visit to Ming's house this time?"

I was too shocked to see Gu Tang before and almost forgot to find Ming Wuxiang. Now when Gu Tang mentioned this, Jiang Zimo's mouth moved, but he didn't say anything in the end. He felt that it would be better to find the righteous master Ming Wuxiang on this matter.

As for Gu Tang, I saw that his attitude when getting along with Ming Wuxiang was very close, but the things he wants to talk about are very important, so let's find the righteous.

Gu Tang shook his head after seeing Jiang Zimo hesitating. He didn't want to say anything. His eyes drooped slightly. After thinking about it, he wanted to understand the other party's intention.

"Is it for the elixir?" This is the only thing that will cause Jiang Zimo to visit the door himself.

As for the pill, unless Xing Aofeng leaked it out, no one would know that the magic pill that caused the looting came from him.

Although Jiang Zimo and Ming Wuxiang were very enthusiastic when they first met at the Shiyuan Private Kitchen. Ming Wuxiang invited Jiang Zimo to Luoye Village as a guest, but for so long, I knew that Jiang Zimo did not act.

But recently because Ming Wuxiang sold the elixir planted in Houshan to the several healers of the Jiang family, both Ming Wuxiang and Gu Tang knew that it would definitely attract some people's attention.

It is not surprising that Jiang Zimo, who is from the Jiang family, was the first to receive news and appeared in Luoye Village.

"How did you know?" Jiang Zimo was startled when he heard Gu Tang talking about the elixir, and asked subconsciously.

Sure enough, Gu Tang elegantly changed his sitting posture, revealing his posture of negotiating with the partner at the conference table, with a calm smile on his face, and the tone of his words even more relaxed.

"Now the point is not why I know it, but about the elixir. Brother Jiang Shi can talk to me."

"Talk to you?" If you were surprised that Gu Tang knew what he came from before, and now you hear Gu Tang say that you can talk to him about elixir, Jiang Zimo is not surprised.

But to Gu Tang’s expression, Jiang Zimo knew that Gu Tang’s words were not false. Gu Tang could indeed call the shots of those precious elixir.

However, rather than talking to the old fox Gu Tang, Jiang Zimo said that he wanted to talk to Ming Wuxiang more! Ming Wuxiang, this child, is more talkative than Gu Tang...

Jiang Zimo has never seen Gu Tang, but he has not heard much about Gu Tang's great achievements.

Mr. Gu is the kind of master who is full of his legends even if he doesn't appear-there are many fans, no way.

In the end, Jiang Zimo was of course defeated by Gu Tang. As for the process of the two-day conversation, I won't repeat it. In the end, we only need to know that we have to pity Jiang Zimo, who has been tossed under the brilliance that President Gu can hardly resist.

On the other side, Ming Wuxiang, who was leading the auditors and Uncle Li into the back mountain, didn't know that Jiang Zimo was being poisoned by Gu Tangtu.

However, regarding the elixir, he was indeed responsible as Gu Tang said. There will be such a situation, purely lazy cancer starts to commit again.

Just like the pill that he had refined before, except for the ones he needed, all the useless Ming Wuxiang were thrown directly to Gu Tang for him to deal with.

The action of Ming Wuxiang is exactly what Gu Tang would like to see most. Therefore, in the future, all kinds of lazy smashing of the Ming Wuxiang are all pampered by President Gu himself.

The reviewer and Uncle Li are not cultivators, so even if the two of them entered the range of the back mountain formation, they didn't notice the strangeness of the back mountain. However, the two of them were ordinary people, but when they walked into the back mountain, they still felt a sudden lift of energy.

"Mr. Ming, the air here is really good. It feels better than those so-called natural oxygen bars."

The reviewer's remarks weren't blatantly blatantly, but his true feelings.

His job is destined to run around. I have seen a lot of places that need to be reviewed. Many of them are converted into holiday resorts after buying land, and then all the advertisements are selling natural oxygen bars, negative ions, etc. They are a fairyland, no To feel that it is all one's own loss.

However, before today, the reviewers did not feel much about the promotion of these businesses, but after today, they will only feel that the advertisements of those businesses are exaggerated. Now he is in the natural oxygen bar.

