Pretending To Be A Leader To Inspect The Campus Caused A Sensation On The Internet

【42】Let You Solve The Problem, And You Solve The Students?

【Why are you eating again? Tell me!】

[Made, I’m so worried, what happened? 】

[I’m really impressed. If there’s anything you can’t say to the leader around you, he can make the decision for you. 】

[Upstairs, the anchor is just a fake leader. 】

[What a fake leader, we are real netizens, we can also help him with our strength. 】

[That is, now that the Internet is so developed, if something unfair happens, we can also help. 】

[The anchor will ask again quickly. 】


Look at the boy still picking at his food.

Netizens were extremely anxious.

They all urged Li Ang to ask again quickly.

Su Wei and the others were equally anxious.

Their eyes were all looking towards Li Ang.

I hope I can ask him again.

Look what trouble he got into.

They might as well help him think of a solution together.

At this time, Li Ang was not anxious at all.

Still sitting there.

Like waiting for something.

"This student must be in some kind of trouble!"

the other side.

Su Yunshan and An Changlin also frowned.

Li Ang just asked some very common questions.

But it made one boy burst into tears.

This in itself is abnormal.

But the boy still didn't say...

“I feel like we can let the inspection team intervene!”

At this time.

An Changlin said suddenly.

"Let the inspection team intervene?"

Su Yunshan was stunned.

Nothing has been asked yet.

Why let the inspection team get involved?

"Don't worry, this little guy will definitely be able to ask something. Lao Gao's business is coming soon."

An Changlin had no explanation.

He believed that Li Ang would be able to ask something.

And he feels.

Things should not be simple for this student.

Look at the way An Changlin believes in Li Ang so much.

Su Yunshan was also a little puzzled.

Quickly look at the video again.

The boy finally picked up the food until not a single grain of rice was left.

Then he raised his head very satisfied.

Li Ang gestured to Su Wei.

Su Wei then handed over the tissue again.

"Thank you, I haven't had such good food in a long time!"

The boy looked towards Li Ang.

There was gratitude in his eyes.

"Things will get better in the future!"

Li Ang smiled at him.

Then he said: "Don't give up, believe in the country!"

The same sentence again.

It's just that there's a different person on the other side.

"Well, I believe it!"

The boy nodded.

Take a deep breath.

He looked at Li Ang and said, "Boss, I'm not graduating or going for an internship, but I'm being kicked out."

"Kicked out?"

As soon as the boy's words came out.

Everyone was surprised.

【Did he make any mistake? Why was he kicked out? 】

[This... is not a principled mistake, so you shouldn’t be dissuaded from resigning, right?]

[Man upstairs, please listen carefully to what he said. He was kicked out, not persuaded to quit. 】

【What the hell is this being kicked out of?】

[I’m a little confused, can universities still chase students away?]


The boy's words made everyone feel strange.

Generally speaking.

Universities may dissuade students.

But the boy used to rush.

rather than being dissuaded.

But if he didn't make a mistake.

He won't be kicked out.

Netizens became confused.

At this time, Li Ang did not answer the call.

Keep looking at the boy.

Listen to what he has to say.

"I am a poor student, and the school also provides bursaries and subsidies for poor students..."

The boy said, his voice choked up.

He continued: "In previous years, there were four quotas, and I also had one..."

"But this year..."

The boy touched his fist.

Then slowly let go.

Said: "I was squeezed out this year!"

"Squeezed down?"

Li Ang was stunned.

Listen to the boy.

He has no father or mother.

He must have been born in real poverty.

How could it be possible to be squeezed down?

Can anyone be poorer than him?

[Damn it, someone from Shanghai University came out to explain, does your school have so many poor students like him? 】

【We are already so poor, how can we be squeezed out? 】

[Say, the school can’t have one more place?]

[Shit, if someone as poor as him can be squeezed out, how poor must those four people be? 】

[Is this how different the world is? I didn’t expect that there are so many poor students in Shanghai University. 】


Listen to the boy.

Netizens all thought the same thing as Li Ang.

After all, this student is so pitiful.

They can all be squeezed down.

Then how poor the others must be.

But Li Ang felt that things were not that simple.

He felt that there must be something going on here.

