Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories

Chapter 1888: Everyday family

Chapter 1888 The Daily Life of a Family

At the beginning of the night, the attitude of studying was extremely serious. When I learned Chinese, I started to learn Chinese. I bought a thick Chinese dictionary. Her Chinese is only simple, and the foundation is very poor. The night court gave her a set of primary textbooks. Let her learn slowly, and take time out to coach her at night.

In her free time, she went to the crew to play with the children's paintings, and occasionally went to the evening to accompany his class reunion, friends gathering, and the time was very full. At the beginning of the night, I was still familiar with the last few celebrities. I pulled a group on the Internet, and I was specializing in the night of the night. Anyway, the crime of pedaling two boats at night could not be washed away.

Xiaoju said that the group must say that the group is the same. At the beginning of the night, I am embarrassed to say three silly words, but the three silly people will directly take her mobile phone to watch the chat record, and secretly put the most embarrassing few on the note. It is.

This is too much.

After breaking up, can't play happily or black, isn't it?

"They are all black, indicating that you are really a little problem."

"Small two, have you been betrayed so quickly?"

"I am not a country with you."

"Do you still want me to say a few words to help you in front of my grandmother?"

"Small second brother said no, I don't have to deal with your grandmother, and I don't live together in the future. If I offend, I will offend, and there is no need to ask her to like it. I think it makes sense."

Night, "..."

His two brothers are all wives and wives without a lower limit. It is too despised.

"But he is our grandmother after all, you don't give a face, isn't it?"

"Small second brother said, I am so flattering, do not like me, are their problems, not my business, you do not need to give me a few words."

Night, "..."

Very silent, what should I do?

Two live treasures who can not convince anyone, children's paintings feel that their silly white sweet alliance will be internally disintegrated, hurriedly played in the group, and soon took the flying night, replacing the position of the night court, taking her to play A The city is famous for its attractions.

A few people can quickly come together to play together, stinky, and at the beginning of the night and Shen Qianshu spit, the children's painting sister technology is really good, go to the amusement park to win the girls, red eyes, chasing brother, very powerful.

Shen Qianshu, "This is... don't tell me."

Very shameful!

I feel like I have to raise a son who is focused on the wind and snow. What should I do?

In such a hot and lively atmosphere, it was soon on New Year's Eve. The night court also really said that the night Mausoleum had a New Year's Eve in New Year's Eve. The night Mausoleum had not spent the New Year's Eve in the big house for many years. The relationship for him is only the night and the night. This year’s rare reunion, the night court is also a good thing to find a sweetheart. It’s a good thing. I don’t know how Shen Qianshu persuaded him. He heard that the night maid agreed to come together on New Year’s Eve, and the night court and the night were happy.

For the sake of all kinds of reasons, their three brothers have not gathered together for the New Year's Eve. The night court and the night are all old night ladies, and the New Year is almost in the big house. The spirits of the mausoleum were not good, most of them were in Paris. Usually their brothers spent a few years in the big house and went to Paris to accompany the night tomb.

Or first in New Year's Eve in Paris and the Night Mausoleum, New Year's Eve is sure to return to the mansion.

There are quite a lot of nights, and there are many things on New Year's Eve. I started preparing for the ancestors early in the morning. The night house is built behind the mansion. Shen Qianshu is also the first time to come to the night house, looking at the past row of spirits. The incense is always available all year round. The mother of the night mausoleum is not in the ancestral hall. Shen Qianshu thinks that Anfeier will not care.

The night Ling is willing to come here to represent the things of the year. He has already let go of his illness. His illness has already been relieved. These messy grievances cannot be said to be the fault of everyone. Everyone has all kinds of reasons. It’s not the same unspeakable, it’s gradually a mess, a one-size-fits-all, one hundred is the best.

After the sacrifice of the ancestors, they have to go to the grave. The cemetery is a little far away. The whole family has to go to the grave. Although some things have been released, the night mausoleum will not sweep the grave to the old man. He directly ignores it. He does not even want to see the old man. Just sitting in the car, if he doesn't go, Shen Qianshu will not go, just throw the children's paintings to the night court, let him take the children's paintings to go to the column and finish.

At the beginning of the night, I was not a night family, nor did I sit in another car. I sat down bored and saw that Shen Qianshu smiled and said nothing to the night mausoleum. The night mausoleum looked bad, and there was no popularity in cold ice. The atmosphere of the cemetery is very close. Shen Qianshu is not afraid of being hurt by him. He still smiles very brightly. He is close, and he heard the words of the night mausoleum, "boring."

"What is boring, you are the most boring." Shen Qianshu's natural words, screaming tirelessly in his ear, "Go, go, you look, you are not gregarious, As long as you go home from work every day to go home to work, children are drawn, life is too boring, follow me, we have to dry up, do not know."

