Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1682: You fall in love with the night court昀

Chapter 1682, you fall in love with the night court昀

When the night court arrived, he received a car accident at the beginning of the night. He was robbed by unknown people. The first thing he thought of was Bruce. Besides Bruce, who would try his best to steal the night.

If Bruce took away the beginning of the night, he may have never seen the beginning of the night again. The night court was in a hurry, and he resisted the temper of Xiaoju and personally took people to investigate the scene.

There was a little blood left at the beginning of the night, but nothing left.

She is bleeding.

The heart of the night court was slightly tight. "At the beginning of the night, my eyes couldn't be seen. Bruce took her. I couldn't walk too far. I searched the six blocks here for me. I was not allowed to hurt her."


The traffic here is not developed. It is not difficult to find someone. What does Bruce say to the beginning of the night? Will he take it hard at the beginning of the night, who will believe in the early night?

Will she believe in Bruce?

He won't let it go at the beginning of the night.

Xiaoju has the heart to want to confess the situation, and can't be honest with the eyes of the night court. You can do it almost at the beginning of the night. Don't overdo it, or we will be dead.

Small warehouse.

Bruce and the early days of the night stalemate, Bruce is angry. "Why do you have to go back and retaliate against the night court, I have a better way, I have already negotiated conditions with one of his enemies, and the night court will definitely pay for it." The price, you don't have to go back."

"I want to go back!" said at the beginning of the night, "You are too young to watch the night court. He is smarter than you think. How can you retaliate? It is your business. How can I retaliate, it is my business, and you." Nothing."

She has to personally avenge her.

"A early, you are crazy, can you fall in love with the night court?"

"Are you crazy?" I looked at him incredulously at the beginning of the night. "I want to fall in love with the night court. You make the little six love, I will never fall in love with the night court."

Bruce's look was flat, but she still looked at her unbelievably. "Achu, you listen to me, we go back to the sea, revenge, I will do it."

"I refuse." Don't open his eyes at the beginning of the night, insist on his own opinion, she is a very stubborn person, and who can't change the things that have been decided, "Bruce, let's go."

"Achu." Bruce drunk, looks like a devil, "I won't let you go back."

He always has a hunch. If she is allowed to go back, he will lose the beginning of the night forever. This feeling is very strong and cannot be said.

"Bruce, you can give it a try, can you stop me!" At the beginning of the night, I stood up, took a few steps, and turned around irritably. "You don't understand the night court, you look for his enemies, a little. Nothing is useful."

"Then how do you revenge, you and him hug every day, this is revenge?" Bruce yelled.

"You keep track of me?"

"Is it guilty?"

"I have any guilty conscience, even if I am really hugged with the night court, then what, I am sorry who? I am not married, I have no intention of being a person, three have not promised who, my own body, I I can decide, if I want to hug with the night court, go to bed, it’s my own business, I don’t need anyone to approve.”

"You..." Bruce's neck was violent, and he had such a fierce quarrel for the first time at the beginning of the night. "You really fell in love with the night court."

(End of this chapter)

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