Price of Management

< -- 363 times: volume 15 - chapter 4. The Marquis, Julia-->.

The chef of the late ligand writer was busy visiting two guests. I usually had a simple meal according to Caroc's preferences, but I couldn't give the guest the impression that the Marquis of Ligand's table was poor.

Three brothers and sisters and two guests sat at the table that was set up big.

There was also soup for Jis. Jis reaches out her bare hands toward the soup, and the executive maid quickly dries up and starts feeding her with a spoon. It resembles my mom, so I ate the Flounder.

After observing this, Sis himself picked up a fork and knife. Forks and knives cut off one leg of the Steamed Chicken, just like the Lightning Stone. I don't eat it upside down like old times, but the good food didn't go anywhere.

“I used to feel like I run a restaurant, but it's amazing. Where's the place to get into that little body? ”

Julia sticks out her tongue.

“Have you had a restaurant? ”

In Mitchell's question, Julia nods.

“Of course. There was no one on the floor of King Leaden who didn't know Julia. At that time, his regular was Sis, and he was well-fed enough to feed a restaurant that had become difficult because of the Great Pleasant. ”

John and Mitchell laughed. Of course, they thought it was a joke.

Julia told me about her meeting with Carroc, organizing the restaurant, and leaving together.

“Good thing I got clean and followed you then, or I'd be dead in a hurry. Not only the Great Plague, but the terrible Black Plague. Phew! ”

“I'm so glad. At the time, it was said that the first black blood disease was found here in Lerdon. I'm glad you left before then. ”

“Did you?”

“The royal clerk who discovered the outbreak at the time is Louis Concern, who is now the head of the treasury. ”

“Oh my.”

Julia claps her hands.

Then she grunts at Mitchell and says,

“So your role model is Louis Concern? Seeing as how you know so much. ”

Mitchell nods, slightly shy.

“Yes, he was close to me, and I admire him for being the man he is today with an exceptional ability to do his job. ”

He said as if it was a very surprising line.

“Is that so? I didn't think you'd like it 'cause you're so hard-working and hard-working with your men. ”

“But even the next Chancellor has no way of explaining his talents but his own. ”

“The next Chancellor……. ”

Julia mutters.

Mitchell said in a hurry because he wanted to miss it.

“I'm sorry, I made a mistake. ”

Caroc and Louie are the same age. In order for Louie to become a Chancellor, Caroc needs to resign from his Chancellor's position early.

Julia shakes her hand.

“Well, everybody knows he doesn't want to work. If I'm not motivated, I want Jeron Deckard and Bird dead. ”

The two of them laughed at that.

The atmosphere of dinner was warm. Julia told me stories that were not publicly known, and the two boys were delighted to learn about the many aspects of the iconic Carroc that only they thought were great. Sis, who was passionate about eating without getting involved in the conversation, occasionally took care of Jis even though she worked hard with a fork and knife. Jis boasted of the appetite that resembles her, eating well and eating well, as a dedicated servant feeds her to make sure she is not full.

Then suddenly Julia asked.

“What are you going to do after you graduate from Royal School? ”

“I will join the Royal Army. They are aiming for the Royal Army's General commander. ”

John replied:

Mitchell also said:

“I plan to join the Royal Administration. ”

Julia continued to ask Mitchell if he was interested.

“The political lines will be different from those of the house. ”

“I am in a position to walk my path without the help of my family. Of course, there are ways of doing business with independent funding, but I'm more interested in politics than in business. Moreover, the fastest place I can be promoted alone is the Royal Family. ”

Mitchell continues.

“Your Majesty is currently seeking talented young talent since the royal reform, and I believe the establishment of the Royal Academy is part of that as well. I think if I appeal to my ability to ride this current, I'll get good results. ”

“If you graduate first in your class and get a job, you won't have to start at the end of your career in the Royal Court, so you'll be more advantageous than everyone else. ”

“That's right.”

“Hoho, I see you already have such a plan at that age. You certainly have a knack for politics. If we stick to the plan, we'll make it to the top management okay. ”

The Chancellor was a herd.

because the next artist, Louis Concern, is only in his mid-20s. I'm barely older than Mitchell. As long as Louis remained in the royal family, Mitchell's highest position was right below the crown jewels.

“Thank you for rating me well. ”

Mitchell turns blue.

The opponent is his current wife. It's not a common denominator, but the wife of the late Caroc Ligand. It would be a big help if it looked good on her. That's why Mitchell was so eager to introduce his future plans.

Julia had a hunch about Mitchell's intentions. She smiles and says.

“Can I tell you a story I can help you with? ”

“I'll listen.”

“He's retiring at 40. You want to quit your job and live quietly, so you'll definitely retire in your mid-40s at the latest, right? ”

The words made Mitchell's eyes glow.

Complicated calculations were made in Mitchell's head.

If the Marquis of Ligand retires in the next 20 years, Louis Concern will surely become the next Chancellor.

In other words, Louis Concern's position as head of the treasury was vacated.

After you graduate first in your class, you will be given a privilege to receive an honorary title from the Royal Family. An honorary title is an honorary title. If you enter the Royal Family with a title, you can start with a class 6.7 management.

If the late Ligand becomes a first-class officer before he retires, he can become the successor to the late Louis Concern!

Of course, we have to compete for the position of treasury clerk with the other candidates.

Julia continues.

“The current royal family values abilities. While the current King reigns, salutations will be based on abilities. I can tell by the young men of the royal family who look after you now. ”

Mitchell agreed. King Erik's best men, including Caroc Ligand, Louis Concern, Jeron Deckard and Hazel Duron, are all young together.

“It's not hard to get a job as a treasury clerk if you can see yourself as a talented young talent. ”

“What can I do to impress the king? ”

“It's great to have such an impressive career as the head of the Royal Academy and the student council, but most definitely get a title called 'The Second Louie Concern.’ ”

The second Louis Concern? ’

Mitchell's eyes widen.

Louis Concern.

A genius with sharp eyes and a different sense of politics. Above all, his devilish pace of work shocked the royal regime that had long been accustomed to the incompetent senior officials. Rumor has it he may not be human.

The title 'The Second Louie Concern’ would be given to such a brilliant young talent.

‘Once you've earned that title, you can build a position that will not only be recognized, but will also be the successor of the Consternation itself! ’

Mitchell, who was using the Concern bird as a role model, was very excited about the title.

Julia smiles at Mitchell like that.

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