Shadow will find out the matter, soon reported to Chen Junlin.

Although Chen Junlin now knows the truth of the matter, the situation of the pharmaceutical factory is at stake.

So now is not the time to punish those who pick things up. The urgent task now is to solve the crisis of the pharmaceutical factory.

Chen Junlin got the news, let the young general continue to stare, check to see what is behind this.

Then Chen Junlin took the shadow to find a person who had made great achievements in this field before.

His name is Fang Wei. He used to be engaged in research and development of pharmaceutical production, but later he didn't know what happened, so he announced his retirement.

This time Chen Junlin went, he hoped to ask Fang Wei to come out of the mountain and help the pharmaceutical factory produce substitutes for the products on the market as soon as possible. Only in this way can he help the pharmaceutical factory come back to life.

It's a waste of time for pharmaceutical companies to safeguard their rights, so they can't point to the success of safeguarding their rights and let the pharmaceutical companies resume operation, because the pharmaceutical companies can't last until then.

Fang Wei's family lives in a very closed place, which is a brick house for some years.

The three generations of Fang Wei's family are all crowded in a bungalow of less than 50 square meters.

But when Chen Junlin and his granddaughter came, only Fang Wei and his little granddaughter were at home.

The arrival of Chen Junlin surprised Fang Wei.

Because since he retired, no one has come to him.

Fang Wei didn't know what Chen Junlin was doing, but he was very warm and considerate. He washed the fruit for them, poured water for them, and asked them to sit down and speak slowly.

Seeing that Fang Wei was so gentle and polite, the shadow thought that they would have a smooth trip to find Fang Wei today. He was very happy and didn't hide it. He came up and asked directly.

"Mr. Fang, we've come here to ask you for a favor. I don't know if you've heard about the recent business of Zhong's pharmaceutical factory. We hope you can tie us to design a substitute for the current product."

Fang Wei's face was not quite right when he heard the shadow talking about the pharmaceutical factory. However, he was polite and didn't interrupt the shadow. Until the shadow finished speaking, he waved to Chen Junlin and shadow again and again.

"If you're here for this, you'd better go! I have nothing to talk about with you. I won't be involved in the pharmaceutical production! "

The shadow frowned at Fang Wei's words.

"Mr. Fang, I've read your resume. You've been engaged in pharmaceutical manufacturing and R & D all your life. You must love it. Why do you refuse? We can discuss your requirements and conditions. "

Fang Wei took a look at the shadow, knew that the other side was not malicious, but he did not engage in medical design, but his heart forever pain, and no way to share with others.

When he retired, he did not reach the retirement age, and the reason for that was because he was framed.

He likes to be engaged in the research and production of medicine very much, so he has been doing well all the time. After a long time, it is inevitable that people will be jealous. He actually knew these things, but he was still a little conceited at that time, and felt that no one could move him.

But who knows that later he would be framed by his apprentice, which made him look like this now.

Their family can only live under this small eaves forever.

The more Fang Wei thought about it, the more he felt sad and angry. He didn't have a good face for Chen Junlin and his shadow. He got up and began to pack up his things.

"Get out of here! You are not welcome in our family. I warn you that if you don't leave again, don't blame me for being impolite. I'll drive you away! "

With that, Fang Wei got up and took the water cup in front of Chen Junlin and shadow.

As soon as the shadow saw the scene, he got up in a hurry and was about to argue with Fang Wei, but he was stopped by Chen Junlin.

Fang Wei's little granddaughter, pale and timid, leans out of the room with only one curtain as a partition and looks at Chen Junlin and his shadow. Just as she wants to smile at Chen Junlin and his shadow, her nose suddenly bleeds.

The little girl was very embarrassed and quickly retracted her head behind the curtain.

Fang Wei put down his tea cup. As soon as he looked back and saw that Chen Junlin and the shadow had not left, he picked up the broom and began to greet Chen Junlin and the shadow, hoping to scare them away.

"What are you doing here? Don't you hurry

But I didn't expect that Chen Junlin and his shadow didn't move at all.

Fang Wei was on fire all of a sudden.

"What do you want to do! I've been like this. Haven't you just passed me? I won't go out again. You'll understand it after saying it several times! I tell you, if you don't go away, I'll kill you. Believe it or not? "

Chen Jun Lin's eyes light toward the room to see one eye, and then laughter with Fang Wei said.

"Is the child ill? I can help you find someone to cure your child. We don't come here to disturb your safe life. We just really need your help. "Then Chen Junlin untied his coat and took out his officer card from the inside pocket of his coat.

"My name is Chen. I think you can completely believe me. I will do what I say."

Fang Wei was shocked when he looked at the word "army chief" on Chen Junlin's officer card.

I feel like I've been emptied all of a sudden, and the broom in my hand falls to the ground all of a sudden.

"You Is it really the head of the army

The shadow heard Fang Wei's question and said, "of course, it's too difficult for an officer's certificate to make a fake."

Fang Wei was overjoyed to hear shadow's words and nodded at once.

"Well, I promise you! I'll help you, Mr. Chen. I'm so sorry just now! "

Chen Junlin looks at Fang Wei and shakes his head silently.

Fang Wei was so excited that he held Chen Junlin's hands tightly.

"I was too excited just now. My granddaughter is my most important person. I have no ability. I was too arrogant at the beginning, otherwise I would not even have money to treat her now."

"Well, I didn't expect that I would have the chance to meet the military chief himself. You can rest assured that I will try my best to improve the products for you. It will be better than the products on the market now!"

In fact, Fang Wei knew about the noisy business in the pharmaceutical factory for a long time, but due to his face, he didn't show up.

Now he has seen the products on the market. Although the products look good, there are some small problems.

As long as he can solve these problems and slightly improve the existing product technology of the pharmaceutical factory, he should be able to restore the normal operation of the pharmaceutical factory.

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