Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1012: Fairy wants to drink dew

Chapter 1012 Fairy wants to drink dew

Mosi said, "When you love someone, all of them are male hormones, the left one is heart, the right one is baby, sometimes I fantasize that he is a dish, sometimes I imagine that he is a hero, sometimes I fantasize that he is Iron Man, when he doesn't love, he is just a stranger."

Monica raised her hand and hit her. "You are a lily, saying that the man said so much that he wants to derail in front of me?"

Moses, "..."

Shen Qianshu smiled.

Mosi asked, "Miss sister, I am really curious, he has hurt you, and you have suffered for seven years. How did you forgive him?"

The girl is rare and serious.

There is a sorrow in vagueness.

Shen Qianshu picked up an eyelid and looked at her. "You...who loves and hates anyone?"


Shen Qianshu closed his eyes again. "The love and hate of human beings are very vague."

"I used seven years to convince myself that I didn't love him, but I only used one second to convince myself to love him."

Shen Qianshu said, "What a magical thing."

Monica said, "Then you have to work hard, you are going to die, you will not see his last side."

"I am going to sleep, don't scare me."

Monica poked Moshi.

Moses returned to God.

Monica said, "What do you want?"

Moses, "Life."

Monica, "Hey, fart, Laozi is your life."

Mosi smiled lightly.

In their conversation, Shen Qianshu gradually got stuck and fell into a shallow sleep.

Even if it is a dream, it is holding a gun.

Monica said, "We stay in the mountains for a day."

Mosi nodded, "Yes."

Both of them looked at Shen Qianshu. She didn't sleep a little, and she was already depressed.

"Time is too fast, it is a duck-filled education. If it can give us a year or two, it will be different," Mosi said.

Although they are not instructors, they can teach people not to hide.

Shen Qianshu has a high talent, and there should be a surprise result in a year or two.

Monica, "According to the time of the previous year, it should be a month later, they have to speed up, and there is not much time left for us. From this island, we have to find a way to send letters to the majors, even if they are only words. Row."

Moses is silent.

Black Rose is too vigilant, the internal system of the firewall, they are not information soldiers, and can not break through, it is difficult to pass the message, Mosi said, "I will find a way."

The two were silent for a moment, grilled the meat and put it in the bag.

"You rest, I will keep it, two hours of rotation."

Monica nodded and went to the side, looking for a dry place, lying down and sleeping.

Two hours later, Mosi wakes her up, the two rotate, and the sky is slightly brighter.

When Shen Qianshu woke up, Mosi was awake, and she blinked. "Can you go down the mountain?"

"We have to stay in the mountains for one more night."

Shen Qianshu, "Girls, acting according to plan is the norm and virtue of our lives."

Is this ghost place sure to stay one more night?

"We like to change the plan as much as we want," Monica said, rubbing the barrel.

Shen Qianshu checked his equipment and accepted his life.

A few people went out of the cave and went to the mountains. Monica and Moses taught Shen Qianshu to lay traps in the forest. Some hunters had traps and murder traps were taught to her. Shen Qianshu also learned very seriously. .

(End of this chapter)

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