Looking at the contract broken into waste paper on the ground, Nie always looks silly. Isn't this boy a little bodyguard? I really don't know the heaven and the earth. I dare to tear up the contract between the two companies. Did Liang Jingru give him the courage? As soon as he was ready to reprimand, Chen Junlin took the lead.

"Bastard, right? I warn you, Wenwan is my woman. If you dare to harass Wenwan again, I promise to break you into eight pieces like this contract on the ground."

Hearing Chen Junlin say that he is his woman, his gentle face blushes. What is this? Is it a confession?

Nie always looks at Chen Junlin's shocking momentum, and then looks back at the two bodyguards who just wake up after being knocked down. He counsels decisively. At present, the man's force value is too high. They can't stir up trouble at all now. It must be he who is beaten in the stalemate. So he stands up and greets the two bodyguards and goes out the door.

When he got to the door, he stopped again, turned his head to Wenwan and said, "Wenwan, you are very good, you bodyguard. No, you are also a very good man. We can't afford it. But I have a word to tell you, I can't afford to cause trouble, but I can't afford to hide. From now on, our company will not have any cooperation with you Yunhua group, and I will inform other companies one by one. I can guarantee that Yunhua group can't have a partner from now on. Just wait for the collapse of Yunhua group, and see how you cry at that time. "

Wen Wan is very sad when she hears that if Yunhua group can't find a partner, it's not far from bankruptcy. She's to blame for this. She stamped her foot in chagrin.

"Jun Lin, what should we do? I've messed things up. If Mr. Nie really joins hands with other companies to boycott Yunhua group, it won't take a month for Yunhua group to go bankrupt. What can we do? "

Chen Junlin can't help laughing at his gentle and lovely appearance. As for Nie Zongfang's cruel words, he didn't pay attention to them at all. Yunhua group has Chen Junlin in it. Many enterprises are looking for cooperation with Yunhua.

"Wenwan, don't be sad. It's not your problem. There's nothing wrong with what you do. That Nie Zong is really worthy of his name. He is a villain. Don't worry. The business of Yunhua group is my business. With me here, what are you worried about? By the way, just now I said that you are my woman in order to frighten the general manager Nie. Don't care too much. "

"I don't mind. It's OK. I know you're doing it for me." Wenwanxin wants to be true, so she can jump up happily.

Jun Lin is right. Yes, with Jun Lin, what else can I worry about? Wenwan thinks that Chen Junlin is her angel. No matter what happens to her, as long as this man is here, it can be solved smoothly. She feels that her love for Chen Junlin is stronger.

Chen Junlin didn't notice Wen Wan's blushing face. Although the contract didn't come to an end, he still had to eat after a while.

The manager of the restaurant noticed the three people who were running out of the restaurant. Seeing that they were all injured and smart, he felt something was wrong. After asking the front desk, I learned that the three people were from the gentle box, so I quickly sent a waiter to check the situation. As soon as the waiter came in, he was startled by the messy waste paper on the floor and the rickety tables and chairs, thinking that something vicious had happened here.

Wenwan quickly explained: "I'm very sorry about that. Just now someone played a hooligan and was taught by my bodyguard. We'll pay for the loss. Now open another box for us to eat. "

Soon after the new box opened, a new waiter came in with a menu and thought they were lovers. He said, "you two are so talented and beautiful. It's a match made in heaven. Do you want to have a look at our special set meal for lovers?"

Her gentle face turns red with the speed visible to the naked eye. Her love for Chen Junlin has reached an unprecedented height. She hopes to be Chen Junlin's girlfriend, but she doesn't know what Chen Junlin thinks.

Chen Junlin took a look at the menu, which was all the girls' favorite food, so he pushed the menu to Wenwan and said, "Wenwan, you can order it."

Wenwan was still thinking about Chen Junlin's little things. She didn't care to order at all. After ordering a few, she lowered her head.

The decoration of this kind of restaurant reveals a kind of ambiguous atmosphere everywhere. A small square table with fresh and elegant style and a cloth chair with delicate purple flowers create a warm and romantic atmosphere. The light on the top of the head is decorated with crystal lights. The light is sprinkled on the pink wall and on the decorative flowers

In a word, the ambience of this private room should be more ambiguous. Of course, this is also necessary. In order to make lovers more involved, Indian aromatherapy is even placed on the table. The smell can make men and women lust. After all, the restaurant and the hotel next door are the same boss, which can be regarded as one-stop service.

Soon the dishes were ready. Before Chen Junlin had time to eat in the morning, he was gently called here. Just now, when he was negotiating with general manager Nie, he first stood, then there were some conflicts, and he was hungry for a long time. So when the food came, he just ate it.

He had a very stable meal, but it was bitter and mild.

Nie Zong's suggestion put a lot of psychological pressure on her. Later, she was even more frightened by her direct action. Chen Junlin, whom she adored, helped her and made her very excited. This kind of event happened to a little girl, which directly pushed Wenwan's love for Chen Junlin to a peak.Therefore, she had a very hard time in this rectification meal. What happened just now made her feel very emotional. She had a strong love for Chen Junlin. In addition, the atmosphere and incense of lovers' restaurant made her blush from the beginning to the end of the meal. Chen Junlin thought that she was very hot and always asked whether to turn down the temperature of the air conditioner.

Finally, after eating this delicious meal, she was relieved. During the negotiation, she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with this restaurant. But just now, when she and Chen Junlin ate alone in the private room, she felt that she had been floating in the sky.

At this time, after Chen Junlin's lesson, Nie Zong, who runs away, calls Su's family.

"Hello, is that Mr. Su? I'm Xiao Nie. "

"Oh, Xiao Nie, what can I do for you?"

"Mr. Su, I just talked about the contract with the boss of Yunhua group. There was a man around him. This man is highly skilled. He knocked down my two bodyguards who were hired at a high price with three fists and two kicks, and his appearance is similar to what you described. It should be Chen Junlin. "

"Well done." The person on the other end of the phone casually praised that Nie zongle was in full bloom, and it was not in vain for him to be appreciated by the Su family. Hum, Chen Junlin, right? When you are beaten down by the Su family, I must step on your feet, and the gentle one will be mine sooner or later.

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