Chapter 1608 is ready to go

"You came to participate in the international mission this time, just to arrest me, right, because I have very important clues in my hand, can help you to clear up the traitor, Xiaoyuan, you think so beautiful, this resource I don't Use, I will come out in vain, you are too small to see me."

Mu Yuan frowned, "You are not worthy of being a soldier, Lin Songye, Yin and Yang reincarnation, time has not arrived."

Lin Songye kicked his chest in his chest, and Mu Yuan’s internal organs were all hurt. A man’s mercenary came over and pulled away Lin Songye. “It’s almost done, we need him to live.”

Lin Songye frowned and went away. The head of the mercenary asked, "Is he too calm?"

"Who do you think he is, the son of Mu Jianxin, do you think of it as an ordinary major?" Lin Songye sneered, this kind of capital, with the background of the second generation of the military, even if it is the same starting point, it climbs much faster than them. It is.

Young, already a major.

How many people have reached the age of thirties and have not been awarded the title of a colonel.

What is he based on?

This rich family is the most despised of them.

It can be biased, this is a second generation with real materials.

Mu Yuan was detained by four people. The mercenaries did not give him some food. The night was damp. The insects bite several bags on him. Mu far endured half a night.

What are they going to do?

The lights in the main tent are constantly lit up. It seems that there is something to discuss. It is fierce. I can hear about Morgan and Jack. Mu Yuan thinks of the news brought by Shan Ning, but the mood is precipitated.

Will Jack come?

He will!

Mu Yuan closed his eyes slightly, he will come!

The humanoid guide dog Xiao Erge played with the first day of the night, and took the night to the park playground to sit on the carousel. He couldn’t see it at the beginning of the night, sitting on the carousel, and the younger brother ran along the carousel to her. Recording the video, one day her eyes will be clear, and she will see how she passed during this time. She listened to the voice of the child at the beginning of the night and felt very safe in her heart.

Coco vomited indifferently.


Not saved!

It turns out that two are a pedophile.


At the beginning of the night, I liked the carousel very much. After sitting for a long time, I felt that I was enough until I got to the night. A child said, "You are so big, Miss, you have to be uncle, shame and shame."

Night court, "..."

"Uncle?" He paused and smiled very kindly. "Call your brother."

It is a very kind smile. The child shrank a little and was a little scared. The night court said, "Call your brother, buy ice cream for you."

"Brother, you are handsome."

The child got a chocolate ice cream as a reward.

I was very envious at the beginning of the night.

"I want to eat too."

"No." Xiao Erge said, "You have eaten two today, you promised me, can't eat the third."

"I have regretted it."

"Being a credibility."

"Oh..." The little apple is not happy. There are many people in the playground. She walks slyly. The night court squats and hugs her and runs forward. "Go, my brother will take you to play other things."

"Wow..." Being held in his arms, the little apple with a sense of security instantly forgot his dissatisfaction, and his emotions were carried by Xiao Erge.

Wei Lin called coco. "Let the second come back, Miss Mu Yuan is missing, and he needs to stare."

When the night court received the news, it was having fun at the beginning of the night.

"Is it missing?" The night face stunned and looked at the beginning of the night. "I know, tell Welin, I will be back soon."



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(End of this chapter)

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