At the beginning of the night, I looked at the cold night owl and didn't go over it. I don't know if it was her illusion. It seemed to see that the night ridge had turned a white eye, but she thought that such a fairy would not do this kind of unnatural movement. .

"At the beginning of the night, come and come..." Shen Qianshu saw the early night, happily beckoning, there was no problem between the two, and the footsteps came briskly at the beginning of the night, but when I approached, I felt that the night mausoleum was not good, she Suspicion.

Shen Qianshu seems to have felt it. He touched it on the ear of the night. "Oh, feudal parents, don't scare the little girl."

The little girl showed a very awkward smile at the beginning of the night. What did she do wrong?

The night mausoleum and the night court are similar in appearance, and the five senses are similar. They stand together but are easy to distinguish. She is not afraid of the night court, but inexplicably stays up the night, dare not too close, try to stand in the Shen Qianshu On the right side, Shen Qianshu blocked the eyes of the night mausoleum.

Just like a mouse saw a cat.

"Don't be afraid of him. He looks like a second uncle. You are not afraid of the second uncle."

"Not the same." He whispered at the beginning of the night.

Shen Qianshu said, "We are negotiating for a while. We are too boring in the big house. If we go to the top of the mountain, let's go to the top of the mountain. I have prepared a tent with the children's painting. Let's go to the tent to keep the age and watch the sunrise?" ”

"Okay, okay..." It is very fun to listen to. Of course, she is a Frenchman. It is not very important for New Year's Eve. After Xiaokee's science, she knows that it is the most important reunion festival in China. It’s fun to play the tent and keep listening.

Shen Qianshu is a funny person. Many people who are bored can be brought up by her. The life is rich and colorful. "We can also set up a tent and get a barbecue. The materials are all ready. I have already sent them up the mountain. Anyway, this meal. In the night house, everyone will not eat enough."

There are night leopards, and there is a shortage of night gardens.

The silence of the night was interrupted for a moment, interrupting her enthusiasm, "the forest banned fire."

Shen Qianshu is dark and old-fashioned!

"This is a private hill, not a country. Doesn't the night house have shares? There are people in the barbecue at home. If you manage such a wide job, I have already sorted out the open space, and the dead leaves are all cleaned up. In order to prevent accidents, I will say hello to the fire, the sprinklers are all ready, not afraid of the fire?"

Night Mausoleum, "..."

You are all prepared to be so full, and ask me what to do?

Shen Qianshu and the first day of the night, "Hey, the two uncles must agree, and the ones and the children's paintings will certainly not object. The whole family will oppose you, the minority will obey the majority, and you will oppose invalidity. Remember that when labor, materials I have not moved up the mountain. ""

The top of the mountain can't drive directly. It can only go on foot. It takes more than half an hour to go on foot. It is a steep mountain. It takes half an hour to climb up the mountainside of the night. It is natural to find a man as a coolie. I can't let the girls like flowers be cool.

The night Ling silently, it is the default, Shen Qianshu knows that he will agree, this program is very fun to see at a glance, everything is ready.

After sweeping the tomb, it was full of mighty. The night leopard also spit the night tomb to sweep the tomb and refused to come to the cemetery. It was just to be a thousand trees and a child-painting driver. He was not a night family member, but also a reunion dinner.

The child's painting stretched out his foot and deliberately stunned him. He almost wrestled, and the children's painting apologized without sincerity. "Sorry, my uncle, I didn't mean it."

He paused. "Our family is doing things. It’s always a matter of sending representatives. You see that I sent me to be a representative, isn’t it?"

He is still more intelligent than a heart, and the night leopard is going to ascend to heaven.

After sweeping the tomb, I started to prepare dinner. It was afternoon. The night house was not so busy for a long time. Even Feifei came back. Of course, the night house and Lu family were completely noisy. The night Feifei came back alone, her husband and children. Without it, she and the night leopard can't change her taste. Now, if she can't make any splashes, she will say two words that are not painful.

Shen Qianshu couldn't pick any stabs here and began to pick up the night. The night Feifei deliberately praised a few famous ladies. The irony couldn't get on the table at the beginning of the night, but she said it was very energetic. The old lady was helpless because she was at the beginning of the night. Hey, the apple is listening very hard, simply can't understand!

She didn't know if this girl really didn't understand or was innocent.

Shen Qianshu felt that she could laugh for a year in this picture, and Feifei himself was very European.

Although there is a bit of a slogan, each has its own mind. After a large red envelope has been issued in the night court, each of them has a little bit of a penny. A large red envelope is really a big red envelope. He took the dividend for half a year and extracted 2 percent. Ten, as a night education fund, that is to say, the children of the night can enjoy this education fund, at least to ensure that everyone receives higher education, opportunities for further study abroad, which means that will not be hungry died.

