Pretending To Be A Leader To Inspect The Campus Caused A Sensation On The Internet

【34】Can’T Even Tell The District Chief? What Level?

"What's going on? The leaders who came to inspect this time actually found out the campus fruit loans?"

"And it's from our school. Damn it, if it wasn't for this leadership inspection, I wouldn't even know about it."

"Are there really girls who let others take naked pictures of themselves just for that little bit of vanity?"

"Made, when I look at the well-dressed girls in our school, they all look like they are in trouble."


Among the students of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics.

Look at the messages sent by teachers.

The college students all started talking about it.

Especially knowing that it happened in my own school.

Their discussion was even more intense.

And some female students who were on loan looked at the news.

They quickly packed it up.

I went to the Public Security Bureau to ‘surrender’.

After all, the person they loaned money to has been arrested.

So is your nude photo now in the police station?

They don't want the police to come looking for them in person.

At that time, it would be a big loss to lose face.

Only then did everyone wear masks.

Go to the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau to register.

"Why hasn't our principal gone to receive this leadership inspection?"

"Who knows, it's really weird."

"This time the leadership seems to be serious. The security captain of our school's security department has surrendered."

"You must not do anything illegal or disciplined, otherwise you will be in trouble."


It’s not just spread among students.

Even the university teachers are speculating.

What they just can't figure out is.

Why are the leaders here to inspect?

The principal didn't go to receive him yet.

Even a surprise inspection.

You should also go in person.

It's just that they don't know.

At this time, Jiang Lili was also having a headache.

"Principal, it's time for us to go receive him. Do you know where the leader is?"

The dean can no longer hold himself any longer.

He always thought that there would never be any violations of laws and disciplines at Modu University.

Good guy.

It was only one morning.

Unexpectedly, two things were found out.

Not to mention that the security captain of the Security Section surrendered.

I also dug up a campus fruit loan.

This made Huang Deshou very stressed.

As the school's dean of instruction.

Something big happened at the school.

He has an unshirkable responsibility.

But we can't let him continue to inspect like this.

Otherwise, we still don’t know what we can find out.

"You think I don't want to!"

Jiang Lili was also very upset.

But he still hasn't been able to find out who is inspecting this time.

There is no news at all from the Education Bureau.

It seems that no one dares to say this.

He panicked a little.

"By the way, principal, where are you asking the district chief?"

At this time, Huang Deshou thought of someone.

"You mean Su Yunshan?"

Listen to him.

Jiang Lili's eyes lit up.

"Yes, he is the district chief. He must know the news inside. I don't know where the leader is. It's not easy for us to entertain him!"

Huang Deshou really had no choice.

Because the leaders came to inspect this time.

It was unlike anything he had ever seen.

In the past, leaders also came for surprise inspections.

But even for inspection.

I also came to their office first and then told them what to check.

Go directly with the teacher, director, etc.

But this time the leader.

Let’s start with security.

They did not inform the senior leaders in their school at all.

This makes them suspicious.

Are they unwilling to allow them to receive this surprise inspection?

Huang Deshou as the teaching director.

Deeply understand the ways of the world.

This leader will not come to the director's office when he comes.

I don't even come to the principal's office.

Instead, he got into a fight with the security guard.

I asked about the campus fruit loan from a student.

This in itself was not intended to bring out the leaders of their school.

Once they are out greet or escort.

I'm afraid that not only will I not win the favor of this leader by then.

Instead, it will be straightened out when the time comes.

This is why Jiang Lili has always wanted to find out about this leader.

Of course Huang Deshou also knew.


This leadership ability is also too strong.

There are ways to dig up information that even they can’t think of.

They urgently need help now.

Otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with.

"Okay, I'll call Su Yunshan right now!"

Jiang Lili naturally understood what he said.

Someone needs to help now.

There is no hope for the Education Bureau.

Now we can only see if the district mayor can help.


He called Su Yunshan's phone number.

"Hello, District Chief Su, I am Jiang Lili, the president of Shanghai University."


