Price of Management

< -- 360 times: 15 volumes - chapter 3. Royal School Festival -->

But how do we turn a fruitless ball into a successful one? ’

In order to be successful enough to donate to the royal family and recover the event fee, I had to make a festival with good money.

Students won't spend money unless it's as fun as some. They didn't care about money because they were nobles, but they were also reluctant to waste money and time.

After considering it for a long time, Mitchell opens his mouth as if he had made some kind of decision.

“I don't have a dime or two to donate to the royal family. It must be a festival to make a lot of money. ”

“Of course you are. Donating a penny at the expense of a rat's tail is the only way to do it. ”

John agreed.

“There is only one way. ”

Everyone in the student council waited for Mitchell to say:

Mitchell said.

“It's a gamble. Everyone's gonna love it, whether it's door or no door. ”


“Is that okay? ”

“I'm sure everyone will love it, no matter what. ”

Student council members were divided. But Mitchell insisted confidently.

“That's not the end of it. Eligibility for gambling is limited to doors and students. ”

“Then the bush kids will go crazy upside down. ”

Mitchell grins at John's question.

“If you want to be a festival that everyone can enjoy, you have to. Doors and students will try to get information from the shaman to bet on the winning side, and the shaman will ask the door and students to participate in the gambling indirectly. ”

John applauds.

“We'll enjoy the festival together without the division of the door and the fruit fruit tree! ”

“Yes. If you explain this will, the principal will allow it. ”

So the student council began to conceive of a grand festival. The festival was named ‘Royal School Ball.'

John came up with a list of students who were more than middle-scale and skilled, and put up a milestone for each other that was hard to gauge.

Mitchell worked closely with his finance director Roy to calculate event costs, brokerage fees and expected returns.

In addition, the event manager, Mick Ruben, was hung by all members of the student council, including running to get the items he needed for the event as cheaply as possible.

The completion of the Royal School Ball Draft was posted to Principal Duron.

It seemed like a big event with gambling, so Mitchell's calculations were that he would need the principal's permission.

Having read the draft, Duke Duron looks at Mitchell in surprise.

“Is this your scheme? ”

“That's right.”

“This is great. Surprisingly well-planned without ambiguity. ”

“A compliment.”

“However, Chief Regulatory Officer. ”


Disciplinary Director Lloyd Dixon steps forward.

“The nature of the festival may cause a great commotion. I need full control of the disciplinary department to prevent any accidents. ”

“I'll keep that in mind!”

“And the student council president. ”

“Yes, sir. ”

The late Duron asks Mitchell.

“I think you led this plan, right? ”

“That's right.”

“While it is good to turn the atmosphere into a festival in times of anxiety for everyone, it is also difficult to see as a means of first-class politicians. ”


“A ballgame and gambling will definitely be a successful festival. The students will be delighted and will be able to collect a lot of money to make donations to the royal family. But as a result, with a stimulating event called a ballet and gambling, we can only ignore the anxiety of reality for a moment. ”

“Ah……. ”

Mitchell looks like he wasn't expecting it.

“The idea of a tribal ruler is a means of distracting the public for a moment from the problems that are in front of us. If you want to be first class, you need to be able to make that festival an encouragement that will break everyone's trials. Do you understand me? ”

“The principal is right. I will reflect.”

“Reflection. It's hard to ask for such thoughtful thinking when you're still young. That's why I'm going to give a assignment to the whole school. ”

“You mean the assignment? ”

“Yes. It's a research project. The subject is" The Strategy of the Kingdom of Leaden in the Invasion of the Horn. "A minimum of six people, a maximum of twelve have to work as a team, but they have to work together to include half the homework and no students. Do you understand?”

“What's the deadline? ”

“From now until the festival is over. I've got a month to spare. ”

“Very well. I'll pass it on to the rest of the students. ”

Mitchell's party returns to the student council room with the Marquis Duron's permission.

“As expected, the principal's wisdom was an illusion. You got the wrong idea about us. ”

Everyone agreed with John.

Mitchell said.

“Earl Wolfgang Lanzhel once said, ‘Never turn your back on your enemy.' We wanted to enjoy the gambling radio show for a while, but the principal allowed the students to study the problems that had occurred to us. We have to follow that example. ”

“Anyway, I got a compliment. Enough with the reflexes. Let's do our job. We have a lot of work to do to prepare for the festival and study. ”

Mick Ruben, Event Manager, said: Preparing for the festival was the job of the event department, so Mick was the busiest in the future.

That afternoon, the student council sent a notice to all students. One held a royal school ballot, and the other was a research assignment handwritten by the principal.

Students were half a team of homeless and literate students focused on research assignments.

We became friendly with each other and naturally shared stories about the ballet. It was the barn of Marquis Duron that allowed us to enjoy the festival together and reconcile it with the fruit of the tree.

Meanwhile, six members of the student council agreed to participate in the festival preparation as well as research assignments.

While the chief financial officer, secretary, chief regulator, and event manager were engaged in preparing for the festival, Mitchell and John took over the research assignments.

John was as eager as a military commander to give strategic and military insight, and Mitchell investigated and analyzed the past events of the Kingdom of Leaden.

However, the more they repeatedly studied, the two of them had to be surprised.

“You're giving up on King Leaden. ”

Mitchell said in a cold sweat.

John's eyes widen.

“What? What makes you say that? ”

“Look at this. ”

Mitchell showed me what he had investigated.

“In the winter, I relocated one of the poor of Ledon to another. ”

“It was a harsh winter for the poor who didn't have a proper place to live. It was a lot of snow.”

“Yes. At that time, when I saw the work of the Chancellor, he made a temporary residence flying through various areas. A vast amount of housing that is much more sustainable than the rest of the poor. ”

The two continued the discussion with the map unfolded.

Mitchell marked the residence Caroc had built on the map. John looks at it carefully.

“There's an excellent vantage point. We have avoided any potential incursion routes for the Horn Empire. Probably to avoid looting. ”

“Am I right? ”

“I think so. The royal court will renounce the Kingdom of Leaden. It is certainly more efficient to give up and control over the entire kingdom than to have the King tied his feet to defend the Kingdom of Ledon. ”

“Looks like you've learned something important. It's better to keep my team's assignments confidential until I submit them to the principal. ”

“I agree.”

Their work seemed to be going smoothly.

‘The investigation of Mitchell is certainly impressive, but we can't rule out that the Horn Empire doesn't know what Mitchell has discovered. ’

John thought seriously.

‘This is a scenario in which Duke Meutt spends his time defending the Horn Empire army until we evacuate the Kingdom of Leaden. But what happens if we don't buy time? ’

Of course, unless Duke Meutt is defeated, the Horn Empire will not be able to advance to the Kingdom of Ledon.

And Duke Meutt was not easily defeated by any powerful adversary. The Temple of Knight, which Duke Meutt of Gul 'ji and his disciples endure, is a sturdy suburb.

However, if he were an invader, he never left John's mind to try and break this expectation. I will do whatever it takes to win. It was the same idea as Emperor Kars.

John began to take the principal's assignment seriously.

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