It feels like a reborn after taking a breath.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhang, you have praised, because the environment here is good."

Ming Wuxiang smiled and raised his finger to the distant mountain range, and said: "There is the branch of the Wolong Mountain Range. The back mountain of my house is regarded as a dragon tail. It is normal to be affected by the Wolong Mountain Range."

The reviewer was not a local, and he didn't know if it was true or false to speak to Ming Wuxiang. As a local, Uncle Li only glanced at Ming Wuxiang who was smiling, did not speak, and his eyes were full of smiles.

It's not that he has never been to Houshan, who has no Xiangjia family, and he often played with his friends here when he was young. Therefore, Uncle Li can pat his chest to ensure that the back mountain was definitely not like now.

Once a special forces soldier, Uncle Li had some knowledge and knew that Hou Shan would become what it is now. It must have something to do with Ming Wuxiang, but he didn’t even inquire about it, just like Ming Wuxiang was planted before. Like a panacea.

Even if his father asked curiously after returning home, Uncle Li just shook his head. Seeing Uncle Li's reaction like this, the village head also put aside his curiosity. The village head may not have as much knowledge as Uncle Li, but Jiang is still old and spicy. This is correct.

He urged Uncle Li not to leak out the panacea, so both people in the village and outsiders only thought that Ming Wuxiang was a kind of medicinal material for making money, but there was no panacea, and you would know that it was not an ordinary thing. thing.

Ming Wuxiang also took the two to see the medicine field. The reviewer couldn't see the herbs in Ming Wuxiang medicine field, but when he saw that the herbs did not grow well, he couldn't help laughing and teasing Ming Wu. A few words.

"It says outside, sir, your mountain is full of precious treasures. Although I can't understand medicinal herbs, the medicinal herbs in your medicinal field look very energetic."

The inspector can't understand the quality of the herbs, but he can still see the growth of the plants.

And I don’t know if it’s his own illusion, the closer he gets to the medicine field, the stronger the fragrance of plants on the tip of his nose, and he also feels that he is more energetic.

In the end, the auditor can only interpret this as being close to the plants, and the oxygen released by the plants makes them feel comfortable.

Well, a very scientific explanation.

The auditor was talking and laughing with Ming Wuxiang along the way, but when the group of three walked to the medicine field, Uncle Li became more and more dull, and he didn't say a word afterwards.

Ming Wuxiang certainly noticed the change in Uncle Li's expression, which was also intentional by Ming Wuxiang.

And it's strange that Uncle Li is not silent. Anyone who sees that huge panacea will be fine without being scared and screaming.

The review process went smoothly this time. As I said before, unless there is a pitfall in the brain, or the review after the land sale is simply a cutscene.

Because there was still work to be done next, the auditor asked Ming Wuxiang to talk to Jiang Zimo, and he got in the car and left.

Watching the car go away, Uncle Li, who had been quiet, finally spoke, with the soldier's perseverance in his tone, "Ming Wuxiang, I will not reveal the elixir on the mountain behind you."

Ming Wuxiang met Uncle Li's firm gaze, then suddenly smiled, and said in a relaxed tone: "Uncle Li, don't be so nervous, since I let you follow, of course I believe in your character."

Will reveal the situation of Hou Shan to Uncle Li to know that in addition to trusting his character, there is also his identity.

Don't think of the village chief as a small village official, but at some point, he played a huge role. His home is in Luoye Village, and his roots are also in Luoye Village. Ming Wuxiang doesn't mind having a good relationship with the people in Luoye Village.

Just as the old village chief asked if he could help his family in planting herbs, the villagers of Luoye Village had a more intimate attitude towards him than ever.

It is not to blame for the fact that there is no reality, but this world is like this. It's also to be able to relax a little bit, especially after the university starts, and to leave here, the situation at home can only be taken care of by the village chief.

Of course, before leaving, Ming Wuxiang must arrange everything to leave with confidence.

Ming Wuxiang, who planned to leave home after the university started, didn't know anyone left earlier than him.

"You said you are leaving?"

The plan went smoothly, and he returned home with a smile on his face. He didn't see Jiang Zimo, and then heard Gu Tang say to him.

The sudden notification made Ming Wuxiang stunned.

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