Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1657: Little Apple's sense of crisis

Chapter 1657 Small Apple's sense of crisis

They make fun of teasing, but they are two, a double doctor, a big president, and a day-to-day manager. It takes two hours to accompany them in the afternoon, to teach at the beginning of the night, and to spend three hours at night to accompany them. Notes, the real reading is sleeping like a dead pig.

What is this?

class has ended.

At the beginning of the night, I was very comfortable. I also rubbed my eyes. I used a pen on the night court to mark some places that I didn’t understand. I planned to go back and sort out some things and consolidate some knowledge points.

On the way back, Welin asked, "Two less, you..."

"Hey." The night court was a bit of an index finger. "I was sleeping at the beginning of the night, a little noise."

Wei Lin, "..."

For a while, I was asleep at the beginning of the night, and I asked at night, "What are you just asking?"

"You are poisoned," Welline said.


Wellin said, "Nothing, great."

Going back at the beginning of the night, I still listened to the recording pen in the class very seriously. Although I can't see the notes, I will repeat it to her in the evening. For several days in a row, this is the state. This combination has attracted the teacher's idea.

The age of the Orientals has always been a secret in the eyes of Westerners.

For example, the night court is super young, and at the beginning of the night, it looks very small. The teacher is also unpredictable. It is the brother who brought his sister to study, or Dad took his daughter to study.

One thing is certain, it must be a nightly reading, and it is necessary to sleep at night.

It looks like my brother is taking my sister.

However, Westerners think that it is extremely rare for a brother to bring a younger sister. It may be that the night court is well maintained and brings a little daughter.

"This classmate, in fact, has a day shift, you can come to work during the day, let your daughter rest at home, not so hard."

Night court, "..."

What are you doing?

Professor, have you misunderstood what?

"It’s really hard to take care of your daughter and study again."

Night court, "..."

The professor has a long-term focus and likes students who are so sincere. "If you need special help, you can tell the teacher that the teacher can help you one-on-one."

Night court, "..."

The night court pointed to myself and pointed to the beginning of the night. We look like fathers and daughters?

You are not awkward.

"Teacher, you misunderstood, this is me..." He was about to say his sister. He had a small yawn at the beginning of the night and woke up, "Is it going to class?"

How did the teacher not lecture?

The teacher looked at the look of the night court, and I couldn't bear it. I thought that this father was too inspirational. In order to read more, I still bring my daughter. I must go to work during the day, work at night, be too inspirational, and can't help myself. To give this example, encourage students to struggle and work harder.

The outside of the dark guard laughed into a bunch of silly.


"At the beginning of the night, we ask for personal training." The night court said that it was too shameful. After a week of class, the teacher was touched. He was obviously only a companion.

I also received love letters from most of the girls in the class, small notes or something.

Said at the beginning of the night, "Good!"

She also doesn't like the little goblins who seduce the night court. She hasn't seduce it yet. All of them are beautiful long legs. They can't add their own rivals. She has a sense of crisis.

"I want to... a male teacher." At the beginning of the night, "the one that is rough and muscular."

The night court narrowed his eyes. "Do you say it again?"


Today's update is over, the little fairies ask for a monthly ticket! ! ! Every day, writing a small apple and a younger brother are super happy.

(End of this chapter)

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