Chapter 1074

Shen Qianshu asked, "How did she die?"

Mosi said, "She is seriously injured. This is a basic medicine. It is estimated that the infection is dead, the weather is hot, and in the jungle, it is a basic medicine. She is not properly treated."

Her death is expected.

Monica said, "There is one more person."

Suddenly, an ammunition, not far from the cave, splashed countless gravel, Shen Qianshu hit a horizontal, scavenged his M4, and with Monica, Mosi back to back, intends to fight.

Time passed by.

Everything is calm.

After a bullet, there is endless calm, no one shoots again, and no one comes to check.

Cher said, "Is there anyone?"

“No!” said the girl. “No one is outcropping.”

Monica squatted on the floor and listened to what was in her ear. Shen Qianshu looked at her inexplicably. Moses and Monica looked at each other and said, "A lot of movement."

"What the hell?"

"Someone is carving the tunnel."


Monica and Moses got up and were far away from them, so the sound was heard, it was shallow, but it was judged. The periphery of this selection seemed to be someone.

"What is Cher doing?" Shen Qianshu was puzzled. She was wasting ammunition. There was a shot here and there was no shot. No one was accurate and no one knew where they were.

"The ammunition is sufficient, afraid of anything."

Suddenly, the hovering of the helicopter sounded.

A helicopter flew over the top of the jungle, Shen Qianshu and Monica. Moshi looked at the air, the helicopter did not fly high, and several armed people sat at the hatch.

Shen Qianshu thought that the helicopter would drop the materials, or sent the people out, but the helicopter, so they flew away.

"I saw the black rose." Shen Qianshu said, she just used a telescope to see the helicopter. She saw the black rose. She was on the helicopter. Shen Qianshu could not wait to have a stinger missile to shoot her.

"What is she going to do?" Moses frowned.

Monica said, "It is not a good thing to increase the difficulty."

What good can this be?

Shen Qianshu said, "Is she not always watching us play?"

Night falls.

Far away, I suddenly rose up a bright light, like fireworks, and like something else. It was very regular and took off three times. The view here is better, and I am flat.

The major is nearby.

Monica and Moshi looked at each other with a sense of stability. This is their personal contact code. Although it is weak, it can be understood. The most important thing now is how to find it.

They are afraid of having a monitor and can't say anything.

In the town.

The teenager held the fireworks and played with several children. The fireworks played by the children were not high, the fireworks were very beautiful, and they were very unique in the night. A jeep ran across and almost knocked the children. , down two heavily armed people.

"Whoever allows you to put fireworks, who will let you put fireworks!" The man was awkward.

The children were frightened, almost cried and huddled together. The teenager was pointed at the gun and scared his legs soft. He said hurriedly, "Today is our holiday, a holiday, and we have fireworks."

In the town, a group of women and children also gathered, although they were afraid but constantly explained.

The armed men confiscated all their fireworks and threatened to say, "No fireworks are allowed, or you will be killed."

(End of this chapter)

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