Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1559: Have revenge

Chapter 1559 has revenge

Losing him, he still has no gentleman. He knew that he was pretending. He had already eaten and wiped it out. He still had a gentlemanly manner. Unfortunately, was he also very sorry?

Mu Yuan is full of a cup. "This cup is to respect our friendship. If you say that I am married, you will be the best man. As a result, you will get married first, not righteous..."

"Do not drink this cup." The night mausoleum said faintly, "You must be able to get married, you are early, don't envy."

Mu Yuan, "..."

Mu Yuan put the glass in front of Jack, "You go!"

Jack holds a glass of white wine, Alexander, let him undercover, fly, anti-terrorism, there is no horror in front of this glass of white wine, but this is rarely eaten, it is something weird.

Major, are you serious?

"As a family member, I mean it..." I was kicked after I finished the game. "Be the first!"

Jack is a Jack, even if he doesn't like to drink, like poison, he pinches his nose and drinks.

The night maze face is as white as paper, Shen Qianshu said, "You can be too much as a best man."

"Not too much, not too much, little meaning."

Shen Qianshu smiled and looked at the night, twenty-four filial piety brothers, watching you show, twenty-four filial brothers do not help today, this is the bridegroom's work, the night tomb has not waited for Shen Qianshu to arrange, a breath will be bored.

Everyone applauded, and Mu Yuan poured a full cup and gave it to the night court. "It's your turn."

"Brother, congratulations on your marriage!"

The night court is also a bit boring, all of them are desperate to be drunk in the night, and the night is also a dark thought, they have not seen what his brother is drunk, will it go crazy.

I am looking forward to it!

The clock is burning, and the big and the young are a real person. Even though he is still stiff, he has calculated it. He has almost drunk a few bottles of white wine. It is definitely the most confused. You let Noah come out.

Frighten them!

The night mausoleum was at this table, very honest, and drank six glasses of white wine. Lin Xiaojuan stood behind Shen Qianshu and kicked her. She looked at the dishes, my sister, I couldn’t change the wine. Master Mu Yuan sent a special soldier to watch. !

Shen Qianshu, "..."

What hate hate?

"Ah, enough, enough, almost on the line." Shen Qianshu hurried out to play the round field, by the way, to the night and the night court, you will be careful of your own eyes, let them experience, and then leave with the night tomb, and How many tables should be toasted, who knows that the night tomb has taken a few steps.

The body swayed, slammed, and fell to the ground straight!

Everyone, "..."

"Sir, sir..."

Shen Qianshu was shocked. The night Ling felt the most confused. Shen Qianshu thought that he had seen a lot of alcohol on the Internet recently, and then died, and he was scared of a cold sweat.

Mu Yuan, "..."

The best mans all looked at Mu Yuan with condemnation, and all of them were the appearance of your fault.

Jack said, "You have a good time too."

The people touched a nose silently.

Mu Yuan is not a special soldier, but also very refreshing. In the past, he used the night to bring the night mausoleum to the princess and went back. The night mausoleum was drunk, not loaded. Mu Yuan’s amount of alcohol was his heart, drinking some wine. Will not enter the hospital, after all, they are not the first day to get along.

Zhong burning said, "The big and the young are too honest, I thought he was drunk, deliberately too lazy to socialize with you, I did not expect to really drunk, can, cute..."

"Your year-end award is gone," Shen Qianshu said.

Bell burning, "..."


Little fairies, wake up with a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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