Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1596: Little brother is a big liar

Chapter 1596, Xiao Erge is a big liar

The night court said, "Brother, you are still married, I will deal with this matter. I was blind recently at the beginning of the night, and I lost my memory. It should not be so noisy. I have time to go to Chu, I am staring. Just fine."

Night Ling thought for a moment, "Contact me at any time."

"it is good!"

At the beginning of the night, I blinked, a little fuzzy, and there was still darkness in front of her eyes. She shouted at the night court and said, "Night court, night court, where have you been?"

She stroked the bed and was a soft bed.

Helen had already transferred the agent. The night court was still in the study room. Helen came over and smiled. "At the beginning of the night, hello, I am Helen, who is taking care of you, and two are talking about things. what do you want."

At the beginning of the night, she was blushing, her hands rubbed into the bed, she was blind, and Helen was more reassured.

A blind girl is not a threat to her.

Also because of the size of the body.

The girl in Europe and America, developed at the age of fourteen or five, is particularly mature. The girl in the East is different. At the age of nineteen, she is petite, short, and stunted. In Helen’s eyes, she is a minor. She watches the night. At the beginning of the first 12-year-old appearance, with the eyes of Westerners, it is inevitable to see her as a sister.

"I am here to help you, what do you want?" Helen is like a big sister.

\'"I... I am in a hurry." said at the beginning of the night.

Helen, "..."

Although it is a younger sister, can you urinate and shout two less, is it too much? Helen put up a smile and came over to help her. "I will help you to go to the bathroom."

Helen took the opportunity to touch her waist and her waist was very thin.

Also took a look at her chest, the chest is flat.

Look at yourself again and be very confident.

At the beginning of the night, a person groped into the bathroom. Sorry to be in the face of a stranger, Helen also retired. At the beginning of the night, he tried to scream, and he felt embarrassed. He stayed in the bathroom and was defeated.

Where did the night court go?

Are they back in New York?

Why do you want a strange woman to take care of her.

Is it cumbersome to pick her up?

Helen knocked on the door and said at the beginning of the night, "Okay."

At the beginning of the night, I sat on the sofa. "I want to sleep in the night."

Don't be this woman, she is not used to it.

\'"Two have to work, Miss Nye, what do you need, I will meet you, you just have to say it to me."

"I don't want you, you are not in the night." Shouted at the beginning of the night, "I want my brother, you go away."

Inexplicable do not like strangers, even if Wei Lin is good, always better than a stranger, her eyes are dark, stand up and have to explore to go outside, Helen is not very happy.

Even a younger sister is too self-willed, and clearly said that two are at work.

Helen had no choice but to help her in the past. "Miss at the beginning of the night, if you are hungry, I am going to prepare you for food. You must be sensible, don't bother with two, or you will send you away, not you." ”

At the beginning of the night, "..."

Don't want her?

Send away?

Where are you going to send?

She doesn't know anyone, doesn't the night court say that she won't bully her?

con man!

big liar!

At the beginning of the night, I walked out with anger, and shouted as I walked. "Night court, night court, where are you? Night court..."

She shouted to the end, almost screaming, inexplicably panic, she finally wanted to believe in the night court, listen to his words, believe that he will not bully her, and he will send her away.

big liar!


Today's update is over, try to update it a little earlier tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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