In the whole country, there is no law that says you can kill people without permission.

Absolutely not!

This man is a lunatic at all.

Chen Ping eyes revealed dignified, waved: "handcuffed."

Five armed law enforcement officers came forward, one took out his handcuffs and was furious.

The Li, Wang and Dong families are all waiting to see Chen Junlin's jokes. As long as they get to the law enforcement bureau, Chen Junlin is the lamb to be slaughtered.

But a figure like Tashan blocked in front of Chen Junlin!

It's black bear, the man Chen Ping regarded as an ordinary bodyguard.

The oppressive feeling of Ning ruo's essence is like a mountain, which directly makes five law enforcement officers stop. Sheng Sheng is scared. No matter how elite and qualified they are, they have never seen a bandit with such momentum.

"Mr. Daredevil, you can't take the responsibility." The words of the black bear are like waves, which make people's eardrums ache. It seems that there is murderous air in the body.

Other law enforcement officers with guns are nervous.

Chen pingning eyebrows, seriously said: "if you want to resist, the consequence is to die under the gun!"

Wang Tianxiong pointed to Chen Junlin and yelled: "these bandits are still useless..."


A ray of light flashed past Wang Tianxiong's ears and rolled up a few strands of hair.

Wang Tianxiong felt a chill on his hand. When he looked at it, his outstretched finger had disappeared.

Behind him, there was a fruit tray inserted into the wall, in which a pale finger stained with blood stood out.

Chen Junlin said: "I should have said that I don't like being pointed at."

In the face of dozens of armed law enforcement, Chen Junlin even hurt people face to face, such means, such confidence, such terror!

A woman screamed. Chen Junlin only looked at it once and quickly choked it.

Wang Tianxiong directly sat on the ground with regret and resentment. In retrospect, he only felt that he had been killed at the gate of hell.

Chen Ping saw that Chen Junlin was so ferocious that he couldn't be more calm. He took five law enforcement officers to solve the problem first.

Ten law enforcement officers and Chen Ping, but black bear still won't quit.

"Others enforce the law, you take them with me." Chen Ping said that when he reached out his hand, he wanted to catch the black bear. But as soon as he got in touch, he realized how naive he was.

The gap in strength completely crushed him.

The black bear didn't move, just looked down on them, and other law enforcement officers couldn't do anything about it. They wanted to handcuff the hands of the black bear, but they couldn't move them at all.

With one hand, the black bear held Chen Ping down so that he could no longer move, while the other hand reached into his arms.

The scene is tense. If the black bear takes out his gun, then

Fortunately, he only took out a small book, bright in front of Chen Ping.

"I don't care what kind of director you are. Where my husband is, you don't need to exist." So said the black bear.

Chen Ping's attention is all in this small book. This small book has the rank of black bear. It's Zhenwei school!

As the director of the Department and the director of the east city, the authenticity of this small book can be confirmed at a glance.

Chen Ping took a cold breath and asked in a low voice, "who is the young man behind you?"

Black bear voice rolling out: "Sir's identity, you do not need to know, do not deserve to know."

Chen Ping's heart is heavy. What's the identity of a person who can maintain and respect Zhenwei school so much.

Above Zhenwei school is Zhaowu school, above Zhaowu school General Xuan!

If he is a member of the army, he is more likely to reach the rank of Xuanwu general. That is not the problem he can choose now. He must go back to report to the higher authorities before he can decide.

Chen Ping didn't dare to think about it any more. Seeing Chen Junlin's young appearance, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "stop the team first."

Dozens of law enforcement officers were all relieved, not to mention the law enforcement officers who had been embarrassed around the black bear for a long time.

What? End of line?

The three families all pointed at Chen Ping and came out to punish Chen Junlin. In front of the law enforcement agencies, they expected that Chen Junlin would not be able to jump up.

But how could it be like this.

But no matter how curious or incredible it is, no one dares to catch up with Chen Ping and ask about it.

I dare not.

I'm afraid Chen Junlin will suddenly fly another plate.

Dozens of law enforcement officers came and went in a hurry. There was a dead silence in Sihai restaurant.

Only Chen Junlin slowly peeled the grapes and frowned, "this is a little sour."

Chen Junlin flicked his hand and glanced at the crowd: "so, do you still want to play?"

Dong Ruhu, Li Pingrui and Wang Tianxiong, the three leading figures here, dare not speak any more, and the rest dare not speak any more. Their doubts are enormous.

Chen Junlin got up, waved to Wei you, and finally said, "well, remember what I said."Black bear finally left behind Chen Junlin.

Seven days later, all the senior members of your three families will come to my adoptive father and adoptive mother's grave and kneel down and make nine kowtows. Otherwise, I want the three of you to die without a place to die.

Li Pingrui took a big breath and said: "Chen Junlin's background must be different. He can no longer be regarded as an ordinary big soldier. It's not good who comes. "

Dong Ruhu was very angry. He thought that Zhao's family was finished. Chen Shao should be like a lost dog, sweeping away the bad memories of his youth.

But when he came back, he still stepped on his own posture.

"Well! No matter what the background, he is just a flesh and blood person! " Dong Ruhu's voice is like climbing out of hell.

"Dong Ruhu, you mean..." Li Pingrui didn't go on. There are so many people here.

There is Chen Junlin here, the party is not in the mood to go on, Dong Yi's body is still lying on the ground!

Everyone came back in a hurry.

Only Dong Ruhu, Li Pingrui and Wang Tianxiong didn't leave. They wanted to talk about something.

But the legend of Chen Junlin began to spread in the upper circles of Dongcheng

On George button's chariot, Chen Junlin was silent and looked out of the window.

Wei you was obviously frightened by today's scene and was a little at a loss. After a long time, he asked: "brother Chen, then I Why don't you go back by yourself? There are still orders to follow up and a lot of things for the company... "

"No hurry. You can do things in yiliancheng normally. Now, accompany me to see Uncle Zhou first. " Chen Junlin, this is the tone of decision.

"Uncle Uncle

"Well, he's very kind to me. I don't have many relatives in the east city. You should get to know each other. "

Wei you nodded his head to his chest: "OK."

The black bear answered the phone and said, "Sir, I need to go to the law enforcement bureau."

Chen Junlin nodded: "well. I'll go to Zhou's by myself

However, when parking, Chen Junlin took two bottles of wine out of the trunk.

Black bear drives George button. Chen Junlin doesn't like driving. It's his habitual rhythm to sit in the back seat and think about things.

Wei you stopped a taxi and they went to Zhou's home together.

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