Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1033: Magical girl is a bit fierce

Chapter 1033 Magical Girl is a bit fierce

Mosi shook his head. "No, the selection of black roses can't be manipulated, because the video selected by Black Rose is played to all the black rose elders. The door owner can't do it alone. There will be special people to control it. ""

Shen Qianshu, "I don't understand."

Monica said, "They can change the temperature, humidity, and bullet trajectory here."

Shen Qianshu said, "So, as long as it does not violate the regulations, it will not be executed."


Monica said, "This scene is very good and has a shocking effect. No one dares to hit your idea in these few days. We have won three days. After three days, the equipment is estimated to have everyone. ""

Shen Qianshu was silent for a moment.

She thought that the selection of black roses was a desert island massacre.

However, all this is much more complicated than the Holocaust.

Moses asked, "Are you scared?"

Shen Qianshu shook his head, "scared."

Monica said, "Then you have to hold back, don't really scare the urine, this sun is so big, there is no place to take a bath, no clothes to change, if you pee, this taste can be smoked."

Mosi said, "You can't make up your brain."

Shen Qianshu was said to be red-faced. "Don't say it."

How disgusting.

Monica said, "This is a reasonable assumption."

Shen Qianshu wanted to hit her. Several people said that they found a bathroom. They looked at each other. Shen Qianshu pressed the toilet and the water rushed down. The three quickly entered the bathroom and solved personal problems.

"So humanized."

"You think about the girl who was blown into pieces."

Shen Qianshu is silent.

The night is coming.

The ruined city, providing electricity, they were surprised to find that this is a city, although it was ruined, even the hotel, many people stayed in a hotel, after the day's shock, no one dared to shoot.

They all understand that shooting again is just a suicide.

Can not kill Shen Qianshu.

You can't do it all together.

Shen Qianshu Monica and Mosi lived in a room and were hanged a brand. Someone, don’t bother, and lived next door soon. The hotel is very human, with a one-time change of laundry, cleansing girl Shen Qianshu Gritted teeth, took a shower, changed clothes, immediately washed his clothes and put them on the balcony to dry.

I don’t take a bath for a few days, dead mice, and dead mice have eaten. In the desert, Monica and Moses, who can't move for three days, make maps. They look for equipment today and walk one-tenth of the map. .

Mosi is drawing a map.

After eating the compressed biscuits and drinking the water, Mosi and Monica slept, and put an alarm clock, got up in two hours, and suggested to Shen Qianshu, "I suggest you sleep, take action for a while, otherwise, you can't sleep all night. It is."

Shen Qianshu was exhausted and frightened. He fell asleep. When Monica and Moses shook up, people were still blurred. At 9 o'clock, they were shaken at less than twelve o'clock. anger.


“Where to go?” Shen Qianshu asked, wearing his own equipment. In order to prevent someone from stealing his equipment, Monica and Moses both brought their equipment. “So late, where to go, these days There will be no fights, no sleep at night, and good spirits?"

Monica said, "If you die, there is time to sleep."

Shen Qianshu flat mouth, the magical girl into the ruin city has become a bit fierce!

(End of this chapter)

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