And he also thought of some things from his previous life.

It's quite similar to this.

But Li Ang didn't say it.

Instead, he said: "Are those people poorer than you?"

"Poverty, haha!"

The boy smiled.

He shook his head bitterly and said: "The people who squeezed me down are from our dormitory, leader. Do you know what they are wearing?"

Li Ang shook his head.

But he had already vaguely guessed something.

"More than three thousand Adi! The nearest fruit is 15 promax."

The boy said this.

Fists clenched.

[What? Did I hear that right? Wearing an Adidas worth more than 3,000 yuan? Using the latest fruit machine, how can this be a poor student? 】

[Impossible, if Adidas who wear more than 3,000 yuan are all poor students, what the hell do I mean if I only wear one or two hundred yuan? 】

[I have been working for three years, and I can’t bear to use a fruit phone. Well, it’s the best version. I cry to death. 】

[How could a real poor student be willing to spend so much money to buy a pair of shoes? He also bought such a good mobile phone. He must be a fake poor student. 】

[Do you think there is a possibility that this student is a fake poor student? 】

[What the person above means is that a fake poor student has squeezed out a truly poor student?]

【Yes, that must be the case! 】


Listen to the boy.

Netizens were shocked.

Good guy.

A man wearing more than three thousand shoes.

Do you call this a poor student?

And netizens quickly thought of it.

This is not a poor student at all.

But what means was used to squeeze him down.

"What the hell is going on in this Magic City University?"

the other side.

In the Magic City Education Bureau.

At this time, Li Youwen was also watching the live video.

Listen to the boy.

He reacted immediately.

At this time, Li Youwen's face was ashen.

He understands.

Although Li Ang is pretending to be the leader.

But Gao Yucai's actions have made it very clear.

He just wanted Li Ang to join the inspection team by then.

This was a test for him.

And this test.

He unexpectedly dug up another thing about the Demon City University.

This made him, the director of the Education Bureau, almost embarrassed.

And he probably already knew what the student was going to say next.

No need for him now.

The people from the inspection team will definitely take action.

When the time comes, I will definitely be responsible for an oversight.

"Director, do you want to call Principal Jiang?"

At this time.

a staff member asked.

"Fuck you, wait until this student has finished speaking. Then we will cooperate with the inspection team to investigate. I want to see how much darkness there is in Dudu University!"

Li Youwen gritted his teeth and said.

His eyes looked towards the video again.

Listen to this student.

Li Ang's face darkened.


I guessed it right.

It's really the same as what happened in the previous life.

He was squeezed out by fake poor students.

Li Ang didn't ask.

Just keep looking at him.

Let him finish.

"Leader, do you know?"

The boy looked at Li Ang and said nothing.

He continued: "My roommate is studying how to fake poor students in the dormitory to get scholarships..."

He smiled as he spoke.

The smile is so bitter.

Just when no one could react.

He stood up suddenly.

He said angrily: "I am a registered cardholder, a subsistence allowance, and an orphan, and yet he can squeeze me out..."

The boy's face was red.

His hands were tightly clenched into fists.

Even the veins popped.

The boy's anger.

Instantly attracted the attention of other students.

They all looked this way.

Don't know what happened.

Probably because he saw the strange looks around him and Li Ang sitting opposite.

Only then did the classmate feel that he had lost his composure.

Sat down again.

"and after!"

Li Ang's face looked gloomy at this time.

I sympathize with the boy's plight.

Encountered such a thing.

Anyone would be angry.

But now he just comes to commiserate with this student.

But you need to know what is going on inside.

There is an inspection team in the live broadcast room now.

There is also the Education Bureau.

He believes it.

Just tell the boy.

There must be someone who can help him solve this problem.


The boy calmed down his emotions.

Then he said: "I definitely didn't dare to argue with them. I had no choice but to talk to the counselor about this matter..."

Speaking of this time.

The boy's expression was once again ferocious.

But this time he suppressed his emotions.

He smiled bitterly and said: "Boss, after you know that I said this, do you know what the counselor said to me?"

Li Ang did not answer the call.

But he had a vague idea.

He didn't get settled.

Even... he was kicked out.

"He asked me if I had any evidence to prove that what I said was true!"