The night leopard is not greedy, miss has a lot of dividends for a year, even if it takes 20% of the half a year has been very impressive, he was cut off by the night tomb, and there is no real power. Everyday he enjoys nothing, and his wife is strict. The brain of this fund has been mobilized to manage the fund.

Night Feifei is not willing to let go of this bonus, Lujia is not good, and if the river is not divorced, she will have money in the future, and the two will be red-faced.

The night is amazing.


Originally, the two uncles and aunts were unanimous in the alliance. The three brothers were not afraid, but there would always be some cold words to listen to, and this would have disintegrated their alliance from the inside.

Finally, the night leopard, night Feifei and the night a common supervision fund.

Mutual supervision.

Night, "..."

Say, I am just a rice worm?

The meal was really not very happy to eat. Everyone was pressed against the temper on New Year's Eve, and it didn't happen. The night tomb did not say a whole sentence, eating slowly, as if it were a delicious dish. But he was sitting there as the deterrent of the head of the family. He didn't talk, and the rest of the people had less words. At the beginning of the night, one who loved to eat felt that the food was not known and secretly sneaked under the feet.

The second brother sneaked back and the two played.

Very naive.

Almost silent, a New Year's Eve reunion dinner, it is no wind and no waves to eat, no one has trouble, dinner and dessert for two hours, night leopard and other people have eaten dinner and left.

Shen Qianshu also organized other programs, went to the top of the mountain barbecue, and also invited the old lady, the old lady who had the energy and their young people, went back directly to the house, ignoring Shen Qianshu.

Anyway, in her mind, Shen Qianshu is definitely not the best candidate for a long-distance, but the background of the people's identity is thick, and there is no way.

The night mausoleum, the night court jingle cool, charcoal fire, barbecue ingredients all the way to the mountain, in order to facilitate the convenience, Shen Qianshu installed four huge bags, their brothers and one hand a bag is very difficult to go up the mountain.

The night and the children's paintings sing and dance all the way, you chase me, not behind them or in front of them.

The night tomb grinds the molars.

Forget it, it’s all ancestors.

Shen Qianshu and the beginning of the night, take some sauces and fruits, drinks, not too heavy. The night court said, "I don't see two nephews taking drinks, I used to help."

At night, I took the children's picture and hugged it. "I am holding a child's picture."

Night court, "..."

"you win!"

The child painted a leg and yelled at him. "You have to be shameless."

The tent had already been moved in, and I had three tents. I ordered it at the beginning of the night and I was sure. "How about three tents?"

"The tents are very heavy. They carry them up for two people. It is enough to live. I live with the night tomb. You live with one of the two uncles. One person and one child can live in one. Three tents are enough."

At the beginning of the night, I was confused, and when the night court realized that she was going to say something, it was too late to stop.

At the beginning of the night, "Why should I sleep with a younger brother in a tent? We all sleep separately."

Shen Qianshu, "..."

Night, "..."

Child painting, "Amount... Hey!"

Night Mausoleum, "Oh!"

The sound of the night tomb is particularly meaningful. It is almost the same as Shen Qianshu and the night. The look of the night is a really useless look. The night court feels that this scene has refreshed the most embarrassing scene in his history.

At the beginning of the night, she was always confused. She was always ignorant of the world and the things of men and women. When everyone looked at the night court with a word of inconsistency, she felt inexplicably that her ears burned, as if she felt a little subtle. She didn’t seem to be like this. Ashamed to say, is she embarrassing her little brother?

The atmosphere is quite awkward, and the little fairies who have always been good at adjusting the atmosphere and talking and chatting have felt that their emotional affair is not known for a while. I didn’t know how to come back. I ran with a bunch of materials at the beginning of the night.

Everyone, "..."

At night, "Two brothers, you can't do it, for a long time, haven't mixed up to sleep together?"

Then, do you talk about Plato's love, and kiss the high school age of Lala's small hand, can this be satisfied? Amazing.

"you shut up!"

In the evening, I took an apple and went to the beginning of the night. When I put down the material at the beginning of the night, I thought about it alone. It was really a wall-to-wall thinking. Standing in front of a stone wall, standing straight and straight, the back is revealing a few Bifurcation and annoyance come.

The night court walked over and turned around at night, his eyes were red, and the night court was shocked. "What's wrong, don't bother with the blind and they are joking."

At the beginning of the night, I lowered my head and didn't talk. The night court handed over the apple. "Do you eat apples?"

The apples that have always been loved are not able to pull back the sad little apples. The night court sighs and just wants to say something. The apples were taken away at the beginning of the night. "I don't mind what they said."

In fact, there is nothing wrong with what they said.

It is she who feels that she is too careless and always has no scorn, making her little brother embarrassed, so it is very difficult. Yes

"Why is that?" He is a relatively familiar person who knows the beginning of the night, but he is too simple at night, sometimes he can't get her idea with his thoughts, or he has to communicate more.

