Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1531: Playing time is up

Chapter 1531 plays the time

Sapling: Son, Mommy, sorry for you!

Shen Qianshu single-mindedly thought about how to abduct the night to eat, and neglected his little cute son. Fortunately, he was born, and now he is also psychologically strong. If he is really adopted, he is as sensitive as he used to be. Little pity.

system hint.

Little cute quit the group.

Gu Chun: Prostitute, your son has gone.

Sapling: Dad, I am driving, you call him, or pick him up in the past.

Gu Si: You actually drove to the night tomb, he has no hands and feet?

Sapling: Don't make trouble!

She also called her son. As she expected, the son didn't pick up. It was really angry. The night Ling snorted. It seemed to guess what happened and called Ada.

"The address sent your mobile phone, and sent the children's picture, I said I have already notified you in the afternoon."


A dad went to take the lead.

Shen Qianshu glanced at him curiously, and the night tomb took her to brush the child's good feelings. The sun came out from the west.

"Look at what I do? Look at the road!"

"Oh, oh, oh..." almost a red light.

"You are handsome." Shen Qianshu said with a smile, oh, the night cemetery is getting more and more smouldering. She also knows how to care for her son's small heart. She is so happy, she blocked it for an hour and a half on the road. Their little cute family has already chatted with the grown-ups, and saw the night tombs rushing over the thighs of the night tomb, giving Shen Qianshu a white eye.

Shen Qianshu, "..."

The night mason did not have the same finger as the head of the child painting, pushing him away, and endured the thighs and doglegs of the children's paintings. "Hey, you are super handsome today."

"Yeah." The night mausoleum reached out and licked the head of the child's painting, and it could even be said to be mild.

Shen Qianshu secretly, Mr. Xinji, used her to brush the good feelings of the children's paintings, and used the children's paintings to brush the good feelings of his family. After a while, her family would be embarrassed, and the children's paintings would go into battle.

Children are good to lie.

"Parents, brother, the road is a bit blocked."

Lin Xiaojuan laughed and said nothing. Anyway, she intended to be a background board. She did not intend to come. Gu Xie had to pull her. On this occasion, she came a little embarrassed and her name was not right.

Fang Hongshou looked at the night tombs are all loving.

The night mausoleum and Anfeier are not very similar, but more like the night family, but they do not hinder the love of Fang Hongshou for him. The thoughts of An Feier, the night mausoleum seems to be reborn in an afternoon. I politely greeted everyone.

"Uncle, uncle, this is a little gift that I bring, not a tribute."

Shen Qianshu’s heart was in a row.

Lying, lying, role playing time?

Do you play so much?

You scared me like this.

Children's paintings have also been scared.

Is this my embarrassment?

The night mausoleum has worn several gifts, and the name has been attached to the heart. Lin Xiaojuan also has all the jewelry, which is a very unhearted gift, but it looks good. Gu Chun and Fang Hong sleeve are a pair of diamond rings. Some brothers are watches, some are cufflinks, Lin Xiaojuan is a diamond bracelet, ready to be quite intimate, square red sleeves also have a set of jade jewelry, jade pendant, earrings and bracelets, which is in line with her temperament.

The gift is not ready to go, it can be quite appropriate, Gu Chun can not escape a little problem, after all, it is their home to make a meal, time rush, night Ling can be prepared like this, it is considered good.

(End of this chapter)

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