Fang Wei felt that he had some use after all, and his resentment and anger gradually subsided.

When you think about his apprentice Wu Hao, he was just a child. He probably didn't mean to set him up. Thinking about this, Fang Wei is even more angry.

That day, he was in the R & D room, researching products, and his former apprentice Wu Hao even called him.

Although Fang Wei has let go of Wu Hao's framing, he still doesn't know how to deal with Wu Hao, his closest apprentice.

So when Wu Hao offered to invite Fang Wei out to dinner and apologize for what happened that year, Fang Wei's first reaction was to refuse.

As soon as Wu Hao listens to Fang Wei's refusal of his invitation, he plays the emotional card with Fang Wei.

"Master, I'm sorry for all the things that happened in those years. I know it's very difficult for me to ask you to forgive me, but I was forced to do so."

"Master, please see me! Let me accompany you a crime! okay? We can't be masters and apprentices, and we can't be enemies, can we? "

Fang Wei listens to Wu Hao's plea and remembers the time when Wu Hao studied under him. He feels soft in his heart.

As soon as he saw that Fang Wei didn't make a sound, Wu Hao immediately knew that Fang Wei was moved, and immediately started the soft grind hard bubble mode.

Fang Wei was under Wu Hao's strong attack. He agreed to meet Wu Hao.

As soon as Wu Hao heard Fang Wei's promise, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

It is said that people's minds will grow with age, but who would have thought that his teacher is still so thoughtless

In this case, it's much easier to do. As long as he's a little bit insinuating at that time, will his teacher Fang Wei be obedient?

Wu Hao thought, can't help but show a evil smile.

Fang Wei came to the appointed place with Wu Hao. When he saw the child who was with him in those years, he was already in a good suit. He couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Fang Wei thought that Wu Hao really came to apologize to him, and he was ready to forgive Wu Hao.

But unexpectedly, he exchanged greetings with Wu Hao for a while, but Wu Hao didn't admit his mistake at all, and even didn't mention why he was framed in those years.

Fang Wei couldn't help urging Wu Hao to say, "don't say anything else. What are you looking for me for? Don't you have anything to tell me? "

Wu Hao originally wanted to get in touch with Fang Wei, but when he heard Fang Wei say so, he laughed and shrugged.

"OK, what master says is what he says!"

With that, Wu Hao took out an agreement from his bag and put it in front of Fang Wei.

"Master, the apprentice is now well-developed, so I think I must not forget the teacher, so I brought you a contract. You see, as long as you agree to come to our company, the salary can be three times as much as you are now. Please consider it!"

Fang Wei didn't expect that what Wu Hao wanted to tell him was this. He held back his anger and turned over the Agreement page by page.

Then he listened to Wu Hao.

"Shifu, it's really wrong for a talent like you to work for the Zhong family's pharmaceutical factory. You might as well switch to boss wenmu. Our company will surely give you the best treatment!"

Fang Wei saw the name of Wu Hao company on the agreement and knew that this company and the Zhong family were rival companies. He immediately slapped the agreement on the table.

"You don't have to say that I can't leave Zhong's pharmaceutical factory. Wu Hao, you're here to tell me about it, aren't you? You're not here to apologize at all

Fang Wei was very disappointed. He had a little hope for his apprentice. He thought he was just young and ignorant at that time. This time, he finally woke up and was ready to compensate him!

But who knows that he just represents the rival company to dig the corner.

As soon as Wu Hao listens to Fang Wei, he resolutely refuses him. The disguised smile on his face disappears immediately.

He looked at Fang Wei with a sneer.

"Master, why are you so ungrateful? Apprentice, I'm thinking about you! What happened in those days hit you a lot, didn't it? Where else is willing to hire you now? We'll give you three times the price. What's your dissatisfaction? disagree? What are you doing? "

Fang Wei didn't expect that Wu Hao would turn over so quickly. He looked at Wu Hao incredulously.

Wu Hao looked at Fang Wei's shocked look and scorned to laugh at him.

"What are you looking at me for? For the sake of our apprenticeship, I'll give you another chance. You should think it over and sign this Agreement as soon as possible. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you! "

Fang Wei's hands were shaking and he slapped the table.

"Good! Wu Hao, I thought you really came to admit your mistake. I didn't expect that I was wrong about you after all! "

Then Fang Wei got up and turned to leave.

Wu Hao saw Fang Wei's action and immediately let people stop him."Master Fang, are you a little naive! It's been so many years. Do you think I'll remember such a little thing after so many years? "

"Thanks to your age, how can you be so fantastic?"

Fang Wei heard Wu Hao say so, he wanted to go up and kill Wu Hao, but he was firmly controlled by Wu Hao's people and couldn't move.

"Wu Hao, you have no conscience! Do you know what you're doing? When I told you to do it, you're sitting there. Are you looking out of the sky? "

Wu Hao can't help laughing at Fang Wei's anger.

"I'll call you master. Do you really think you're a good teacher and can teach me any lesson you want?"

"Fang Wei, what do you think you are? You are just a creeping rotten worm. If I don't think you are useful, do you think you can still see me and talk to me like this? You don't deserve to carry my shoes! "

With that, Wu Hao started to wave and let people take Fang Wei away.

Fang Wei really thought he was his teacher. He even put on the appearance of a benevolent teacher and told him that he could do well. It's really shameful.

Conscience? How much is that crap worth? If he had that kind of thing, would he still be in the position he is today?

Hum, does the Zhong family think that if they bribe Fang Wei, the pharmaceutical factory will be safe? What a whim!

After Chen Junlin handed over Yunhua group to Wenwan, he accompanied Wenwan to finish all negotiations, and then he went back to his residence.

As soon as he got back to the place where he lived, the shadow came up quietly.

"Sir, it has been found out that Mr. Fang Wei was framed. What do you think should be done about it?"

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