Playing with a small apple at the beginning of the night, sitting aside, and began to eat apples with no worries, the night court had to accompany her to sit down, waiting for her to get an apple, almost at the beginning of the night.

"Second brother, am I always confusing to make you very embarrassed?"

At the beginning of the night, I realized that I would occasionally make the night court very embarrassing, but sometimes she didn’t understand. When I was at school, my classmates said that she sometimes talked too directly. She would offend people and go home to ask the night court. He also said that you don’t depend on them for dinner, and you don’t need to develop a stable relationship with them. It’s not sinful to offend.

When people reach a height, they don’t need to consider the problem of offending people. The more people want to come to Pakistan, so she doesn’t want to grieve herself. She is very angry and laughs. She wants to say some scenes. .

Over time, the nature is difficult to change.

The night court said, "Not..."

He doesn't mind, he doesn't mind. Most of what he said at the beginning of the night is the truth. If he feels embarrassed, it must be that he pretended to overpower his head. This can blame someone, causing him to be married at the beginning of the night. Who is the illusion of marriage?

It is him!

Therefore, this has nothing to do with the beginning of the night.


"Really." The night court is not going to let the night suppress itself. What she wants to say and what she wants to do is indifferent. Anyway, she is used to it.

I don't like you, can you say this clearly, what are you afraid of?

At least until now, he has already got a favorite at the beginning of the night.

"I think you are lying to me."

"I don't lie to you." The night court smiled and said, "It's rare that you still reflect on yourself, stupid is not stupid."

He clicked on her forehead. "You have to really compensate me. I will cook a squid for me."

"Good!" Holding the claws at the beginning of the night, "I will work hard."

Therefore, the night court 吃 吃 吃 昀 昀 昀 昀 昀 昀 昀 昀 昀 昀 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜 夜In the eyes of the early hope, he could not swallow this squid like a mutated squid and hurriedly spit it out.

Can you swallow back what you said?

"Is it not good?" At the beginning of the night, she was very disappointed. She was baking with Shen Qianshu. Although Shen Qianshu’s appearance was a little different from her, she thought that the taste would be similar. It was a rare night to reward two words, cooked. .

"Not good!" The night court feels that he can't blindly abuse his stomach for love. It is a night to eat. This mountain is really unsightly, and the image is still very important.

"I am going to bake again."

"Don't..." The night court hasn't had time to stop it. At the beginning of the night, the squid is baked with great interest. The night is smashing. If you don't die, you won't die. He took a corn and gave it to her. "Corn." I like to eat corn."

Children's paintings spit, "two uncles, corn is more difficult to roast??"

The night court suddenly realized that the corn was taken over and replaced with onions. "Bake the onions."

No matter what is born or cooked, I can eat it. I am not afraid of what she baked. I nodded at the beginning of the night and took the onion seriously. The Shen Qianshu cooking is a handful. Several hand dishes are not a problem, otherwise I will not raise the children's paintings so much. Drinking milk and eating bread can not grow like this. Bake things are also unique, better than her cooking.

At night, I look at the fingers and do not touch the spring water, but the people who often hold banquets and barbecues are also masters. Besides the early days, there is really no, there is a messy child painting. In fact, everyone will bake, and the finished products are not bad. .

No matter what you bake at the beginning of the night, you can bake a hard-to-find shape. Even the onions can be baked. It is also a master. It has been broken several times. Finally, she has cooked a squid, although she forgot to put the sauce, taste Very light, the night court is really familiar with it, will not abuse his stomach, take up the lemon juice and eat it is not picky.

This barbecue was very lively, and the children’s paintings also released songs, singing songs, and the nightlings spit in a vicious manner. “It’s hard to hear.”

"You don't know how to appreciate, you have the ability, you sing one."

Shen Qianshu screamed, "Yes, you sing."

The night mausoleum shut up silently.

The barbecue was very successful. The fragrance was a few miles away. There were songs and laughter. There were a few family members on the mountain to take a walk. They all mixed up a little bit and greeted each other. It was very kind.

The night of New Year's Eve was a bit cold. I had enough to eat at the beginning of the night, wrapped in a down jacket and read a book in the tent. I baked a plate of vegetables in the night court and cut it into a small mouth and a small mouth to feed her.

"Little brother, you are amazing, you can even have a barbecue, what can you do?" She really felt very curious, he is a god, everything knows, so good, she has a look in her eyes Out of a small pink.

The night court thought about it seriously. "Is it so powerful?"


"So why don't you like me?"


Today's update is over, although there is only one more, but this is six thousand words, six is ​​more in one, I don't have a good signal in the mountain, I am afraid that the cards of one chapter and one chapter will be sent together, what? .

(End of this chapter)

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