"That's right, a group of leaders from our school came to inspect..."


"Yes, yes, I don't know what's going on. District Chief Su, do you think?"


"Okay, okay, I'm just waiting for your news."


hang up the phone.

Jiang Lili's face softened slightly.

"Principal, what did the district chief say?"

Look at Jiang Lili.

Huang Deshou asked quickly.

"Su Yunshan doesn't know either, but he asked me to ask and asked me to wait."

Jiang Lili replied.

"He doesn't know either?"

Huang Deshou was depressed.

Where is the leader?

Even the district chief didn't know.

This leader is definitely not from the Education Bureau.

It can only be something else.

But generally when other leaders inspect, they must go through the district chief.

He didn't even know.

Whose leader is this?

the other side.

After Su Yunshan, the mayor of the southern district of Shanghai, hung up the phone.

He sat on the sofa and meditated.

Leader inspection.

Not from the Education Bureau yet.

The Public Security Bureau was even mobilized...

Who is this leader?

After all, he is a district chief.

He didn't even say hello.

At this time, Su Yunshan was also a little puzzled.

"District Chief, do you think it's possible that he's from the inspection team?"

At this time.

asked a man with glasses.

"Inspection team? You mean the assignment document from the central government?"

Su Yunshan frowned slightly.

"Yes, you told me once about this major rectification incident, saying that the central government will assign an inspection team to inspect and rectify the work this time. They should not need to go through you."

The man said again.

"Well, it's very possible!"

Su Yunshan nodded.

Then he said: "In this case, I have to ask Lao An..."

Su Yunshan paused.

Suddenly something occurred to me.

Said: "By the way, Xiao Wang, Xiao Wei hasn't come back recently, right?"

"No, I heard that she was doing some thesis practice or something, and she also said she was going to send out flyers and so on..."

"send flyer?"

"Yes, it's a thesis practice given by the professor, but I don't know if she can pull off this face!"

"Haha, let her practice it."

I asked casually.

Su Yunshan said nothing more.

Pick up your phone.

Dial An Changlin's phone number.

"Lao An, I'm Su Yunshan, let me ask you something..."


"Who is so mysterious? Even I can't tell you?"


"That's it, that's okay, I'll go to your place now."


"Okay, okay, I know!"

After the call is connected.

Su Yunshan's frown deepened.

"District Chief, what did An Changlin say?"

There was something wrong with his expression.

The assistant asked very strangely.

"He didn't say anything. It seemed quite mysterious."

Su Yunshan put his cell phone in his pocket.

It was very strange.

Even if the inspection team comes to inspect.

It’s not like you can’t even speak to yourself, right?

After all, he is also a district chief!

Su Yunshan was puzzled.

"In this case, you call Jiang Lili and I'll go to the Shanghai Public Security Bureau!"

Su Yunshan felt a little uneasy.

He stood up and spoke to his assistant.

Head outside.

"Yes Yes!"


"Okay, thank the district director for me!"

Shanghai University.

After Jiang Lili received the call.

He became even more depressed.

"What did the district chief say?"

Huang Deshou asked quickly.

He felt that Jiang Lili's mood was not quite right.

"The district chief asked us not to interfere for the time being. The leader this time cannot say anything!"

Jiang Lili looked at Huang Deshou.

He smiled bitterly.

"What? You can't say it?"

Everyone in Huang Deshou was dumbfounded.

He is the district chief.

Can't even tell him?

So how big of an official does the leader have to be this time?

in addition.

Why did he come to Shanghai University?

Could it be that there is really something illegal and indisciplined at Modu University?

Make him have to come to their university to inspect?

"Old Huang, look at where he is. Hurry up and get ahead of him and arrange things. Make sure nothing goes wrong again."

Jiang Lili was really panicked.

Leaders who could not even speak to the district chief came to inspect their school.

This means that there must be serious violations of law and discipline in their Mordu University.

The security guard and campus loan in front are most likely just appetizers.


Huang Deshou didn't understand what he meant.

Hurry out and make arrangements.

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