The boy sneered.

He continued: "What he wears, uses, eats and drinks, doesn't this count as evidence?"

"A person who uses the latest fruit phone, uses the latest tablet computer, wears more than 3,000 shoes, and goes to dinner parties and travels. Isn't this evidence?"

boy heavy

leaning on the chair.

A look of helplessness.

[Nima, what more evidence do you need for this, are you blind? 】

[They may only look at the filing and the submitted documents. Do you still expect them to go down and read them? 】

[If you only use documents to determine whether a student is a poor household, wouldn’t it be too hasty? 】

[Otherwise, this is what the counselor calls reliance. 】

[It’s so abominable. I didn’t expect such a thing to happen in a school. Won’t their consciences hurt? 】

[Conscience, what is conscience? If they really have conscience, would they see an orphan suffering so much and deprive them of this little scholarship? 】

[Report, must report. 】


At this time, netizens were angry.

So unfair.

Why can a rich person get a quota for poor students?

But the truly poor students can be squeezed out.

Righteous netizens at this time.

They all took screenshots of this live video.

Published online.

There are also some netizens.

Start filing online complaints frantically.

They have to speak up for things like this.

This matter must not be allowed to continue to develop.

"Haha, okay, okay, let's play like this!"

In the inspection team at this time.

Gao Yucai looked at the boy in the video.

They all laughed in anger.

He never expected it.

There is actually a situation in this magical university where rich people squeeze out scholarships for poor students.

What is the original intention of the country to establish scholarships?

Just want poor students.

I can relax and study on campus.

Contribute to society in the future.

Now, Shanghai University is doing better.

Even the scholarships for poor students are not spared.

And students can just submit fake materials.

Even the counselors helped them.

Has this corruption penetrated to this extent?

"Team leader, 223 do we want to interview the president of Shanghai University?"

The staff of the inspection team.

Everyone was filled with indignation.

They couldn't stand it anymore.

They all wanted to find Jiang Lili.

Let him give an explanation.

Why does this happen?

After all, he is the principal.

This matter is inextricably linked.

"There's no rush. After this little guy has figured out everything, let's solve this student's problem first. It won't be too late for Jiang Lili to find him later!"

Gao Yucai said.

The top priority now is not to interview Chiang Li-li.

Instead, solve the student’s problem first.

He now only eats white rice.

If you don't help him solve it first.

I'm afraid this child will have an even harder time.

Things must have priorities.


Everyone nodded.

Look into the video again.

"After that, the matter just ended like this?"

Li Ang asked again.

In fact, he could have directly stated the boy's plight.

After all, it's obvious.

But Li Ang still hopes that these words will come out of his mouth.

This way the inspection team investigates.

It can also serve as evidence.

At that time, even the counselor will give him the scholarship that belongs to him.

Let him settle the matter.

He can't even change his words.

Video does not need to be used as evidence.

But live streaming is possible.

And there are so many netizens witnessing it.

He couldn't change it even if he wanted to.

Li Ang knows it deeply.

The student in front of me.

I just want to get my scholarship back.

Judging from his appearance, he must be a sophomore.

It's still almost time before the internship.

Now it's hard for him to find a way to make money.

Bursaries were his only hope.

"No, let's leave it at that..."

Listen to Li Ang's inquiry.

The boy shook his head again.

Then he said: "After I reported the matter, the counselor did not give me an answer or help me solve it..."

"Originally, I thought this might be the case, until a week later, that is, yesterday!"

The boy had a stern look on his face.

He continued: "Yesterday afternoon, my five roommates found the counselor together and asked me to move out of the dormitory...

“You know what the counselor said?”

The boy smiled coldly.

Then he said: "The counselor told me that their parents were very troublesome, so I, a beautiful mother without a father, should feel aggrieved..."

"Then, they kicked me out!"

the boy said.

Look at the quilt and suitcase at your feet.

Not only does he have no money now.

There is not even a place to live.

It can be said.

He has no way out!


And listen to his words.

Everyone was stunned.

They never expected that the counselor would say that.

That's a counselor.

Aren’t they there to solve students’ problems?

Why did you still solve the problem with the students?

For a moment, netizens went crazy!

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