The car stopped in front of the villa door, old three walked slowly before, in the heart how much some uneasy.

People are also waiting here early, see the arrival of the third, have a smile, to show the victory of the third, after all, in their eyes, this action is sure.

"Look, the third is coming. The boy is fast enough."

"Third brother, Congratulations! Once again, we have made great achievements. "


Everyone congratulated Lao San, who had a black face and looked at them awkwardly. Then he whispered: "the mission failed." He really didn't want to spoil everyone's interest, but the fact is that he can only tell the truth.

On the field of instant once again to see the pot.

"Are you kidding me? This is Chen Junlin? It's said that you've sent out three Neijin. How can you fail? "

"You don't want to eat the secret script alone, do you?"

"I said he couldn't do it. I might as well carry out this mission."

"Waste! It's useless


As expected, everyone began to ridicule him, discriminating against him.

"Be quiet! Listen to old three At this time, the middle-aged man on the throne spoke. He knew that Lao San was not the kind of person to swallow alone. He knew more about Lao San's ability to handle affairs, otherwise he would not be allowed to take over the task.

The old three slowly said, "originally I ordered three Neijin dead attendants to carry out the task, but I didn't expect that Chen Junlin also reached the state of Neijin, and his strength was strong, just caused a situation of one death, one grasp and one escape in the fight, we all underestimated Chen Junlin."

The middle-aged man frowned, "it seems that we can't underestimate him, let alone let him continue to grow up, or it will become a big problem in the future."

After hearing the old three's answer, middle-aged people also have the same idea as old three. Chen Junlin must get rid of him as soon as possible, or he will have endless troubles when he grows up.

Everyone understood, and once again fell into the discussion. Everyone was making suggestions. When they knew the seriousness of the problem, they no longer blamed the third man.

In the barracks.

Three days later, Chen Junlin has made a breakthrough. Chen Junlin stops and suddenly thinks of something. This time, he still wants to report it. After all, he doesn't have a clue.

Chen Junlin picked up the phone and dialed directly. The other party first heard the voice, "what's the matter, Junlin? What's the matter?"

Chen Junlin is also no nonsense, directly to the death of things are reported up.

For a long time, there was a voice again on the phone: "this matter should be arranged by those martial families."

Chen Junlin was very strange and asked, "the martial family? Why haven't I heard of it? " It is the first time that Chen Junlin has heard of such forces.

The above explanation in the telephone said: "these families are relatively hermits. Because of the rise of hot weapons and the strength of the army, they have suppressed them. Now they are active again. According to our understanding, the armed forces they have set up are trying to plot against us."

After hearing this, Chen Junlin became curious. It was the first time he heard this information. Since he said that he wanted to deal with our military, Chen Junlin continued to ask, "what are the countermeasures now?" Chen Junlin knew that since it was mentioned above, there must be countermeasures.

The top replied, "originally I wanted to tell you when the time is right, but now it seems that the time has come. Our military is to set up a military headquarters to fight against the military headquarters of the military family, and through the consensus above, we order you to be the head of the military headquarters, and you will lead the military headquarters to fight against the military headquarters."

Chen Junlin didn't guess wrong. It seems that he already knew these things, but he was still in the dark, but it's not too late to know. Moreover, Chen Junlin is confident to fight against the Martial Arts Department of the martial arts family. After all, he has a secret script.

Chen Junlin replied: "thank you for your trust. I have the military headquarters in my hands. It's no problem to fight against the military headquarters."

Laughter came from the phone. "Good, good. We trust you very much. We are very relieved."

Chen Junlin and the above said some matters needing attention in running the military headquarters, then hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Junlin felt thoughtful and could have a reasonable explanation for all these things. It seems that the people who attacked him were also from the martial arts family. They must have known that they had got the secret script, so they sent someone to get it back.

But how do these people know? After thinking for a long time, Chen Junlin has only one answer, that is, when he was in the military base that day, he had been found, and there must have been spies, because the barracks where he is now is led by you Wanghu, and he still believes in the people in the barracks.

Naturally, he is not sure about the people in other camps. There must be no such thing as a spy in the establishment of a military headquarters. Otherwise, a piece of information may be leaked, leading to the failure of the plan. Therefore, the people in the military headquarters should be the people they believe in, even the small soldiers should be strictly selected.Chen Junlin calls shadow directly and asks him to come to Jinling in person to protect Wenwan and other people.

The establishment of the military headquarters is naturally inseparable from the shadow. After all, the shadow is his right arm. Chen Junlin's trust in the shadow is beyond doubt. With the help of the shadow, the establishment of the military headquarters will be much faster.

Chen Junlin then called Wang Hu to tell him about the military headquarters, and asked him to strictly select soldiers to enter the military headquarters, so as to know the roots of every soldier. Naturally, the bright light team can directly enter the military headquarters. Chen Junlin still believes in this team.

After receiving the task, Wang Hu naturally did not dare to neglect it. After all, the establishment of the military headquarters is a major event. Moreover, the military chief trusted himself so much that he put such an important task into his own hands. Naturally, he could not live up to the trust of the military chief.

After Chen Junlin arranged everything, he went back to his room again and began to practice.

Because when he just came out, it seemed that he was close to breaking through the bottleneck. Chen Junlin wanted to work harder and break through the bottleneck. Now it's the middle stage of inner strength, and he will soon reach the peak of inner strength, and then he can sprint to the master level.

Chen Junlin was more and more excited. He was naturally satisfied with his cultivation speed, but he could not take it lightly. After all, he didn't know what kind of masters the martial arts family had.

Now I can only concentrate on cultivation, and wait until the next fight, I don't want to be so passive.

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