Translator and Editor: Bunny and Sarah


Chapter 1

Rowena fell into a deep sleep the day before the Emperor’s wedding and dreamed of finally reuniting with her childhood. Though it was a vivid dream, she knew it was still a dream since she would never get to meet her friend in real life. The moment she first met him was depicted in lifelike clarity.

The streets were crowded with people celebrating the festival. Everyone completely dwarfed her so she had to crane her neck to see their faces. She was looking for her older brother who had let go of her hand, but she couldn’t find him. One then two cold raindrops fell onto her shoulders, and soon there was a constant pitter patter.

She stood alone in the middle of the road as rain fell around her. Eventually, she squatted in a corner for shelter, watching drops of rain draw waves in a puddle while she waited for her brother.

An 11-year-old girl’s gloomy face was reflected in the water. Then a face appeared behind her own, despite his lack of emotion, it was still the face of an angel. He had platinum blonde hair that shone like pure gold, and porcelain white skin that glowed in the dreary weather. The boy angled his umbrella to shield Rowena from the wind, his amethyst eyes inspecting her shabby, soaked appearance.

Rowena’s heart thumped harder than she’d thought possible, the boy was like a prince and she was the heroine. However, such a dreamlike situation was short-lived.

“Are you a beggar?” The boy asked, hesitantly handing her a handkerchief.

Puzzled, she stuttered, “N-no.” As he looked up and down, scrutinizing her appearance, she grumbled. Her face heated up, immediately she looked down attempting to hide her face, surely the boy would laugh at her. However, the boy remained silent, so she peeked at him, there wasn’t even a ripple in his expression.

“Then why… No, it’s okay.” He obviously had more to say but stopped, realizing it would only be a bother, and roughly handed her the umbrella.


Seeing he had completed his task, he promptly returned to the carriage parked nearby.

Surprised Rowena shouted, “Hey, your umbrella!”

“Take it.” The door of the carriage shut. Looking at him blankly, Rowena hurriedly ran up and knocked on the carriage door.

The door opened a crack. “What, are you trying to fool me?”

“Not fooling around, but what about the handkerchief ?”

The boy glanced at her and spoke in an indifferent tone. “Take that too.”

Hearing his answer, Rowena quickly shouted in response, “No! I will return it to you. I will wait for you here tomorrow.”

Just as she finished speaking the boy signaled to the driver, and the silver carriage moved forth. Standing behind was Rowena, the handkerchief neatly folded in her palm.

Something so intricately embroidered with silk thread was surely a luxury item. When she unfolded the handkerchief, ‘Telian’ was embroidered in elegant handwriting on the edge

“Can we meet again?” It was unknown whether the boy had heard her mutter as she saw the carriage move away. Her skirt was soaked with rainwater.

She had never seen such a pretty boy before in her life, nor had anyone spoken such eloquent words to her. Everything was new so she thought it would be nice to see him again, especially his face, with such an appearance it wouldn’t be weird if white wings sprouted from his back.

That was the day Rowena realized she had an eye for aesthetic things.

The next day.

“Oh? Hi.”


She hadn’t expected him to come. The angel, no, the boy with a slightly pouty face, held out his hand. Rowena blinked her eyes and spoke softly, “I forgot to bring a handkerchief. I’m sorry. I’ll bring it to you next time.”

Did he notice?

Rowena believed that the boy was deceived by her lie. She felt guilty lying to him, but smiled at the faint hope that she could meet him again. Rowena grinned at the sullen boy. Since then, handkerchiefs became the thing that tied them to their next appointment.

* * *

For the first time in a while, Rowena seriously thought about this private relationship she had formed with an unknown boy. All she knew about him was his name, it really was like a fairy tale book, except the love story between them was reversed, the boy was an angel and the girl was the villain, forcing him to meet with her time and time again.

Rowena thought of that day as only a memory.

* * *

“Right! It’s the wedding day!”

Rowena, who had been drowning in her pillow, peeled her eyes open and sprang out of bed upon realizing. She hastily glanced out the window to see the sun had already risen and was looming high above the city.

She messed up. She really messed up.

She jerked open her closet door and wrestled into her white uniform. She had a strange feeling as she buttoned her sleeves, her clothes felt baggy and oversized on her petite figure.

Was it because I had a vivid dream from my childhood?

The sunlight outside the window was dazzlingly bright, and the sky was a cloudless blue. She had received the weather forecast from the Magical Principality, and knew for a fact today would be sunny.

You may ask for what grandiose event was the Magical Principality accommodating even the smallest details?

It was the Emperor’s wedding, and it just happened to be the day she overslept. Moreover, she was the priestess assigned to the Emperor’s wedding.

She hadn’t been dreaming of her childhood, she wouldn’t have woken up so late.

Why was it that something like that had to happen today?

“Today is starting off to be a really bad day.” Mumbling to herself, Rowena ran out of the room with a basket of flowers.


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